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JobScheduler - SystemMonitorNotification files

Location: <scheduler_install>/config/notification


The XML Schema file defines which values are allowed in your XML files for the JobScheduler monitoring.

That means that to configure the JobScheduler objects you want to monitor and the System Monitor you just have to modify your SystemMonitorNotification_<MonitorSystem>.xml files but not the XML schema file.


 Configuration file for each System Monitor.

  • Specifies the delivery way to System Monitor.
  • Specifies notification for error or success conditions
  • Specifies notification to measure performance of JobScheduler objects


Configuration file for all System Monitors.

  • Specifies notification to measure performance of JobScheduler objects

This file is optional and contains the definitions of the SystemMonitorNotification / Timer elements.


SystemMonitorNotification Elements

The configuration element descriptions are organized into the following major categories:

ElementElement descriptionDescription
SystemMonitorNotificationTop Level ElementConfiguration for notifications to be sent to a system monitor.
NotificationOnce or more inside a SystemMonitorNotification elementSpecifies a system monitor notification that includes a command line invocation and the JobScheduler objects.
TimerOptional, once or more inside a SystemMonitorNotification elementPerformance measurement definition.

SystemMonitorNotification supports the following attributes:


  • attribute system_id 
    • in case of the SystemMonitorNotificationTimers.xml the value of this attribute is not important and can have any value.

      • e.g.: timers


System Monitor identifier.

See System Monitor personalization 

<SystemMonitorNotification system_id="OP5">

SystemMonitorNotification / Notification

The following elements may be nested inside a Notification element:

ElementElement descriptionDescription
NotificationMonitorOnce inside a Notification elementSpecifies the System Monitor interface that is being used for messages: either by a Plug-in Interface or by command line invocation
NotificationObjectsOnce inside a Notification elementSpecifies the Job Chain and the Timer definitions
SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor

NotificationMonitor supports the following attributes:


  • attributes service_name_on_error and service_name_on_success
    • at least one of these attributes must be configured
    • both attributes can be configured together
service_name_on_errorOptionalThis setting specifies the service that is configured in the Service Monitor for messages of job runs with errors and for job recovery messages. The service name must match the corresponding setting in the System Monitor.
service_name_on_successOptionalThis setting specifies the service that is configured in the Service Monitor for receiving informational messages on successful job runs. The service name must match the corresponding setting in the System Monitor

This setting specifies the service status code for error messages.



This setting specifies the service status code for success messages

Default: OK

<!-- Example 
OP5 NSCA Status: 
0 - OK 
3 - UNKNOWN --> 
<!-- Sending occurred errors as CRITICAL (default) --> 
<NotificationMonitor service_name_on_error="JobScheduler Monitoring Errors"> 
<!-- Sending occurred errors as WARNING --> 
<NotificationMonitor service_name_on_error="JobScheduler Monitoring Errors" service_status_on_error="1"> 

One of the following elements must be nested inside a NotificationMonitor element:

ElementElement descriptionDescription
NotificationInterfaceOptional, once inside of NotificationMonitor elementPlug-in Interface to be executed for System Monitor notification
NotificationCommandOptional, once inside of NotificationMonitor elementCommand line to be executed for System Monitor notification


SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / NotificationInterface

NotificationInterface support the following attributes:

monitor_hostRequiredThis setting specifies the host name or ip address of System Monitor host.
monitor_portRequiredThis setting specifies the TCP port that the System Monitor would listen to.

This setting specifies the password configured in the ncsa.cfg file used by NSCA.


This setting specifies the connection timeout in ms.

Default: 5000

monitor_response_timeoutOptionalThis setting specifies the NSCA response timeout in ms.

This setting specifies that the communication with the System Monitor is encrypted. By default no encryption is used.

  • NONE               - no encryption
  • XOR             - XOR encryption
  • TRIPLE_DES - use of triple des algorithm for encryption
service_hostRequiredThis setting specifies the name of the host that executes the passive check. The name must match the corresponding setting in the System Monitor.
pluginOptionalDefault: com.sos.scheduler.notification.plugins.notifier.SystemNotifierSendNscaPlugin
<NotificationInterface monitor_host="monitor_host" monitor_port="5667" monitor_encryption="XOR" service_host="service_host"><![CDATA[
SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / NotificationCommand

NotificationCommand support the following attributes:

pluginOptionalDefault: com.sos.scheduler.notification.plugins.notifier.SystemNotifierProcessBuilderPlugin
echo scheduler id=%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%, history id=%MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID%, job_chain=%MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME%(%MON_N_ORDER_ID%), step =%MON_N_ORDER_STEP_STATE%, error=%MON_N_ERROR_TEXT% > D://errors.txt
SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationObjects

One of the following elements must be nested inside a NotificationObjects element:

ElementElement descriptionDescription
JobChainOptional, once or more inside of NotificationObjects elementRestricts notifications for job chains
TimerOptional, once or more inside of NotificationObjects elementRestricts notifications for performance checks (Timer)
<SystemMonitorNotification system_id="OP5"> 
    <NotificationMonitor service_name_on_error="JobScheduler Monitoring Errors"> 
      <!-- Send the job chain error, occurrent in the "test/my_jobchain" job chain, to the "JobScheduler Monitoring Errors" service. --> 
      <JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" /> 


SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationObjects / JobChain

JobChain supports the following attributes:




Specifies the number of notifications that are sent to a System Monitor.

Default: 1


Notifications are restricted to the JobScheduler instance with the given identification. By default notifications will be sent for all JobScheduler instances that log into the same database.

Regular expression can be used.


Job chain name including possible folder names.

Regular expression can be used.

step_fromOptionalRestricts notifications for job chains to a sequence of job nodes that are specified with the step_from and step_to attributes.
step_toOptionalRestricts notifications for job chains to a sequence of job nodes that are specified with the step_from and step_to attributes.
excluded_stepsOptionalSpecifies the steps which will be excluded from the analyzing (separated by semicolon)
<JobChain notifications="2" name="test/my_jobchain"/>
<JobChain scheduler_id="scheduler_4444" />
<JobChain scheduler_id="scheduler_4444" name="^(test/my)" />
<JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" step_from="200"/>
<JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" step_to="500"/>
<JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" step_from="300" step_to="300"/>
<JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" excluded_steps="200;300"/>


SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationObjects / Timer

Timer supports the following attributes:




Specifies the number of notifications that are sent to a System Monitor.

Default: 1

nameOptionalCorresponds with Timer name setting defined in the SystemMonitorNotification / Timer element



Send timer check notification when the configured job chain contains the error notifications.

Default: false

<SystemMonitorNotification system_id="OP5"> 
    <NotificationMonitor service_name_on_error="JobScheduler Monitoring Error"> 
     Send the job chain error, occurring in the "test/my_jobchain" job chain, to the "JobScheduler Monitoring Errors" service. 
     <JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" /> 
    <NotificationMonitor service_name_on_error="JobScheduler Monitoring Performance"> 
      Sends the performance check error, occurring in the "test/my_jobchain" job chain, to the "JobScheduler Monitoring Performance" service. 
      Sends the performance check error to the "JobScheduler Monitoring Performance" service.
      Will be ignored when the "test/my_jobchain" has the job chain error (default notify_on_error = false). 
      <Timer name="my_timer" /> 
 <Timer name="my_timer"> 
    <JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" /> 


SystemMonitorNotification / Timer 

The following elements must be nested inside a Timer element:

ElementElement descriptionDescription
JobChainOnce or more inside of Timer elementRestricts notifications for job chains
MinimumOptional or once inside of Timer elementMinimum required time required for job or job chain execution. Allows script code to be executed that returns the minimum execution time required in seconds.
MaximumOptional or once inside of Timer elementMaximum allowed time required for job or job chain execution. Allows script code to be executed that returns the maximum execution time required in seconds.
<SystemMonitorNotification system_id="OP5"> 
  <Timer name="my_timer_1"> 
    <JobChain name="test/my_jobchain_1" /> 
    <Maximum><Script language="javascript"><![CDATA[1000]]></Script></Maximum> 
  <Timer name="my_timer_2"> 
    <JobChain name="test/my_jobchain_2" /> 
    <JobChain name="test/my_jobchain_3" /> 
    <Minimum><Script language="javascript"><![CDATA[500]]></Script></Minimum> 
    <Maximum><Script language="javascript"><![CDATA[1000]]></Script></Maximum> 

Timer support the following attributes:


Corresponds to Timer used in the SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationObjects / Timer element.

The name must be unique across all timers definitions.

<Timer name="my_timer">


SystemMonitorNotification / Timer / JobChain

JobChain support the following attributes:


Notifications are restricted to the JobScheduler instance with the given identification. By default notifications will be sent for all JobScheduler instances that log into the same database.

Regular expression can be used.


Job chain name including possible folder names.

Regular expression can be used.

 step_fromOptionalRestricts checks for job chains to a sequence of job nodes that are specified with the step_from and step_to attributes.
 step_toOptionalRestricts checks for job chains to a sequence of job nodes that are specified with the step_from and step_to attributes.
<JobChain scheduler_id="scheduler_4444" /> 
<JobChain scheduler_id="scheduler_4444" name="^(test/my)" /> 
<JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" step_from="200"/> 
<JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" step_to="500"/> 
<JobChain name="test/my_jobchain" step_from="300" step_to="300"/>


SystemMonitorNotification / Timer / Minimum

The following elements must be nested inside a Minimum element:

ElementElement descriptionDescription
ScriptOnce inside of Minimum elementScript code in one of the supported languages
<Timer name="my_timer">
  <Maximum><Script language="javascript"><![CDATA[1000]]></Script></Maximum>


SystemMonitorNotification / Timer / Maximum

The following elements must be nested inside a Maximum element:

ElementElement descriptionDescription
ScriptOnce inside of Maximum elementScript code in one of the supported languages
<Timer name="my_timer">
  <Minimum><Script language="javascript"><![CDATA[1000]]></Script></Minimum>


SystemMonitorNotification / Timer / Minimum|Maximum / Script

Script supports the following attributes:


Script language name

Supported languages:

  • javascript
  • ECMAScript 

 The Script element can contain:

  • a fixed value
  • a calculation based on the job/order parameters
Fixed value

A fixed value is the time allowed in seconds for the specific Minimum or Maximum definition

Example (fixed value)
  <Script language="javascript"><![CDATA[1000]]></Script>

The calculation is to result in the time in seconds for the specific Minimum or Maximum definition.

This example calculates the execution time depending on the %file_size% parameter that was set by a specific job (see the example below)´.

Example (calculation)
  <Script language="javascript"><![CDATA[                     
    function my_calculate(){                         
      var fileSize              = new java.lang.Double(%file_size%);                         
      var timerExpiryFactor     = 0.0025;                         
      var timerExpiryTolerance  = timerExpiryFactor*0.1;                         
      var timerExpiry           = new java.lang.Double(timerExpiryFactor+timerExpiryTolerance);                         
      timerExpiry               = timerExpiry*fileSize;                     
      return timerExpiry;                     


This example job calculates and creates a new order parameter file_size.

To store the parameters into database (table SCHEDULER_MON_RESULTS) :

  • set the scheduler_notification_result_parameters parameter (see job documentation jobs/JobSchedulerNotificationStoreResultsJob.xml)
  • set the as monitor
Example (job)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
<job  title="Sample Job with Store Result Monitor" order="yes" stop_on_error="no" tasks="1">     
     set the scheduler_notification_result_parameters parameter
    <param name="scheduler_notification_result_parameters" value="file_size"/>     
  calculate and create the new order parameter if necessary
  <script language="javascript"><![CDATA[             
      function spooler_process(){                                  
        var order    = spooler_task.order;                 
        var params   = spooler.create_variable_set();                 
        // parameter scheduler_file_path was set in the previous job chain step
        var file     = new"scheduler_file_path"));                 
        var fileSize = file.length()/1024;                 
      return true;             
   set the as a monitor
   <monitor  name="notification_monitor" ordering="1">         
     <script java_class="" language="java"/>     

   <run_time /> 



The Message can be configured on the following parent nodes as a CDATA element :

  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationCommand
  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationInterface

The Message can contain: 

  • fixed values
  • variables

Example: <![CDATA[ scheduler id = %MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%  ]]>


All variables must be defined by using of the %<variable name>% syntax.

The order of the substitution the variables values is:

  1. Table variables.
  2. Service variables.
  3. OS environment variables. 
Table variables 

 Table of the history of steps of processed orders.

%MON_N_ID%Unique notification id
%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID% Id of the JobScheduler
%MON_N_TASK_ID%Id of the JobScheduler task 
%MON_N_STEP% Consecutive number of the order step
%MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID% Id of the JobScheduler order 
%MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME% Name of the job chain of the order 
%MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_TITLE%Title of the job chain of the order  
%MON_N_ORDER_ID% Unique (within the job chain) id of the order 
%MON_N_ORDER_TITLE% Title of the order 
%MON_N_ORDER_START_TIME% Timestamp of the start of the order
%MON_N_ORDER_END_TIME% Timestamp of the end of the order
%MON_N_ORDER_TIME_ELAPSED% The time or difference in seconds between a beginning time and an ending time of the order
%MON_N_ORDER_STEP_STATE% State of the order inside the job chain
%MON_N_ORDER_STEP_START_TIME%Timestamp of the start of the order step 
%MON_N_ORDER_STEP_END_TIME% Timestamp of the end of the order step 
%MON_N_ORDER_STEP_TIME_ELAPSED%The time or difference in seconds between a beginning time and an ending time of the order step 
%MON_N_JOB_NAME%Name of the job 
%MON_N_JOB_TITLE% Title of the job
%MON_N_TASK_START_TIME%Timestamp of the job task start 
%MON_N_TASK_END_TIME% Timestamp of the job task end
%MON_N_TASK_TIME_ELAPSED% The time or difference in seconds between a beginning time and an ending time of the job task

0 = dependent of the %MON_N_ERROR% - ok or error was not recovered,

1 = error was recovered  


0 = ok

1 = error 

%MON_N_ERROR_CODE% Exception-code of the job error 
%MON_N_ERROR_TEXT%Exception message of the job (that processed the order) 
%MON_N_CREATED% Timestamp of the notification initial record 
%MON_N_MODIFIED%Timestamp of the latest changes to this notification record 


 scheduler id = %MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%, history id = %MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID%, job_chain = %MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME%(%MON_N_ORDER_ID%), error = %MON_N_ERROR_TEXT%

 Table of the history of notifications sent to a system monitor.

%MON_SN_ID%Unique system notification id 



Reference to the SCHEDULER_MON_CHECKS.ID   table


Reference to the element attribute

SystemMonitorNotification / @system_id

defined in the XML configuration file


Reference to one of both element attributes

  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_name_on_error
  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_name_on_success

defined in the XML configuration file 


Reference to the element attribute

SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationObjects / JobChain / @step_from

defined in the XML configuration file 


Reference to the element attribute

SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationObjects / JobChain / @step_to

defined in the XML configuration file 

%MON_SN_STEP_FROM_START_TIME%Timestamp for the start of the order step 
%MON_SN_STEP_TO_END_TIME%Timestamp for the end of the order step  
%MON_SN_STEP_TIME_ELAPSED% The elapsed time or the difference in seconds between the start and end times of the order step  
%MON_SN_NOTIFICATIONS%Number of notifications that already sent to a System Monitor

Reference to element attribute

SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationObjects / JobChain / @notifications

defined in the XML configuration file  


0 = not acknowledged

1 = acknowledged 


0 = recovery not sent

1 = recovery sent


0 = success not sent

1 = success sent

%MON_SN_CREATED%Timestamp of the initial system notification record  
%MON_SN_MODIFIED%Timestamp of the latest changes to this system notification record  
 step from = %MON_SN_STEP_FROM%, step to = %MON_SN_STEP_TO%, notification = %MON_SN_NOTIFICATIONS% (of %MON_SN_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS%)

 Table of the history of executed checks (Timer)

%MON_C_ID%Unique check id  



Reference to element attribute

SystemMonitorNotification / Timer / @name

defined in the XML configuration file 


Reference to element attribute

SystemMonitorNotification / Timer / JobChain / @step_from

defined in the XML configuration file


Reference to element attribute

SystemMonitorNotification / Timer / JobChain / @step_to

defined in the XML configuration file

%MON_C_STEP_FROM_START_TIME% Timestamp of the start of the order step  
%MON_C_STEP_TO_END_TIME% Timestamp of the end of the order step  
%MON_C_STEP_TIME_ELAPSED% The time or difference in seconds between a beginning time and an ending time of the order step   
%MON_C_CHECK_TEXT% Message of the check  
%MON_C_CREATED%Timestamp of the check initial record  
%MON_C_MODIFIED%Timestamp of the latest changes to this check record 
 timer name = %MON_C_NAME%, text = %MON_C_CHECK_TEXT%
Service variables

Current service name. One of both element attributes:

  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_name_on_error
  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_name_on_success

Current service status. One of both element attributes or default: 

  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_status_on_error
  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_status_on_success
  • default CRITICAL error
  • default OK       success

Message prefix

  • ERROR       error
  • RECOVERED     error recovery
  • TIMER       performance check
 service name = %SERVICE_NAME%


OS environment variables 


All existing system variables can be defined by message using the syntax %<variable name>% (Windows/Unix).



Message on error
scheduler id=%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%, history id=%MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID%, job_chain=%MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME%(%MON_N_ORDER_ID%), step=%MON_N_ORDER_STEP_STATE%, error=%MON_N_ERROR_TEXT%            
Message on success
scheduler id=%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%, history id=%MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID%, job_chain=%MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME%(%MON_N_ORDER_ID%), steps(%MON_SN_STEP_FROM% to %MON_SN_STEP_TO%), order time elapsed = %MON_N_ORDER_TIME_ELAPSED%s            
Message on timer
name = %MON_C_NAME%, scheduler id=%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%, history id=%MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID%, job_chain=%MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME%(%MON_N_ORDER_ID%), steps(%MON_C_STEP_FROM% to %MON_C_STEP_TO%), check = %MON_C_CHECK_TEXT%            

Notification environment variables

The default com.sos.scheduler.notification.plugins.notifier.SystemNotifierProcessBuilderPlugin plugin used by the SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationCommand element sets the following variables as environment variables:

  1. Table variables
  2. Service variables

These variables can be used when the NotificationCommand calls the notification client - not directly but via a shell script that makes the logical implementation for sending the notification messages.

Table variables

All table variables (see Table variables explanation) are set as environment variables with the prefix:



  • ...
Service variables


Current service name. One of both element attributes:

  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_name_on_error
  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_name_on_success


Current service status. One of both element attributes or default:

  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_status_on_error
  • SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationMonitor / @service_status_on_success
  • default CRITICAL error
  • default OK       success


  • ERROR      error                           
  • RECOVERED    error recovery                            
  • TIMER             performance check 


 Content of the SystemMonitorNotification / Notification / NotificationCommand after substitution


Sample NotificationCommand Unix. Script file (/tmp/
1) configured command in the SystemMonitorNotification_<MonitorSystem>.xml file
2) content of the /tmp/ file
#! /bin/sh 
# Note: "> /tmp/command_output.txt" is used to simulate the starting of the notification client
Sample NotificationCommand Windows. Script file (C:/temp/command.cmd).
1) configured command in the SystemMonitorNotification_<MonitorSystem>.xml file
2) content of the C:/Temp/command.cmd file
rem Note: "> C:/Temp/command_output.txt" is used to simulate the starting of the notification client


Examples OP5

The following is an except from an XML file used to notify a specific System Monitor (OP5 Monitor) via the NotificationInterface:

monitor_host            The hostname or ip address of System Monitor host 
monitor_port            The TCP port that the System Monitor would listen to
monitor_encryption      Encryption algorithm
service_host            The host that executes the passive check. The name must match the corresponding setting in the System Monitor
%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%    See explanation "Table variables"
<NotificationInterface monitor_host="monitor_host" monitor_port="5667" monitor_encryption="XOR" service_host="service_host"><![CDATA[

The following is an except from an XML file used to notifying a specific System Monitor (OP5 Monitor) via the NotificationCommand on Windows:

service_host               The host that executes the passive check. The name must match the corresponding setting in the System Monitor.
monitor_host               The hostname or ip address of System Monitor host.
%SERVICE_NAME%             See explanation "Service variables"
%SERVICE_STATUS%           See explanation "Service variables"
%SERVICE_MESSAGE_PREFIX%   See explanation "Service variables"
%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%       See explanation "Table variables"
NotificationCommand after substitution (error case):
<![CDATA[echo service_host:JobScheduler Monitoring Errors:2:ERROR scheduler id=scheduler_4444, history id=123, job_chain=test/my_jobchain(order_id), step=100, error=error occurred | D:\nsca\send_nsca.exe -H monitor_host -c D:\nsca\send_nsca.cfg -d : ]]>
NotificationCommand after substitution (recovery case): 
<![CDATA[echo service_host:JobScheduler Monitoring Errors:0:RECOVERED scheduler id=scheduler_4444, history id=123, job_chain=test/my_jobchain(order_id), step=100, error=error occurred | D:\nsca\send_nsca.exe -H monitor_host -c D:\nsca\send_nsca.cfg -d : ]]> 
NotificationCommand after substitution (success case):  
<![CDATA[echo service_host:JobScheduler Monitoring Success:0:scheduler id=scheduler_4444, history id=123, job_chain=test/my_jobchain(order_id), step=100, error= | D:\nsca\send_nsca.exe -H monitor_host -c D:\nsca\send_nsca.cfg -d : ]]>  
<NotificationMonitor service_name_on_error="JobScheduler Monitoring Errors" service_name_on_success="JobScheduler Monitoring Success">
  <NotificationCommand><![CDATA[echo service_host:%SERVICE_NAME%:%SERVICE_STATUS%:%SERVICE_MESSAGE_PREFIX%scheduler id=%MON_N_SCHEDULER_ID%, history id=%MON_N_ORDER_HISTORY_ID%, job_chain=%MON_N_JOB_CHAIN_NAME%(%MON_N_ORDER_ID%), step=%MON_N_ORDER_STEP_STATE%, error=%MON_N_ERROR_TEXT% | D:\nsca\send_nsca.exe -H monitor_host -c D:\nsca\send_nsca.cfg -d : ]]>

Examples Zabbix

The following is an except from an XML file used to notify a specific System Monitor (Zabbix Monitor) and using NotificationCommand

zabbix_sender            Zabbix sender installed on the JobScheduler host
localhost                Hostname of the zabbix server
Zabbix_server            JobScheduler Agent name(host name) that registred on Zabbix
samples.job1             Item key of zabbix (replace "/" to "." of JOB_NAME
%MON_N_ERROR_TEXT%       See explanation "Table variables"
<![CDATA[zabbix_sender -z localhost -s zabbix_server -k samples.job1 -o %MON_N_ERROR_TEXT%]]>


JobScheduler - Job Chains




Use Cases

Recoverable Errors

Initial Situation: A Job Chain is triggered by directory monitoring - i.e. the Job Chain starts when a certain file arrives in a monitored folder.

Problem: The Job Chain has ended with an error.

Handling: The System Monitor will be notified with the error message via the service specified for the Job Chain. If the Job Chain is then restarted by the arrival of a new file end and ends without an error, this does not mean that the original error has been recovered, since the second run has involved the processing of a different file. Instead, the error message at the System Monitor should remain unchanged until the original file has been re-added to the monitored directory and the Job Chain has ended without an error.


  • XML CheckConfigurationHistory.xml: Indicates the ID of the JobScheduler and the name of the Job Chain you want to monitor.
  • XML SystemMonitorNotification.xml: Specifies the name of the Service (in the System Monitor) and specifies that it is about a service_name_on_error since you want to have the control when the Job Chain ends in an error.
  • System Monitor: Services in the System Monitor have to be configured and named the same way as in the SystemMonitorNotification.xml XML file above.

Workflow Execution takes too long

Initial Situation: A Job Chain is triggered and it could not end, it hang in a step, taking longer than expected.

Problem: Execution time was too long

Handling: A timer for this Job Chain has been set and the System Monitor notified about it. The expiration times for the Job Chains are configured with enough time for processing. This is usually used for cases where the Job Chain could hang in a specific step.


  • XML CheckConfigurationHistory.xml: As in the example above - indicates the ID of the JobScheduler and the name of the Job Chain you want to monitor. In addition, the timer for this specific job chain and the function for calculating the expiration time for the timer should be specified.
  • XML SystemMonitorNotification.xml: As in the example above - specifies the name of the Service (in the System Monitor) and that it is about a service_name_on_error since you want to have the control if the Job Chain ends with an error. It is essential for this particular case that the number of times the timer should notify your System Monitor about the expiration of a timer should be specified.
  • System Monitor: As in the example above - Services in the System Monitor have to be configured and named the same way as in the SystemMonitorNotification.xml file above.

SFTP connection refused

Initial Situation: Consider a Job Chain that uses SFTP for transferring files. You have a setback configured in this step of the Job Chain, so that if the connection to the SFTP server fails, this step is retried after a specified time.

Problem: The SFTP server is not available anymore.

Handling: The System Monitor will be notified to the service related to the Job Chain with the message error. However, you don't want to have repeated notifications for a Job Chain when is an external factor, the connection to the SFTP Server, is producing the error.


  • XML CheckConfigurationHistory.xml: As in the example above - indicates the ID of the JobScheduler and the name of the Job Chain you want to monitor.
  • XML SystemMonitorNotification.xml: As in the example above - specifies the name of the Service (in the System Monitor) and that it is about a service_name_on_error as you want to have the control if the Job Chain ends in error. Note that it is very important in this case that the number of times this Job Chain should notify your System Monitor about the error connecting to the SFTP Server is specified. You can use step_from and step_to for this in order to reduce the number of notifications for this specific step.
  • System Monitor: As in the example above - Services in the System Monitor have to be configured and named the same way as in the SystemMonitorNotification.xml file above.


Initial Situation: Consider the situation where a workflow has to be executed successfully a specific number of times before a specific point in time. This means that a specific value has to be monitored in order to determine if this quote was reached.

Handling: A new History service is configured, so that the workflow executions (Job Chains in the JobScheduler vocabulary) send the information that they have been successfully executed to the System Monitor.


  • XML CheckConfigurationHistory.xml: As in the example above - indicates the ID of the JobScheduler and the name of the Job Chain you want to monitor.
  • XML SystemMonitorNotification.xml: Specifies the name of the Service (in the System Monitor) but note that here it is about a service_name_on_success since you want to have the control when the Job Chain ends in an success, and not only when it ends on error.
  • System Monitor: As in the example above - Services in the System Monitor have to be configured and named the same way as in the SystemMonitorNotification.xml file above.


Initial Situation: An alert for a Service has been sent to the System Monitor, which has sent a Mail to the Service Desk (Support Team) notifying them about the alert.

Handling: The problem is known to the Service Desk and they "acknowledge" the problem. The acknowledgment will cause the JobScheduler to be notified not to send any more notifications for this Service to the System Monitor until the Service has been recovered.


  • System Monitor: The JobScheduler is notified about the acknowledgment in the System Monitor by the execution of a script. This has parallels to other notifications such as sending a mail but in this case the script adds an order to the JobChain ResetNotifications described above.










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