
A number of JITL job templates make use of the JS7 - REST Web Service API to retrieve information from the JOC Cockpit:

The following prerequisites apply to operation of these JITL jobs:

  • Network access from the Agent that executes the job to the JOC Cockpit instance,
  • Availability of the Controller and of the JOC Cockpit,
  • Authentication and authorization with the JOC Cockpit.

The job templates use a common mechanism for authentication with the JS7 - REST Web Service API:


For authentication purposes the job templates make use of the Agent's ./config/private/private.conf file to find a number of configuration items that allow authentication:

Agent private.conf file configuration
js7 {
    auth { ... }
    configuration { ... }
    job { ... }
    web { ... }

    api-server {
        # API Server URL
        url = [

        # Option 1: use of a Credential Store

        # Option 1: use of references to credentials 

        # Option 2: use of account and password
        # username="root"
        # password="root"

        # option 3: use of encrypted account and password
        # username="enc:BAGaj1JGQQX2flfi5W4TUxIUDzYXJmI7T1WIO8QZAGoQF3rmsyaLnmehFnCMLTzG3VJdi4zUvw9M++2Du9YuxCax+NUCTmabAB1nlvEGc9wgOXsHer9LxgmucU4Ue1xzz6kI7sc= lrVE+e9qaAFyVraamlivmA== zLefNPT1WhHFzIGM/V+KAw=="
        # password="enc:BAGaj1JGQQX2flfi5W4TUxIUDzYXJmI7T1WIO8QZAGoQF3rmsyaLnmehFnCMLTzG3VJdi4zUvw9M++2Du9YuxCax+NUCTmabAB1nlvEGc9wgOXsHer9LxgmucU4Ue1xzz6kI7sc= lrVE+e9qaAFyVraamlivmA== zLefNPT1WhHFzIGM/V+KAw=="
        # privatekey.path=config/private/private-x509-keys/pdEncryptDecrypt-001.key


  • The api-server configuration section specifies authentication details for JITL job templates and can be positioned anywhere directly within the js7 configuration block.
  • Configuration items available from this configuration section are explained in the following sections:

Certificate Based Authentication

JS7 - Certificate based Authentication is configured with the ./config/private/private.conf file:

  • The url configuration item is required that specifies the URL of the JS7 REST Web Service API. Typically this corresponds to the JOC Cockpit URL.
    • Users can set up a number of JOC Cockpit instances that are clustered for automated fail-over.
    • Users can set up a load balancer that routes requests to a number of available JOC Cockpit instances.
    • For use with JITL job templates both active and standby JOC Cockpit instances can be used.
  • No further configuration items are used.
  • The Client Authentication Certificate has to be available from the keystore file indicated by the js7.web.https.keystore or js7.web.https.client-keystore settings.
    • This requires that JOC Cockpit is configured to use a truststore that holds the Root CA Certificate and Intermediate CA Certificate that was used to sign the Agent's Client Authentication Certificate.
    • For details see JS7 - JOC Cockpit HTTPS Connections.

User Account / Password Authentication

User account/password authentication is configured with the ./config/private/private.conf file:

  • The url configuration item is required as explained above.
  • The username and password can be specified from the following options:
    • Option 1: Use of a JS7 - Credential Store
      • with the following settings:
        • cs-file: Specifies the path to a KeePass database file (required).
        • cs-key: Specifies the path to a KeePass key file (optional).
        • cs-password: Specifies the password for the KeePass database file (optional).
        • username: Specifies the path to the entry in the KeePass database that holds the account name (required).
        • password: Specifies the path to the entry in the KeePass database that holds the password (required).
      • the use of a KeePass key file (cs-key) to protect the KeePass database is preferable. Basically it is pointless to protect a Credential Store by use of a password  (cs-password) which has a visibility similar to putting the key under the mat. Use of a key file allows OS ownership and file permissions to be applied to protect the key file from being visible to 3rd parties.
    • Option 2: Use of user account and password
      • with the following settings:
        • username: Specifies the account name (required).
        • password: Specifies the plain text password (required).
      • this means that both settings will be visible in the configuration file.
    • Option 3: Use of encrypted user account and password
      • with the following settings:
        • username: Specifies the encrypted account name (required).
        • password: Specifies the encrypted password (required).
        • privatekey.path: Specifies the location of the private key to decrypt the password. An absolute location can be specified and a location relative to <AGENT-DATA>. directory can be specified. Frequently private keys are stored in the <AGENT-DATA>/config/private directory or a sub-directory. The private key must not be encrypted.
      • Encryption can be performed from the JOC Cockpit GUI and from command line tools, see JS7 - How to encrypt and decrypt Variables.

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