
  • JOC Cockpit offers run-time settings that can be modified using the GUI and which are applied immediately without restarting JOC Cockpit.
  • Settings are available from the installation of JOC Cockpit and are populated with default values.

Settings Page

The Settings page is available from the icon for an administrative account, located in the right upper corner of any JOC Cockpit view:

The Settings page is organized in sections like this:


  • Download and Upload buttons are provided to manage the JSON representation of settings.
    • Find an example for download: global-setting.json
    • The JSON representation does not include default values that are provided by JOC Cockpit. Instead, it only includes modified values.
  • Settings are organized in the following sections:
  • The name and default value is displayed for each setting.
    • The value of a setting can be modified after clicking the pencil icon .
    • Clicking the icon removes an updated value and the default value becomes active again.

JOC Cockpit Settings

Settings for operation of JOC Cockpit are available from the joc section in the Settings page:


CategorySettingDefault ValueExplanation
Audit Logforce_comments_for_audit_logfalse

Specifies that a reason has to be added for the JS7 - Audit Log for any changes applied to objects such as adding an Order, cancelling an Order etc.

  • This applies to operations from the GUI and to operations from the JS7 - REST Web Service API
  • Specifying the value true for this setting forces any API requests that modify objects to provide  arguments for the Audit Log.
  • Note that the JS7 - Profiles include a related setting to Enable Reasons for Audit Log that has the same effect. However, its use is voluntary and is restricted to the profile's account. The force_comments_for_audit_log setting enforces this behavior for any user accounts regardless of the profile settings of individual user accounts.


Specifies a list of possible comments for selection by a user when performing a GUI operation that modifies an object. In addition to using list entries, users are free to use individual comments when performing such operations.

  • The list is populated from some well known reasons for object modifications.
  • Users are free to modify list entries and add their own entries for possible comments.


When user accounts are added to the JOC Cockpit using the JS7 - Identity Services then JS7 - Profiles are created with individual settings for each user account.

  • This setting specifies the account that is used as a template for the profile when user accounts are created.
  • By default the root account is used which boils down to the fact that a new account's profile is populated from settings such as language, theme etc. of the default profile account.

This setting enables the Remember me checkbox that is available from the login window and which stores user's credentials such as account and password in a site cookie. As a result the user account and password are populated with the next login.

  • Some users might consider it a security risk to store credentials with browser data.
  • Therefore this setting can be disabled so that this option is not offered to users.

copy_paste_suffix, copy_paste_prefix


Specifies the prefix/suffix to be used for object names when performing copy & paste operations in the JOC Cockpit GUI.

  • In the JS7 - Inventory object names are unique for each object type: for example, Workflows use unique names, however, a Job Resource can use the same name as a Workflow.
  • Therefore a new object name has to be created when performing copy & paste operations. This is achieved by adding a prefix or suffix which can chosen by users.

restore_suffix, restore_prefix


The JS7 - Inventory, chapter: Trash Operations allow addition of any objects that have been removed to the inventory trash.

  • When removed objects are restored from the inventory trash then the original object name might be used by some newer object.
  • This setting allows the user to specify the prefix and suffix values to be used when restoring objects from the trash.

import_suffix, import_prefix


The JS7 - Inventory Export and Import operations allow objects to be imported from an archive file.

  • When objects are imported then their names might conflict with existing object names.
  • This setting allows the user to specify the prefix and suffix values to be used when importing objects.

These settings can be used to disable individual views that are available from the JOC Cockpit GUI by main menu items such as Daily Plan, Monitor, Workflows etc.

display_folders_in_viewstrueSpecifies that in views such as Workflows, Daily Plan, Resources->Calendars, Resources->Resource Locks, Resources->Notice Boards scheduling object names and paths are displayed. If the value false is used for this setting then the path is omitted from display of objects. In JS7 any objects names are unique.

controller_connection_joc_password, controller_connection_history_password

JS7 offers consistent configuration without use of passwords, see JS7 - Secure Operation. This includes the connection from JOC Cockpit to Controllers which can be secured by JS7 - Configuration for mutual HTTPS Server Authentication and Client Authentication. If users do not wish to configure mutual authentication for Controller connections then a password has to be used to identify the JOC Cockpit with the Controller.

  • This applies to two connections established from JOC Cockpit to Controllers that are reflected by separate settings for the controller_connection_joc_password and the controller_connection_history_password:
    • The JOC Cockpit GUI makes use of a connection to receive events, for example about JS7 - Order State Transitions.
    • The JS7 - History Service is connected to a Controller to receive history information such as the execution status of jobs and any log output of jobs.
  • The password is specified as plain text in the Settings page and as a hashed value in the Controller's private.conf file, see JS7 - Controller Configuration Items, chapter: js7.auth.users: HTTPS Authentication and Authorization.
    • The Show Hash Value link is available on the Settings page and allows the hashed value of the password to be shown.

    • Users can copy the hashed value to the clipboard and paste it to the Controller's private.conf file.
  • When used with HTTPS mutual authentication:
    • the password is not relevant to identification of the JOC Cockpit with a Controller. However, passwords in the Settings page and in the Controller's private.conf file have to match.
    • an empty password can be used. The corresponding password in the Controller's private.conf file has to be changed to plain:
    • the default password can remain unchanged if the hashed password in the Controller's private.conf file remains unchanged.
  • When used without HTTPS mutual authentication:
    • users are strongly encouraged to modify the default password in the Settings page and in the Controller's private.conf file accordingly.

If a password is modified in the Settings page then it has to be modified in the Controller's private.conf file as well to make the passwords match.

It is recommended that the password in the active Controller instance's private.conf file is modified first and then in the Settings page. Then the Controller instance should be restarted from the Dashboard view. The JOC Cockpit will then reconnect to the active Controller instance. If a Controller Cluster is used, then the same change has to be applied to the passive Controller instance's private.conf file.

The encoding is applied if JOC Cockpit is operated for Windows environments. Windows does not support Unicode but makes use of code pages. In case that the Windows code page cannot be detected automatically users can specify the code page, for details see JS7 - Unicode Support.

JS7 offers to display warnings in case of upcoming license expiration, for details see the JS7 - How to manage License Expiration Warnings article.

The feature to display license expiration warnings can be disabled by assigning this setting the value true.

Specifies a directory that is accessible for JOC Cockpit and to which copies of order log files and task log files will be written.


Specifies that a JSON file holding information about the order history is created in case of successful orders, failed orders or both. Possible values include:

  • all: create history file for all successful and failed orders.
  • failed: create history file for failed orders.
  • successful: create history file for successful orders.


Specifies that an order log file is created in case of successful orders, failed orders or both. Possible values include:

  • all: create order log file for all successful and failed orders.
  • failed: create order log file for failed orders.
  • successful: create order log file for successful orders.

Specifies that a task log file is created in case of successful task, failed tasks or both. 

Possible values include:

  • all: create task log file for all successful and failed tasks.
  • failed: create task log file for failed tasks.
  • successful: create task log file for successful tasks.

log_maximum_display_size10 MBJOC Cockpit offers log output for display with the Log View window if the size of uncompressed log output does not exceed this value. Otherwise the log is offered for download only. The size is assumed in MB.

log_applicable_size500 MBIf this value for the size of a job's log output is exceeded then the JS7 - History Service will truncate the log output and will use the first and last 100 KB for the task log. The original log file will be removed. The size is assumed in MB.

log_maximum_size1000 MBIf this value for the size of a job's log output is exceeded then the JS7 - History Service will truncate the log output and will use the first 100 KB for the task log. The original log file will be removed. The size is assumed in MB.
If JOC Cockpit is not accessible from its original URL but from a reverse proxy service only then this value specifies the URL to be used, for example with e-mail notifications.
Jobsallow_empty_argumentsfalseBy default arguments that are specified for jobs have to hold values as otherwise the workflow is considered invalid. This setting overrides the default behavior and allows empty values to be specified.
Ordersallow_undeclared_variablesfalseBy default any order variables have to be declared with the workflow. This setting changes the default behavior and allows orders to specify arbitrary variables. Users should be aware that jobs and related instructions will fail if they reference variables that are not specified by incoming orders.

num_of_tags_displayed_as_order_id0Specifies the number of tags displayed with each order. A value 0 will suppress display of tags. Consider that display of a larger number of tags per order can cause performance penalties. For details see JS7 - Tagging - Orders.

-Xmx64MSpecifies the Java options used when creating JS7 - Reports. The default value considers the minimum Java heap space required to create reports. Users who find a larger number of job executions per day might have to increase this value to match memory needs.

User Settings

Users receive a Welcome popup window as shown below when connecting to JOC Cockpit for the first time:

The Welcome popup window provides links for downloading defaults for Job Resources and examples for Workflows and related objects.

  • Downloadable files are described in the JS7 - Getting Started article.
  • .The popup window offers three options:
    • Got it: Signals acceptance and prevents further reminders from occurring.
    • Remind me later: the Welcome popup window will be displayed once again for the user within the next 24 hours.
    • Do not remind me: no further reminders will occur.

The options of the Welcome popup window are stored with the user's settings as shown in the next screenshot:

  • No labels