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  • System Monitors are tools that execute repeated checks for availability of software components. 
    • Nagios® is an Open Source System Monitor that is available at
    • An ecosystem of more or less compatible System Monitors has evolved, e.g. op5®, Checkmk and many others.
  • Users can monitor JS7 by use of Open Source licensed products and by commercially licensed products that check the availability of the JOC Cockpit, Controller and Agents..

Active Checks and Passive Checks

  • Active Checks are initiated from the System Monitor server and are performed on a regular basis, e.g. every 5 minutes.
    • The only purpose of Active Checks is to verify the availability of the JobScheduler application. 
    • This type of check does not provide information about the execution status of individual jobs.
    • The System Monitor Plugins explained in this article are intended for Active Checks only.
  • Passive Checks are initiated from JobScheduler and report individual execution results to a System Monitor.

Download and Installation of the Plugins


Four Plugins are available for download:


Copy the files to the plugin directory of your System Monitor installation.

Configuration of the Plugins

The configuration for the JobScheduler Master and Agent Plugins includes to define

  • a System Monitor Command that specifies the parameterization of the Plugin and
  • a System Monitor Service which is the visible point of control in the System Monitor console.

JobScheduler Master Plugin

Sample Configuration

Sample JobScheduler Master Command configuration
# 'check_jobscheduler' command definition
define command {
    command_name                check_jobscheduler
    command_line                /opt/plugins/ -H $HOSTADRESS$ -p $ARG1$ -t $ARG2$ (-u $ARG3$)
Sample JobScheduler Master Service configuration
 define service {
 use                             generic-service                 
 host_name                       localhost
 service_description             JobScheduler
 is_volatile                     0
 check_period                    24x7
 max_check_attempts              1
 normal_check_interval           1
 retry_check_interval            1
 contact_groups                  admins
 notification_options            w,u,c,r
 notification_interval           960
 notification_period             24x7
 check_command     check_jobscheduler!homer.sos!4444!0!!
 active_checks_enabled           1          
 passive_checks_enabled          0  







Name or IP address of the host (homer.sos) on which JobScheduler is running



Port that JobScheduler listens to (4444)




Timeout for establishing the connection to JobScheduler

-u--userUser and password for HTTP authentication


Example Active Check for JobScheduler Master
#JobScheduler running on a server 'test' using port 4444 and HTTP authentication (user and password 'test')
<path_to_plugins>/ -H test -p 4444 -t 30 -u test:test


  • Perl > 5.8 is required and the Perl package NET::HTTP. You can download and install Perl packages from e.g. http://www.cpan.

JobScheduler Cluster/Master Plugin via JOC Cockpit with HTTP(S)

Sample Configuration

Sample JobScheduler Master Command configuration
# 'check_jobscheduler_with_joc' command definition
define command {
    command_name                check_jobscheduler_with_joc
    command_line                /opt/plugins/ -j $ARG1$ -i $ARG2$ -a $ARG3$ -t $ARG4$
Sample JobScheduler Master Service configuration
 define service {
 use                             generic-service                 
 host_name                       localhost
 service_description             JobSchedulerCluster
 is_volatile                     0
 check_period                    24x7
 max_check_attempts              1
 normal_check_interval           1
 retry_check_interval            1
 contact_groups                  admins
 notification_options            w,u,c,r
 notification_interval           960
 notification_period             24x7
 check_command     check_jobscheduler_with_joc!http://localhost:4446!myJobSchedulerId!test:test!5!
 active_checks_enabled           1          
 passive_checks_enabled          0  





-j--joc-urlUrl of JOC Cockpit (http or https are supported)
-i--idId of a JobScheduler Cluster
-a--accountAccount for HTTP authentication to JOC Cockpit (=<user:password>)



Name or IP address of a JobScheduler Master host. Only required to check a specific cluster member



HTTP port that JobScheduler listens to (40444). Only required to check a specific cluster member




Timeout for establishing the connection to JOC Cockpit


If set and the Cluster has more than one Master and not all Masters are running then the message contains host:port of each Master


Example Active Check for JobScheduler Cluster with JOC Cockpit
#JobScheduler running with the id 'test' and JOC Cockpit has the url http://localhost:4446 where the account (user and password 'test') has access
<path_to_plugins>/ -j http://localhost:4446 -i test -a test:test
Example Active Check for JobScheduler Master with JOC Cockpit
#JobScheduler running with the id 'test' and JOC Cockpit has the url http://localhost:4446 where the account (user and password 'test') has access
<path_to_plugins>/ -j http://localhost:4446 -i test -a test:test -H galadriel -p 4444


  • JOC Cockpit installation since 1.11.4 is required.
  • Perl > 5.8 is required and some Perl packages are required. You can download and install Perl packages from e.g. http://www.cpan.

    • HTTP::Request

    • LWP::UserAgent

    • LWP::Protocol::https (if https is used to connect to JOC Cockpit)
    • JSON
    • MIME::Base64

JobScheduler Agent Plugin

A service Command has to be declared before configuring the System Monitor Service that makes use of this Command.

Sample Configuration

Sample JobScheduler Agent command configuration
# 'check_jobscheduler_agent' command definition
define command {
    command_name                check_jobscheduler_agent
    command_line                /opt/plugins/ -u $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$ -o $ARG3$ -t $ARG4$

When configuring the System Monitor Service then Command parameters have to be specified that are separated by exclamation marks, e.g.

Sample JobScheduler Agent Command parameterization







URL for the HTTP connection that addresses the Agent via host (galadriel.sos) and port (4445) that the Agent is listening to followed by a fixed path (/jobscheduler/agent/api/overview).



List of attributes that are used to check the Agent availability. The specified attributes are recommended to check if the Agent answer if formally correct.



List of attributes that are used for output of the script and that will be displayed in the System Monitor

  • startedAt: point in time when the Agent was started.
  • totalTaskCount: total number of jobs that have been executed during the lifetime of the Agent.
  • currentTaskCount: number of jobs that are currently executed by the Agent.
  • isTerminating: indicates whether the Agent is currently shutting down. Depending on the shutdown command that has been used an Agent will let run currently executed jobs before terminating
-t--timeout15sTimeout for establishing the connection to the Agent


  • Consider the use of the HTTPS protocol instead of the HTTP if the Agent is configured for use with Secure HTTPS communication.
  • Perl > 5.8 is required and some Perl packages are required. You can download and install Perl packages from e.g. http://www.cpan

    • HTTP::Request::Common

    • LWP::UserAgent

    • JSON
    • Data::Dumper

JobScheduler Agent Plugin via JOC Cockpit with HTTP(S)

A service Command has to be declared before configuring the System Monitor Service that makes use of this Command.

Sample Configuration

Sample JobScheduler Agent command configuration with JOC Cockpit
# 'check_jobscheduler_agent_with_joc' command definition
define command {
    command_name                check_jobscheduler_agent_with_joc
    command_line                /opt/plugins/ -j $ARG1$ -i $ARG2$ -a $ARG3$ -t $ARG4$
define service {
 use                             generic-service                 
 host_name                       localhost
 service_description             JobSchedulerAgents
 is_volatile                     0
 check_period                    24x7
 max_check_attempts              1
 normal_check_interval           1
 retry_check_interval            1
 contact_groups                  admins
 notification_options            w,u,c,r
 notification_interval           960
 notification_period             24x7
 check_command     check_jobscheduler_agent_with_joc!http://localhost:4446!myJobSchedulerId!test:test!5!
 active_checks_enabled           1          
 passive_checks_enabled          0  





-j--joc-urlUrl of JOC Cockpit (http or https are supported)
-i--idId of a JobScheduler Cluster
-a--accountAccount for HTTP authentication to JOC Cockpit (=<user:password>)



Url of an Agent, optional,  can be specified several times




Timeout for establishing the connection to JOC Cockpit


If set and the Cluster has more than one Master and not all Masters are running then the message contains host:port of each Master


Example Active Check for all JobScheduler Agents with JOC Cockpit
#JobScheduler running with the id 'test' and JOC Cockpit has the url http://localhost:4446 where the account (user and password 'test') has access
<path_to_plugins>/ -j http://localhost:4446 -i test -a test:test
Example Active Check for some JobScheduler Agents with JOC Cockpit
#JobScheduler running with the id 'test' and JOC Cockpit has the url http://localhost:4446 where the account (user and password 'test') has access
<path_to_plugins>/ -j http://localhost:4446 -i test -a test:test -A http://galadriel:4445 -A http://galadriel:4455 -d


  • JOC Cockpit installation since 1.11.4 is required.
  • Perl > 5.8 is required and some Perl packages are required. You can download and install Perl packages from e.g. http://www.cpan.

    • HTTP::Request

    • LWP::UserAgent

    • LWP::Protocol::https (if https is used to connect to JOC Cockpit)
    • JSON
    • MIME::Base64
    • Cwd

Report Script per Agent

  • calls an optional script per Agent.
  • This script does not connect to JOC Cockpit or perform any checks but simply serves to create individual notifications per Agent to the System Monitor.
  • The script is executed if it is available from the same directory as the calling script and has to be executable.
  • The script is parameterized to transfer the message type and notification to the System Monitor.
    • <joc-cockpit-url> <scheduler-id> <agent-url> <agent-status>
    • <joc-cockpit-url> is the URL that has been specivied as a parameter to the script
    • <scheduler-id> is the JobScheduler Master ID that has been specified as a parameter to the script
    • <agent-url> is the URL identifying the Agent
    • <agent-status> is one of "RUNNING" , "UNREACHABLE", "TERMINATING", "UNKNOWN_AGENT"

      #!/usr/bin/env perl
      use strict;
      use warnings;
      my ($jocUrl, $schedulerId, $agentUrl, $agentStateText) = @ARGV;
      # do something with $jocUrl, $schedulerId, $agentUrl, $agentStateText

See also

  • JS-684 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • JS-1480 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • JS-1715 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • JOC-579 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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