
  • Environment variables are a means to parameterize jobs.
    • Environment variables allow read and write operations, however, modifying the value of  an environment variable works within the scope of the current job only.
    • Environment Variables are used with uppercase letters only. For Windows environments the uppercase/lowercase spelling makes no difference, however, for Unix different spellings create different environment variables.
  • A number of environment variables are available to shell jobs by default.
  • Additional environment variables can be added per job configuration from JS7 - Order Variables, from node arguments and from JS7 - Job Resources.

Environment Variables that are automatically available to Shell Jobs

The following environment variables are available to all shell jobs. They are provided from the Agent Instance Script and from the Agent binary files.

Depending on the OS, environment variables are syntactically used like this:

  • Windows: %JS_AGENT_HOME%

CategoryEnvironment VariableDescriptionAdjustable by ScriptDefault Value
AgentJS7_AGENT_PORTThe number of the port that an Agent is listening to for messages sent from a Controller.Agent Instance Script4445

JS7_AGENT_HTTP_PORTSame as JS7_AGENT_PORT except that a network interface can be specified, e.g. localhost:4445 to limit access to the given network interface. This environment variable will not be available if the Agent is configured not to listen to an HTTP port.Agent Instance Script4445

JS7_AGENT_HTTPS_PORTThe SSL port used in addition to the HTTP port. A network interface can be specified, e.g. myhost:4447 to limit access to the given network interface. This environment variable will not be available if the Agent is not configured to listen to an HTTPS port.Agent Instance Scriptn/a

JS7_AGENT_USERThe account that the Agent is operated for. For Unix OS the account can be specified from the Agent Instance Script. For Windows OS the service account assigned to the Agent with the Windows Service Panel is provided.

Unix: Agent Instance Script

Windows: Service Account



The Agent's home directory, i.e. the directory in which the Agent has been installed. For Windows OS this could be e.g. C:\Program Files\\js7\agent

For Unix OS environments this could be e.g.

Agent Instance Scriptn/a


The Agent's data directory with sub-directories for temporary data, configuration data etc. The name of the data directory is created from the prefix var_ followed by the port the Agent is operated for, e.g. var_4445.

For Windows OS this could be e.g. C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_4445

For Unix OS environments this could be e.g.

The Agent's home directory JS7_AGENT_HOME includes a symbolic link var_<port> that points to the data directory.

Agent Instance ScriptJS7_AGENT_HOME/var_<JS7_AGENT_HTTP_PORT>

JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIRThe Agent's configuration directory.Agent Instance ScriptJS7_AGENT_DATA/config

JS7_AGENT_LOGSThe Agent's directory for log files.Agent Instance ScriptJS7_AGENT_DATA/logs

JS7_AGENT_PID_FILEThe Agent's creates the file in the logs directory that contains the process ID of the current Agent being run.Agent Instance ScriptJS7_AGENT_DATA/logs/

JS7_AGENT_WORK_DIRThe Agent's working directory.Agent Instance ScriptJS7_AGENT_DATA

JS7_AGENT_TZThe time zone of the Agents' computerAgent Start ScriptEtc/UTC

Run-timeJS7_RETURN_VALUESThe location of a temporary file created by the Agent for the current shell job. This can be used to append pairs of names and values with each pair being added on a separate line. After execution of the shell job the Agent will add order variables with the respective names and values found from this file.n/a

JAVA_HOMEThe location of the Java installation directory as used by the Agent.Agent Instance ScriptJAVA_HOME

JAVA_OPTIONSJava options for the Agent loading its JVM are different from Java options used for jobs that run individual Java programs. Therefore the Agent Start Script allows the JS7_AGENT_JOB_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to be set, e.g. to limit a job's memory consumption with the option -Xmx32m. Therefore this environment variable is populated from the Java job options environment variable.Agent Instance ScriptJS7_AGENT_JOB_JAVA_OPTIONS

File TransferJS7_YADE_HOMEThe home directory of the YADE installation. By default the Agent ships with YADE included in the yade sub-directory of the Agent's home directory.n/aJS7_AGENT_HOME/yade

JS7_YADE_BINThe path to the YADE start script. Usually this is located in the bin sub-directory of the directory specified  by JS7_YADE_HOME.n/a

Unix: JS7_YADE_HOME/bin/

Windows: JS7_YADE_HOME/bin/yade.cmd

JS7_YADE_DMZ_BINThe location of the start script used to run YADE in a DMZ. By default the directory is the same as JS7_YADE_HOME/bin and the file name is

Unix: JS7_YADE_HOME/bin/

Windows: JS7_YADE_HOME/bin/yade4dmz.cmd

JS7_YADE_CONFIG_DIRThe location of the configuration directory that holds YADE file transfer configuration files (*.xml, *.ini). By default the Agent's configuration directory is used.Agent Instance ScriptJS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR

Environment Variables from Job Resources for Shell Jobs

The environment variables listed in this section are not available by default. 

  • They are provided from default Job Resources that are available for download and that can be assigned to any workflows and jobs.
    • You can find the archive for download here: JS7 - Download.
    • The .zip archive includes the following Job Resources:
      • Default.jobresource.json
      • eMailDefault.jobresource.json
    • After import the Job Resources are available in the JOC Cockpit Configuration view, in the /Defaults folder and with the names Default and eMailDefault.
  • They can be provided from individual JS7 - Job Resources.

Users are free to define their own job resources to publish individual environment variables to workflows and jobs.

Job Resource: Default

CategoryEnvironment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
ControllerJS7_CONTROLLER_IDIdentification of a Controller as specified during initial operation.n/a

InventoryJS7_JOB_NAMEThe name of the job as specified with the workflow configuration.

JS7_ORDER_IDThe order identification as returned when creating an order.

JS7_WORKFLOW_NAMEThe name of the workflow.

JS7_WORKFLOW_LABELThe label assigned the workflow instruction for the job. Consider that the same job can be used a number of times in a workflow and that its assignment to an instruction is additionally specified by a label.

JS7_WORKFLOW_POSITIONThe indicator for the position of the order in the current workflow.

Run-timeJS7_JOB_EXECUTION_COUNTA numeric indicator for the number of times a job is executed for a particular order. With the first execution of a job the value will start with 1 and will be incremented, for example, if a job is repeated due to a Retry Instruction or if an order is resumed by user intervention repeating the job in the workflow. The value is incremented for each execution of a job independently of the fact that this job might occur a number of times in different nodes of a workflow.


The date for which an order was originally scheduled. The date format includes yyyy, MM, dd, HH, mm, ss and the time zone offset, e.g. 2020-12-03 09:13:59+0100

Scheduled Date

JS7_SCHEDULED_YEARThe year of the scheduled date padded to 4 digits, e.g. 2020, 2021, 2022 etc.Year of Scheduled Date

JS7_SCHEDULED_MONTHThe month of the scheduled date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 12Month of Scheduled Date

JS7_SCHEDULED_DAYThe day of the scheduled date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 31Day of Scheduled Date

JS7_SCHEDULED_HOURThe hour of the scheduled date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 00, ..., 24Hour of Scheduled Date

JS7_SCHEDULED_MINUTEThe minute of the scheduled date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 59Minute of Scheduled Date

JS7_SCHEDULED_SECONDThe second of the scheduled date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 59Second of Scheduled Date

Job Start DateJS7_JOBSTART_DATEThe date at which the job was started. The date format includes yyyy, MM, dd, HH, mm, ss and the time zone offset, e.g. 2020-12-03 09:13:59+0100Start Date of the task for a shell job or Start Date of the processing of an order by a JVM job

JS7_JOBSTART_YEARThe year of the job start date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 2020, 2021, 2022 etc.Year of Job Start Date

JS7_JOBSTART_MONTHThe month of the job start date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 12Month of Job Start Date

JS7_JOBSTART_DAYThe day of the job start date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 31Day of Job Start Date

JS7_JOBSTART_HOURThe hour of the job start date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 00, ..., 24Hour of Job Start Date

JS7_JOBSTART_MINUTEThe minute of the job start date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 59Minute of Job Start Date

JS7_JOBSTART_SECONDThe second of the job start date padded to 2 digits, e.g. 01, ..., 59Second of Job Start Date

JS7_JOBSTART_EPOCHMILLIThe number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970 UTC until the job start dateEpoch milliseconds for Job Start Date


  • Note that the Scheduled Date is available only for orders that have been scheduled for a start time. 
    • This applies to scheduled orders created by JS7 - Schedules.
    • This also applies to Ad Hoc orders created from the JS7 - Workflows that are assigned a start time
    • This does not apply to Ad Hoc orders that are created for immediate start.

Job Resource: eMailDefault

CategoryEnvironment VariableArgumentDescriptionSample Value
AgentMAIL_SMTP_FROMfromE-Mail address from which the mail is being

MAIL_SMTP_FROM_NAMEfrom_nameName of the E-Mail address that sends mailJS7 JobScheduler

MAIL_SMTP_REPLY_TOreply_toE-Mail address for replies to

MAIL_SMTP_HOSTmail.smtp.hostHostname or IP Address of the mail

MAIL_SMTP_PORTmail.smtp.portSMTP Port of the mail server25

MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUTmail.smtp.timeoutTimeout in ms for responses of the mail server5000

MAIL_SMTP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUTmail.smtp.connectiontimeoutTimeout in ms for establishing a connection to the mail server5000


  • Note that e-mail settings are used for JS7 - Notifications - Configuration Element MailFragment
    • The names of Arguments and Environment Variables should not be changed.
    • Any further Arguments and Environment Variables can be added that start with the prefix mail.smtp. and MAIL_SMTP_ respectively,
      • For example, to force support for TLS connections with a specific version of the protocol you can use:
        • Argument: mail.smtp.ssl.protocols, value: TLSv1.2
        • Argument: mail.smtp.starttls.enable, value: true

      • For authentication the following settings are used:
        • the mail.smtp.user setting is assigned the SMTP user account.
        • the mail.smtp.password setting is assigned the password.
      • When using OAuth2 authentication then the following settings are used:
        • the mail.smtp.auth setting is assigned the value true.
        • the mail.smtp.auth.mechanisms setting is assigned the value XOAUTH2.
        • the mail.smtp.user setting is assigned the OAuth2 user account.
        • the mail.smtp.password setting is assigned the OAuth2 access token.
        • Some mail servers such as might require the older SASL mechanism to be used:
          • the mail.smtp.sasl.mechanisms.oauth2.oauthToken setting is assigned the OAuth2 access token.
          • the mail.smtp.password setting is not specified.
    • Find the list of available settings for JavaMail from :

Environment Variables from Job Properties


  • Users are free to choose the names of environment variables compliant to their OS. Such names are automatically converted to uppercase letters.
  • Environment variables can be assigned values from order variables and from node arguments. Such variables are preceded by a $ and follow the spelling of the relevant variable or argument.
  • Caveat: Any existing environment variables with the same name will be overwritten from the job configuration. You can e.g. specify a PATH environment variable if the intention is to modify this OS environment variable for use with a specific job.

  • No labels