Creating the dumpfile
This is an example for MySql.
1.Stop the JobScheduler
2.Create a dump of history tables
./mysqldump scheduler SCHEDULER_HISTORY SCHEDULER_ORDER_HISTORY SCHEDULER_ORDER_STEP_HISTORY SCHEDULER_VARIABLES --host=<host> --port=<port> --user=<user> -p --add-drop-table --skip-comments --single-transaction --opt > scheduler_history.dmp
3.Create an archive database
prompt:~> ./mysql --host=<host> --port=<port> --user=<user> -p scheduler_archive mysql> create database scheduler_archive mysql> exit
4.Import dump to the archive
prompt:~>./mysql --host=<host> --port=<port> --user=<user> -p scheduler_archive < scheduler_history.dmp
5.Delete old records (please check scheduler_archive before doing this)
prompt:~> ./mysql --host=<host> --port=<port> --user=<user> -p scheduler mysql> delete from SCHEDULER_HISTORY where start_time < '2012-01-01'; mysql> delete from SCHEDULER_ORDER_HISTORY where start_time < '2012-01-01'; mysql> delete from SCHEDULER_ORDER_STEP_HISTORY where start_time < '2012-01-01'; mysql> exit
6.Optimize table
prompt:~> ./mysql --host=<host> --port=<port> --user=<user> -p scheduler mysql> OPTIMIZE TABLE SCHEDULER_HISTORY,SCHEDULER_ORDER_HISTORY,SCHEDULER_ORDER_STEP_HISTORY; mysql> exit
How to access logs from the archive by id
Setup a new job scheduler instance. This instance should have no own jobs.
To access a task log
To access an order log