- Determine the status of individual JITL Jobs
- Announce replacement, deprecation or removal of individual jobs
JITL Jobs that extend the base class Job_Impl
Colour | Description |
Deprecated | |
Previously used | |
Removed | |
Extends JobSchedulerJobAdapter but does not use Option classes |
Job | Description | Used for | Deprecation Status | Replacement Notes |
sos.scheduler.managed.configuration.ConfigurationJob | Reads job chain node configuration is used by ConfigurationOrderJob ConfigurationOrderJob is used by JobSchedulerConfigurationPreparationJob. This job loads the job chain node configuration into the payload | ConfigurationOrderJob | deprecated | ConfigurationMonitor |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCleanupHistory | deletes records from the history tables | will extend JobSchedulerCleanupSchedulerDbJSAdapterClass | ||
sos.scheduler.cron.JobSchedulerCronAdapter | Triggers on changes to the crontab and updates JobScheduler job definition when the crontab changes | deprecated | live folder | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerDequeueMail | Just calls the spooler_log.mail().dequeue() | Should be a JobScheduler Monitoring feature see JobScheduler Monitoring Interface | ||
sos.scheduler.launcher.JobSchedulerLoadTestLauncherJob | Starts jobs for a load test | internal use | ||
sos.scheduler.monitor.JobSchedulerMonitorMessageJob | Observes jobs and job chains and monitors their logs | removed | see JobScheduler Monitoring Interface | |
sos.scheduler.mysql.JobSchedulerMySQLReplicationMonitor | Monitors the replication state of a MySQL Cluster | removed | Database tools | |
sos.scheduler.process.JobSchedulerProcessWebServiceRequestJob | deprecated | rest | ||
sos.scheduler.process.JobSchedulerProcessWebServiceResponseJob | deprecated | rest | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerRestart | Restarts JobScheduler | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSignalJob | Creates parameterized orders from records of a database | inrernal use | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSSHBaseJob | Is a base class for JobSchedulerSSHJob_deprecated and JobSchedulerSCPJob | sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter | ||
JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChains_old | Synchronize job chains | removed | JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChains | |
JobSchedulerTextProcessor | Provides some commands as count for textfiles | used by customer Auswärtiges Amt | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerTriggerSanityCheck | Checks disk space and memory | removed | System monitor like Nagios | |
sos.scheduler.webservice.JobSchedulerWebServiceShellJob | Starts a shell command file | deprecated | job language=shell | |
sos.scheduler.webservice.JobSchedulerWebServiceShellJobRequest | if an order has been started by a web service, the request xml payload will be transformed | deprecated | rest | |
sos.scheduler.webservice.JobSchedulerWebServiceShellJobResponse | deprecated | rest | ||
sos.scheduler.process.ProcessJob | Baseclass for ProcessOrderJob | deprecated | to be discussed for future subprocess handling features with Universal Agent | |
job language=shell | ||||
SOSMailReadInbox | Reads an e-mail inbox | deprecated | SOSMailProcessInbox |
JITL Jobs that extend the base class JobSchedulerJob
Job | Description | Used for | Deprecation Status | Replacement Notes |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckBlacklist | Checks whether there is an order in a blacklist. | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckSanity | Checks diskspace and memory | unsupported | System Monitors such as Nagios, op5 etc. | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckSlaves | Checks whether agents are reachable | removed | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckUpdates | Check for newer versions. No more server available | removed | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCreateSequence | gets a sequence number from the database | deprecated | Hibernate with implementation per DBMS | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerDatabaseMonitor | Checks whether a database connection is available | deprecated | System Monitors such as Nagios, op5 etc. | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerEventJob | Checks event handlers | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerExistsEventJob | Check whether an event exists using a XPATH expression | deprecated | com.sos.jitl.eventing.checkevents.JobSchedulerCheckEventsJSAdapterClass | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerExportJob | Exports records from a database to xml | deprecated | to be discussed: check use of hostWare; export/import might be useful | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerExtractJob | Exports records from a database to a CSV file using hostware | deprecated | replaced by com.sos.jitl.extract.job.ResultSet2CSVJobJSAdapterClass | |
sos.scheduler.ftp.JobSchedulerFTPReceive | Receives files from a FTP server | YADE | ||
sos.scheduler.ftp.JobSchedulerFTPSend | Sends files to a FTP server | YADE | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerHttpPostJob | Executes a HTTP POST | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerImportJob | Imports an XML file into a database | deprecated | check use of hostWare; export/import might be useful | |
sos.scheduler.logMessage.JobSchedulerLogAnalyser | Analyses scheduler.log for error detecting | removed | see JobScheduler Monitoring Interface | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerMailJob | Send e-mail | deprecated | ||
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedStarter | Starter for Managed Jobs | Managed Jobs | removed | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedStarter_1 | Starter for Managed Jobs | Managed Jobs | removed | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedStarter_3 | Starter for Managed Jobs | Managed Jobs | removed | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.file.JobSchedulerMD5File | Create or checks md5 files | |||
sos.scheduler.mysql.JobSchedulerMySQLMaintenanceMonitor | Maintenance of mysql databases | removed | MySQL database tools | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerShowParams | writes the current parameter list to the log | to be removed | is replaced by adapter class functionality | | | Detects XML configurations and writes them to the database | Managed Jobs | removed | live folder, see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerTimetableJob | create schedules in a database | TimeTable,Managed Jobs | removed |
JITL Jobs that extend the base class JobSchedulerJobAdapter
Job | Description | Used for | Deprecation Status | Replacement Notes |
---|---|---|---|---| | Aggregation for the JobSchedule Reporting Interface | Reporting | ||
com.sos.dailyschedule.job.CheckDailyScheduleJSAdapterClass | Synchronize the daily plan with the history | |||
sos.scheduler.misc.CopyJob2OrderParameterJSAdapterClass | Copies all job parameters to the current order | |||
com.sos.dailyschedule.job.CreateDailyScheduleJSAdapterClass | Creates a daily plan | |||
com.sos.jitl.extract.job.CSV2CSVJobJSAdapterClass | ??? | ||| | ??? | |||
com.sos.scheduler.generics.GenericAPIJobJSAdapterClass | ??? | |||
com.sos.jitl.reporting.job.inventory.InventoryJobJSAdapterClass | ??? | |||
sos.scheduler.jade.Jade4JessyBaseClass | ??? | |||
com.sos.jade.job.JadeDeleteHistoryJSAdapterClass | Deletes history records from the YADE transfer database | housekeeping | deprecated | com.sos.jitl.housekeeping.cleanupdb.JobSchedulerCleanupSchedulerDbJSAdapterClass |
com.sos.jitl.splitter.JobChainSplitterJSAdapterClass | Creates parallelly running orders in a job chain | |||
com.sos.jitl.eventing.checkevents.JobSchedulerCheckEventsJSAdapterClass | Checks whether an event is active | event handling | ||
sos.scheduler.CheckRunHistory.JobSchedulerCheckRunHistoryJSAdapterClass | Checks whether a job did run | |||
com.sos.jitl.housekeeping.cleanupdb.JobSchedulerCleanupSchedulerDbJSAdapterClass | Deletes history records from the scheduler history tables | housekeeping | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerDequeueEventsJob | Dequeues events | event handling | ||
sos.scheduler.file.JobSchedulerFileOperationBase.JobSchedulerFileOperationBase() | Base class for file operations | |||
sos.scheduler.file.JobSchedulerFolderTreeJSAdapterClass | Job JobSchedulerFolderTree creates report for disk space usage | |||
sos.scheduler.ftp.JobSchedulerFTPSend | Sends File to an FTP server | YADE | ||
sos.scheduler.LaunchAndObserve.JobSchedulerLaunchAndObserveJSAdapterClass | to be deleted | used for customer | ||
sos.scheduler.managed.db.JobSchedulerManagedDBReportJobJSAdapterClass | Sends database reports by e-mail | |||
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedJob | Used by Managed Jobs | to be deleted | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) | |
sos.scheduler.db.JobSchedulerPLSQLJobJSAdapterClass | Executes plsql scripts | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerRemoteCommandJob | Execute commands on a remote machine | deprecated | replaced by Agents, SSH Job | |
com.sos.jitl.housekeeping.rotatelog.JobSchedulerRotateLogJSAdapterClass | Rotates the log | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSubmitEvenTaskAfterMonitor | Monitor to submit an event | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSubmitEventJob | Job to submit an event | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChains1 | Old version of the sync job | to be deleted | ||
com.sos.jitl.sync.JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChainsJSAdapterClass | Synchronize job chains | |||
sos.scheduler.xsl.JobSchedulerXslTransformJSAdapterClass | Performs a XSL transformation | |||
sos.scheduler.InstallationService.JSBatchInstallerJSAdapterClass | Installs Agents | deprecated | Job has to be migrated to a new job for JobScheduler Universal Agent | |
com.sos.jitl.eventing.JSEventsClientBaseClass | Base class for event jobs | |||
sos.scheduler.file.JSExistsFileJSAdapterClass | Checks whether a file exists | |||
sos.scheduler.job.JSObjects2GraphvizJSAdapterClass | Creates diagrams for job chains | |||
sos.scheduler.reports.JSReportAllParametersJSAdapterClass | ??? | deprecated | parameters are logged by adapter class | |
com.sos.jitl.mail.smtp.JSSmtpMailClientBaseClass | Base class for mail jobs | |||
sos.scheduler.job.MonitorSchedulerSendMail | Sends e-mail | |||
com.sos.jitl.extract.job.ResultSet2CSVJobJSAdapterClass | Extracts a result set to a CSV file | |||
sos.scheduler.job.SOSDExJSAdapterClass.SOSDExJSAdapterClass() | YADE | |||
sos.ftphistory.job.SOSFTPHistoryJob | ??? | |||
sos.scheduler.jade.SOSJade4DMZJSAdapter.SOSJade4DMZJSAdapter() | YADE for DMZ | |||
com.sos.jade.job.SOSJadeHistoryJSAdapterClass | ??? | |||
sos.mail.SOSMailProcessInbox | Reads e-mail from a POP3 account | should be improved for use of imap and optional encryption (use of Java properties files) | ||
sos.scheduler.db.SOSSQLPlusJobJSAdapterClass | Executes command in Oracle SqlPlus | |||
sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSBaseAdapter | Executes commands via SSH | |||
com.sos.jitl.operations.criticalpath.job.UncriticalJobNodesJobJSAdapterClass | Provides a critical path solution |
Job removed in 1.12.
Job | Description | Used for | Replacement Notes |
sos.scheduler.monitor.JobSchedulerMonitorMessageJob | Observes jobs and job chains and monitors their logs | see JobScheduler Monitoring Interface | |
sos.scheduler.mysql.JobSchedulerMySQLReplicationMonitor | Monitors the replication state of a MySQL Cluster | Database tools | |
JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChains_old | Synchronize job chains | JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChains | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerTriggerSanityCheck | Checks disk space and memory | System monitor like Nagios | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckSlaves | Checks whether agents are reachable | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckUpdates | Check for newer versions. No more server available | ||
sos.scheduler.logMessage.JobSchedulerLogAnalyser | Analyses scheduler.log for error detecting | see JobScheduler Monitoring Interface | |
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedStarter | Starter for Managed Jobs | Managed Jobs | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedStarter_1 | Starter for Managed Jobs | Managed Jobs | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedStarter_3 | Starter for Managed Jobs | Managed Jobs | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.mysql.JobSchedulerMySQLMaintenanceMonitor | Maintenance of mysql databases | MySQL database tools | | | Detects XML configurations and writes them to the database | Managed Jobs | live folder, see Managed Jobs (deprecated) |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerTimetableJob | create schedules in a database | TimeTable,Managed Jobs | |
sos.scheduler.file.JobSchedulerFolderTreeJSAdapterClass | Job JobSchedulerFolderTree creates report for disk space usage | ||
sos.scheduler.LaunchAndObserve.JobSchedulerLaunchAndObserveJSAdapterClass | used for customer | ||
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedJob | Used by Managed Jobs | see Managed Jobs (deprecated) | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChains1 | Old version of the sync job | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSSHBaseJob | Is a base class for JobSchedulerSSHJob_deprecated and JobSchedulerSCPJob | sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter | |
sos.scheduler.ftp.JobSchedulerFTPSend | Sends File to an FTP server | YADE | |
sos.scheduler.ftp.JobSchedulerFTPReceive | Receives files from a FTP server | YADE | |
sos.ftphistory.job.SOSFTPHistoryJob | ??? | ||
com.sos.dailyschedule.job.CheckDailyScheduleJSAdapterClass | Synchronize the daily plan with the history | ||
com.sos.scheduler.generics.GenericAPIJobJSAdapterClass | Is not used |
Jobs that will be removed in 2.0
Job | Description | Used for | Replacement Notes |
sos.scheduler.managed.configuration.ConfigurationJob | Reads job chain node configuration is used by ConfigurationOrderJob ConfigurationOrderJob is used by JobSchedulerConfigurationPreparationJob. This job loads the job chain node configuration into the payload | ConfigurationOrderJob | ConfigurationMonitor |
sos.scheduler.cron.JobSchedulerCronAdapter | Triggers on changes to the crontab and updates JobScheduler job definition when the crontab changes | live folder | |
sos.scheduler.process.JobSchedulerProcessWebServiceRequestJob | rest | ||
sos.scheduler.process.JobSchedulerProcessWebServiceResponseJob | rest | ||
sos.scheduler.webservice.JobSchedulerWebServiceShellJob | Starts a shell command file | job language=shell | |
sos.scheduler.webservice.JobSchedulerWebServiceShellJobRequest | if an order has been started by a web service, the request xml payload will be transformed | rest | |
sos.scheduler.webservice.JobSchedulerWebServiceShellJobResponse | rest | ||
sos.scheduler.process.ProcessJob | Baseclass for ProcessOrderJob | to be discussed for future subprocess handling features with Universal Agent | |
SOSMailReadInbox | Reads an e-mail inbox | SOSMailProcessInbox | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckSanity | Checks diskspace and memory | System Monitors such as Nagios, op5 etc. | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCreateSequence | gets a sequence number from the database | Hibernate with implementation per DBMS | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerDatabaseMonitor | Checks whether a database connection is available | System Monitors such as Nagios, op5 etc. | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerExistsEventJob | Check whether an event exists using a XPATH expression | com.sos.jitl.eventing.checkevents.JobSchedulerCheckEventsJSAdapterClass | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerExportJob | Exports records from a database to xml | to be discussed: check use of hostWare; export/import might be useful | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerExtractJob | Exports records from a database to a CSV file using hostware | replaced by com.sos.jitl.extract.job.ResultSet2CSVJobJSAdapterClass | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerImportJob | Imports an XML file into a database | check use of hostWare; export/import might be useful | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerMailJob | Send e-mail | ||
com.sos.jade.job.JadeDeleteHistoryJSAdapterClass | Deletes history records from the YADE transfer database | housekeeping | com.sos.jitl.housekeeping.cleanupdb.JobSchedulerCleanupSchedulerDbJSAdapterClass |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerRemoteCommandJob | Execute commands on a remote machine | replaced by Agents, SSH Job | |
sos.scheduler.InstallationService.JSBatchInstallerJSAdapterClass | Installs Agents | Job has to be migrated to a new job for JobScheduler Universal Agent | |
sos.scheduler.reports.JSReportAllParametersJSAdapterClass | parameters are logged by adapter class | ||
com.sos.jitl.splitter.JobChainSplitterJSAdapterClass | Creates parallelly running orders in a job chain | ||
sos.scheduler.CheckRunHistory.JobSchedulerCheckRunHistoryJSAdapterClass | Checks whether a job did run | ||
com.sos.jitl.housekeeping.cleanupdb.JobSchedulerCleanupSchedulerDbJSAdapterClass | Deletes history records from the scheduler history tables | housekeeping | |
com.sos.jitl.sync.JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChainsJSAdapterClass | Synchronize job chains | ||
com.sos.jade.job.SOSJadeHistoryJSAdapterClass | ??? | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCheckBlacklist | Checks whether there is an order in a blacklist. | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerCleanupHistory | deletes records from the history tables | will extend JobSchedulerCleanupSchedulerDbJSAdapterClass | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerDeleteHistory | |||
sos.scheduler.jade.SFTPSendJob | |||
sos.scheduler.jade.SFTPReceiveJob | |||
sos.scheduler.jade.FTPSendJob | |||
sos.scheduler.jade.FTPReceiveJob | |||
sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedExecutableJob | |||
sos.scheduler.process.JobSchedulerProcessSubprocessJob | |||
sos.scheduler.process.JobSchedulerProcessPreparationJob | |||
sos.jadehistory.job.JADEHistoryJob | |||
com.sos.jitl.join.JobSchedulerJoinOrdersJSAdapterClass | |||
sos.scheduler.misc.CopyJob2OrderParameterJSAdapterClass | Copies all job parameters to the current order | ||
com.sos.dailyschedule.job.CreateDailyScheduleJSAdapterClass | Creates a daily plan | || | |||
sos.scheduler.jade.Jade4JessyBaseClass | Jobs FTPReceive, FTPSend, SFTPReceive, SFTPSend do extent this class. As they will be removed, this Class no longer is neccessary | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerDequeueEventsJob | Dequeues events | event handling | |
com.sos.jitl.reporting.job.inventory.InventoryJobJSAdapterClass | ??? | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JSObjects2GraphvizJSAdapterClass | Creates diagrams for job chains | ||
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerSignalJob | Creates parameterized orders from records of a database | internal use in the | |
JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJob | Replaced by JobSchedulerManagedDatabaseJobSOSHibernate job |
Jobs available in 2.0
Job | Description | Used for | Replacement Notes |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerDequeueMail | Just calls the spooler_log.mail().dequeue() | Should be a JobScheduler Monitoring feature see JobScheduler Monitoring Interface | |
sos.scheduler.launcher.JobSchedulerLoadTestLauncherJob | Starts jobs for a load test | internal use | |
sos.scheduler.job.JobSchedulerRestart | Restarts JobScheduler | ||
JobSchedulerTextProcessor | Provides some commands as count for textfiles | used by customer Auswärtiges Amt | |
Checks event handlers | ap: Feature entfällt: wir werden keine Event-Jobs mehr haben | ||
Executes a HTTP POST | ap: ich kenne niemanden außer mir, der das verwendet hat | ||
Create or checks md5 files | ap: Mir ist keine Verwendung des Jobs bekannt | || | Aggregation for the JobSchedule Reporting Interface | Reporting | |
??? | |||
com.sos.scheduler.generics.GenericAPIJobJSAdapterClass | ??? | ||
com.sos.jitl.reporting.job.inventory.InventoryJobJSAdapterClass | ??? | ||
Checks whether an event is active | event handling | ap: Feature entfällt: wir werden keine Event-Jobs mehr haben | |
sos.scheduler.CheckRunHistory.JobSchedulerCheckHistoryJSAdapterClass | Checks whether a job did run | ||
sos.scheduler.file.JobSchedulerFileOperationBase.JobSchedulerFileOperationBase() | Base class for file operations | ||
sos.scheduler.managed.db.JobSchedulerManagedDBReportJobJSAdapterClass | Sends database reports by e-mail | ||
sos.scheduler.db.JobSchedulerPLSQLJobJSAdapterClass | Executes PL/SQL scripts | ||
Rotates the log | ap: Feature entfält: wird durch log4j2 abgebildet | ||
Monitor to submit an event | ap: Feature entfällt: wir werden keine Event-Jobs mehr haben | ||
Job to submit an event | ap: Feature entfällt: wir werden keine Event-Jobs mehr haben | ||
Performs a XSL transformation | ap: ich sehe nicht, wozu wir das noch brauchen | ||
Base class for event jobs | ap: Feature entfällt: wir werden keine Event-Jobs mehr haben | ||
sos.scheduler.file.JSExistsFileJSAdapterClass | Checks whether a file exists | ||
com.sos.jitl.mail.smtp.JSSmtpMailClientBaseClass | Base class for mail jobs | ||
sos.scheduler.job.MonitorSchedulerSendMail | Sends e-mail | ||
com.sos.jitl.extract.job.ResultSet2CSVJobJSAdapterClass | Extracts a result set to a CSV file | ||
sos.scheduler.job.SOSDExJSAdapterClass.SOSDExJSAdapterClass() | YADE | ||
sos.scheduler.jade.SOSJade4DMZJSAdapter.SOSJade4DMZJSAdapter() | YADE for DMZ | ||
sos.mail.SOSMailProcessInbox | Reads e-mail from a POP3 account | should be improved for use of imap and optional encryption (use of Java properties files) | |
sos.scheduler.db.SOSSQLPlusJobJSAdapterClass | Executes command in Oracle SQL*Plus | ||
sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSBaseAdapter | Executes commands via SSH | ||
Provides a critical path solution | ap: Das Feature braucht eine komplette Überarbeitung, das hängt nicht nur an diesem Job. |