User Parameters in Shell-Scripts
Job parameter and order params are accessible by the use of environment variables. There is a name convention. The name of the environment variable according to a parameter is SCHEDULER_PARAM_NAMEOFPARAM. For example the job parameter param1 is available by the environment variable SCHEDULER_PARAM_PARAM1.
<job> <params> <param name="param1" value="Test"/> </params> <script language="shell"> <![CDATA[ rem This is a sample shell script to demonstrate the use of parameters echo Param1 has the value %scheduler_param_param1% ]]> </script> <run_time/> </job>
for Linux
<job> <params> <param name="param1" value="Test"/> </params> <script language="shell"> <![CDATA[ # This is a sample shell script to demonstrate the use of parameters echo Param1 has the value $SCHEDULER_PARAM_PARAM1 ]]> </script> <run_time/> </job
Setting Parameter in Shell-Scripts and put them to the next node in job chains.
At every change of status in job chains Job Scheduler parses a temporary file for name value pairs. Thes name value pairs will be set as order params. The name of the temporary file is availabe with the environment variable SCHEDULER_RETURN_VALUES.
First Job
<job order="yes" stop_on_error="no"> <params> <param name="param1" value="Test"/> </params> <script language="shell"> <![CDATA[ rem This is a sample shell script to demonstrate the use of parameters echo newParam=a sample value >> %scheduler_return_values% ]]> </script> <run_time/> </job>
Second Job
<job order="yes" stop_on_error="no"> <params> <param name="param1" value="Test"/> </params> <script language="shell"> <![CDATA[ echo newParam has the value %scheduler_param_newParam% ]]> </script> <run_time/> </job>
Job Chain
<job_chain> <job_chain_node state="100" job="job_sample_shell_with_parameter" next_state="200" error_state="error"/> <job_chain_node state="200" job="job_sample_shell" next_state="success" error_state="error"/> <job_chain_node state="success"/> <job_chain_node state="error"/> </job_chain>