Mail problem: SCHEDULER-320 could not send mail (is 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for ...)
The SMTP server fully rejects the mail address with the inforamtion: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for and deletes mail. In addition, mails are not sent out to other recipients.
The error message is:
18 11:59:52.261 5 12030.F7E406D0 JavaMail Send smth1. to"," subjech1. "ERROR SCHEDULER-279 Process terminated with signal 9 (SIGKILL Kill, unblockable)"
18 11:59:52.442 181 12030.F7E406D0 xc.insert 1, "javax.mail.SendFailedException"
18 11:59:52.442 0 12030.F7E406D0 [xc.insert 2, "Invalid Addresses
18 11:59:52.442 0 12030.F7E406D0 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
18 11:59:52.442 0 12030.F7E406D0 "]
18 11:59:52.442 0 12030.F7E406D0 xc.insert 3, "send"
Unfortunately, the error message is not to be found in the task log because the task has already been completed and sending a mail is an internal JobScheduler process.
The reason for the error could be that access parameters for the mail server have not been entered in the factory.ini file:
mail.smtp.password h1. mail.smtp.port 25
User and password must be entered here and have to be valid for the SMTP server.
If this does not work then ask your SMTP support why a mail with this address was deleted from the server. You can find more information about why a server deletes a mail and give out this message on