Description of JobSchedulerExistsFile - check wether a file exist
Checks for the existence of a file, a directory or for specific files inside of a directory.
Parameter used by JobSchedulerExistsFile
Parameter: file File or Folder to watch for
File or Folder to watch for
Checked file or directory
Supports masks for substitution in the file name and directory name with format strings that are enclosed by {*} and {*} . The following format strings are supported:
[date: date format ] '''date format''' must be a valid Java data format string, e.g. '''yyyyMMddHHmmss''' , '''yyyy-MM-dd.HHmmss''' etc.
<param name="file" value="sample/hello[date:yyyyMMdd].txt" />
On 2050-12-31 the parameter file contains the value "sample/hello20501231.txt" .
Supports substitution of job parameter names with their value if the job parameter name is enclosed by % and % .
Example: <param namh1. "file" value"%scheduler_file_path%" />
During the job runtime the parameter file contains the value of the job parameter scheduler_file_path . UsingDirectory Monitoring with File Ordersthe job parameter scheduler_file_path contains automatically the path of the file that triggered the order.
The default value for this parameter is ..
This parameter is mandatory.
Parameter: file_spec Regular Expression for file filtering
Regular Expression for file filteringRegular Expression for file filtering. The behaviour is CASE_INSENSITIVE.
Only effective if the parameter file is a directory.
Parameter: gracious Enables or disables error messages
Enables or disables error messagesEnables or disables error messages that are caused by a nonexistent file or directory being specified with the parameters file and respectively file_spec .
Valid values: false, 0, off, no, n, nein, none , true, 1, on, yes, y, ja, j and all
The following rules apply when file and respectively file_spec contains an incorrect value: GRACIOUS Standalone-Job Order-Job false, 0, off, no, n, nein, noneerror log,
Task errorerror log,
set_state errortrue, 1, on, yes, y, ja, jno error log,
Task successno error log,
set_state errorallno error log,
Task successno error log,
set_state success
The default value for this parameter is false.
Parameter: max_file_age maximum age of one or multiple files
maximum age of one or multiple files
Specifies the maximum age of one or more files. If a file is older, then it is deemed not to exist.
Possible values:
0 (disabled)
The default value for this parameter is 0.
Parameter: max_file_size maximum size of one or multiple files
maximum size of one or multiple filesSpecifies the maximum size of one or multiple files in bytes: should the size of one of the files exceed this value, then it is classified as non-existing.
Possible Values:
-1 (disabled)
number (Byte), e.g. 40
numberKB, e.g. 5KB (case insensitive)
numberMB, e.g. 20MB (case insensitive)
numberGB, e.g. 10GB (case insensitive)
The default value for this parameter is -1.
Parameter: min_file_age minimum age of one or multiple files
minimum age of one or multiple filesSpecifies the minimum age of one or multiple files. If the file(s) is newer then it is classified as non-existing.
Possible values:
0 (disabled)
The default value for this parameter is 0.
Parameter: min_file_size minimum size of one or multiple files
minimum size of one or multiple filesSpecifies the minimum size of one or multiple files in bytes: should the size of one of the files fall below this value, then it is classified as non-existing.
Possible Values:
-1 (disabled)
number (Byte), e.g. 40
numberKB, e.g. 5KB (case insensitive)
numberMB, e.g. 20MB (case insensitive)
numberGB, e.g. 10GB (case insensitive)
The default value for this parameter is -1.
Parameter: skip_first_files number of files to remove from the beginning of the
number of files to remove from the beginning of the result-setThe number of files are removed from the beginning of the set resulting by min_file_size, min_file_age etc. These files are excluded from further operations.
The result set is sorted according to the used constraining parameters:
+ min_file_age, max_file_age: in ascending order by date of last modification, the newest file first.
+ min_file_size, max_file_size: in ascending order by file size, the smallest file first.
+ if parameters for file age as well as file size are given the set is sorted by file age.
Only either skip_first_files or skip_last_files is allowed to be set at one time.
The default value for this parameter is 0.
Parameter: skip_last_files number of files to remove from the bottom of the result-set
number of files to remove from the bottom of the result-setThe number of files are removed from the end of the set resulting by min_file_size, min_file_age etc. These files are excluded from further operations.
The result set is sorted according to the used constraining parameters:
+ min_file_age, max_file_age: in ascending order by date of last modification, the newest file first.
+ min_file_size, max_file_size: in ascending order by file size, the smallest file first.
+ if parameters for file age as well as file size are given the set is sorted by file age.
Only either skip_first_files or skip_last_files is allowed to be set at one time.
The default value for this parameter is 0.