Description of JobSchedulerExistsFile - check wether a file exist
Checks for the existence of a file, a directory or for specific files inside of a directory.
Parameter used by JobSchedulerExistsFile
Parameter: file
File or Folder to watch for
Checked file or directory
Supports masks for substitution in the file name and directory name with format strings that are enclosed by {*} and {*} . The following format strings are supported:
[date: date format ] '''date format''' must be a valid Java data format string, e.g. '''yyyyMMddHHmmss''' , '''yyyy-MM-dd.HHmmss''' etc.
<param name="file" value="sample/hello[date:yyyyMMdd].txt" />
On 2050-12-31 the parameter file contains the value "sample/hello20501231.txt" .
Supports substitution of job parameter names with their value if the job parameter name is enclosed by % and % .
Example: <param namh1. "file" value"%scheduler_file_path%" />
During the job runtime the parameter file contains the value of the job parameter scheduler_file_path . UsingDirectory Monitoring with File Ordersthe job parameter scheduler_file_path contains automatically the path of the file that triggered the order.
The default value for this parameter is ..
This parameter is mandatory.
Parameter: file_spec
Regular Expression for file filteringRegular Expression for file filtering. The behaviour is CASE_INSENSITIVE.
Only effective if the parameter file is a directory.
Parameter: gracious
Enables or disables error messagesEnables or disables error messages that are caused by a nonexistent file or directory being specified with the parameters file and respectively file_spec .
Valid values: false, 0, off, no, n, nein, none , true, 1, on, yes, y, ja, j and all
The following rules apply when file and respectively file_spec contains an incorrect value: GRACIOUS Standalone-Job Order-Job false, 0, off, no, n, nein, noneerror log,
Task errorerror log,
set_state errortrue, 1, on, yes, y, ja, jno error log,
Task successno error log,
set_state errorallno error log,
Task successno error log,
set_state success
The default value for this parameter is false.
Parameter: max_file_age
maximum age of one or multiple files
Specifies the maximum age of one or more files. If a file is older, then it is deemed not to exist.
Possible values:
0 (disabled)
The default value for this parameter is 0.
Parameter: max_file_size
maximum size of one or multiple filesSpecifies the maximum size of one or multiple files in bytes: should the size of one of the files exceed this value, then it is classified as non-existing.
Possible Values:
-1 (disabled)
number (Byte), e.g. 40
numberKB, e.g. 5KB (case insensitive)
numberMB, e.g. 20MB (case insensitive)
numberGB, e.g. 10GB (case insensitive)
The default value for this parameter is -1.
Parameter: min_file_age
minimum age of one or multiple filesSpecifies the minimum age of one or multiple files. If the file(s) is newer then it is classified as non-existing.
Possible values:
0 (disabled)
The default value for this parameter is 0.
Parameter: min_file_size
minimum size of one or multiple filesSpecifies the minimum size of one or multiple files in bytes: should the size of one of the files fall below this value, then it is classified as non-existing.
Possible Values:
-1 (disabled)
number (Byte), e.g. 40
numberKB, e.g. 5KB (case insensitive)
numberMB, e.g. 20MB (case insensitive)
numberGB, e.g. 10GB (case insensitive)
The default value for this parameter is -1.
Parameter: skip_first_files
number of files to remove from the beginning of the result-setThe number of files are removed from the beginning of the set resulting by min_file_size, min_file_age etc. These files are excluded from further operations.
The result set is sorted according to the used constraining parameters:
+ min_file_age, max_file_age: in ascending order by date of last modification, the newest file first.
+ min_file_size, max_file_size: in ascending order by file size, the smallest file first.
+ if parameters for file age as well as file size are given the set is sorted by file age.
Only either skip_first_files or skip_last_files is allowed to be set at one time.
The default value for this parameter is 0.
Parameter: skip_last_files
number of files to remove from the bottom of the result-setThe number of files are removed from the end of the set resulting by min_file_size, min_file_age etc. These files are excluded from further operations.
The result set is sorted according to the used constraining parameters:
+ min_file_age, max_file_age: in ascending order by date of last modification, the newest file first.
+ min_file_size, max_file_size: in ascending order by file size, the smallest file first.
+ if parameters for file age as well as file size are given the set is sorted by file age.
Only either skip_first_files or skip_last_files is allowed to be set at one time.
The default value for this parameter is 0.