JID and PostgreSQL
JID and its JobScheduler jobs (/sos/dailyschedule/CheckDaysSchedule and /sos/dailyschedule/CreateDaysSchedule) use Hibernate for database transactions.
If you use the PostgreSQL DBMS then you might face the following error due to a problem between Hibernate and PostgreSQL:
ERROR [main] (JDBCExceptionReporter.java:234) - Unzulässiger Wert für den Typ int : \037\213\010\000\000\000\000\000\000\003m\217\
6\270\\\270\207S\204\226\012\213\205%\260T\225X!\032\244!\354Z\177\224\037\000\330\314\277\026\237\333\325b]L\354\030 D\027y\232\2
kRZI3\363\356\374\010\254\020Y\377Z\237\376\254M\357\011G\272\273\363 \001\000\000.
The reason is, that the Hibernate dialect for PosgreSQL does not handle the byte[] type with @LOB annotation correctly. For this, whe added the following code modification to JobScheduler:
private byte[] log; @Lob @Column(name="`LOG`", nullable=true) public byte[] getLog() { return this.log; }
PostgreSql DBMS:
private byte[] log; @Column(name="`LOG`", nullable=true) public byte[] getLog() { return this.log; }
We provided a workaround:
- Please download the com.sos.hibernate_pgsql.jar and copy it into the $SCHEDULER_HOME/lib directory.
- If you are running a version before build 2265 then download the com.sos.hibernate_pgsql_before_2265.jar and store it to the $SCHEDULER_HOME/lib directory.
- Modify the java class path in $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/factory.ini:
... [java] class_path = ${SCHEDULER_HOME}/lib/com.sos.hibernate_pgsql.jar;${SCHEDULER_HOME}/lib/*.jar;${SCHEDULER_HOME}/lib/hibernate/*.jar;${SCHEDULER_HOME}/lib/jetty_ext/*.jar ...
Modifications to the file factory.ini take effect after restarting the JobScheduler.