Using Command Line Options

  • The command line option -env=[var_name]=[var_value] adds an environment variable to the JobScheduler.
    • This variable only exists in the scope of the JobScheduler.
  • If a variable [var_name] already exists in the user environment then the value of the -env option will become effective.
  • The Windows Service of the JobScheduler reads the system and user environment only if it runs in the corresponding user account.
  • Environment variables are considered for substitution when used in settings (see Job Scheduler Reference Documentation).

Start Script with -env

Example for starting the JobScheduler with an environment variable:

 unix-shell>[install_path]/bin/ start -env="hello=world" 
 windows-shell>[install_path]\bin\jobscheduler.cmd start -env="hello=world"

Environment Variables Script: jobscheduler_environment_variables.(sh|cmd)

The JobScheduler start script reads the environment from the .\user_bin\jobscheduler_environment_variables.(sh|cmd) script.

  • You will find an example in ./user_bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.(sh|cmd)-example.
  • Rename this file to ./user_bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.(sh|cmd) to make it effective.
  • For Unix make sure that ./user_bin/ is readable and executable.
  • Edit ./user_bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.(sh|cmd) if you always want to start the JobScheduler with additional environment variables. If you want to start the JobScheduler Windows service with the -env option then a reinstall is required (see below).

Example snippet of [install_path]/user_bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.(sh|cmd) for adding an environment variable:

 # unix 
 export hello="world"
 export PERL5LIB=`perl -e 'print join ":", @INC'`
 export TMP="${SCHEDULER_DATA}/tmp"
 rem windows 

Windows Service

The Windows Service always starts JobScheduler with the options and environment variables that have been used for installation. During the Windows JobScheduler setup a Windows Service is installed that has to be re-installed in order to make new environment variables effective.

For this:

  • stop the JobScheduler if it is running:
 windows-shell>[install_path]\bin\jobscheduler.cmd stop
  • remove the JobScheduler service:
 windows-shell>[install_path]\bin\jobscheduler.cmd remove
  • install the JobScheduler service with -env option or edit the jobscheduler_environment_variables.cmd file as stated above
 windows-shell>[install_path]\bin\jobscheduler.cmd install -env=hello=world
 windows-shell>[install_path]\bin\jobscheduler.cmd install 
  • start the JobScheduler service:
 windows-shell>[install_path]\bin\jobscheduler.cmd start_service