Introduction - PHP XML Interface
How to communicate with JobScheduler from PHP scripts e.g. to add jobs.
This example describes how you can start jobs, add orders to job chains by your application. The examples are written in PHP.
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- JS-1316Getting issue details... STATUS
- - basic communication classes
- - basic classes
- Unzip to folder package in your web folder .
- Unzip to folder package in your web folder
How it works
JobScheduler – Program Interface
This document describes how applications can communicate with the JobScheduler. Possible tasks could be as follows:
- Temporary creation of jobs
- Starting jobs
- Adding jobs
- Changing runtime
- Etc.
The communication is explained by the means of PHP examples. However you can use any other programming language of your choice.
The communication with JobScheduler takes place via TCP, where XML commands are transmitted. You can check the documentation for the possible XML commands:
All changes, which are made using the xml-commands vie TCP-communication are not persistent. This means, for example, added jobs are no longer available after restarting the JobScheduler.
Adding of a job with the name myJob. The Job runs once a day at 6pm and lists the table c:\temp
<add_jobs> <job name="myJob" title = "my first job"> <script language="shell"> <![CDATA[ dir c:\temp ]]> </script> <run_time> <period single_start="18:00"/> </run_time> </job> </add_jobs>
Example with Telnet
telnet localhost 4454
The following XML string can be send e.g. via Telnet
(The JobScheduler receives commands)
<add_jobs> <job name="myJob" title = "my first job"> <script language="shell"> <![CDATA[dir c:\temp ]]> </script> <run_time> <period single_start="18:00"/> </run_time> </job> </add_jobs>
(The JobScheduler answers)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <spooler> <answer time="2008-04-08 15:50:33.536"> <ok/> </answer> </spooler>
Example with PHP Socket Communication (@fsockopen)
//open Socket $socket = fsockopen("localhost", "4454", $errno,$errstr, 60); //build command $cmd = '<add_jobs><job name="myJob" title = "my first job"> <script'; $cmd += 'language="shell"> <![CDATA[dir c:\temp ]]> </script> '; $cmd += '<run_time> <period '; $cdm += 'single_start="18:00"/></run_time></job></add_jobs>'; //send command fputs( $socket, $cmd ); //Close Socket fclose( $socket);
After the JobScheduler has answered, you can view the Job in the JobScheduler's web interface, JOC.
Evaluate Answer
The following function delivers the JobScheduler's answers in a single string. The JobScheduler delivers the answer via the same socket as was previously used during fputs, e.g. the answer can also be delivered directly after fputs.
function get_answer($socket) { $answer = ''; $s = ''; while ( !ereg("</spooler>", $s) && !ereg("<ok[/]?>", $s) ) { $s = fgets($socket, 1000); if (strlen($s) == 0) { break; } $answer .= $s; $s = substr($answer, strlen($answer)-20); // chr(0) am Ende entfernen. if (substr($answer, -1) == chr(0)) { $answer = substr($answer, 0, -1); break; } } $answer = trim($answer); return $answer; }
Communication with PHP Classes
For an application that sends commands to the JobScheduler it is very usefull to have a proper error handling. Apart from that, a higher level of abstraction is useful for understanding the source code. For this reason SOS GmbH offers a class for processing the communication. The class encapsulates the socket calls and provides a method for reading XML answers of the JobScheduler.
- In your web directory set up a file called: packages.Into the folder scheduler put the file sos_scheduler_command_inc.php and into the folder class put the file
You can find these files unter scheduler/php_xml_interface/ - In your application program include the class with:
require_once( 'scheduler/');
The example can be realized with these classes as follows:
//open socket $command = new SOS_Scheduler_Command(‘localhost’,4454, 60); //build command $cmd = '<add_jobs><job name="myJob" title = "my first job"> <script'; $cmd += 'language="shell"> <![CDATA[dir c:\temp ]]> </script> '; $cmd += '<run_time> <period '; $cdm += 'single_start="18:00"/></run_time></job></add_jobs>'; if (!$command->connect()) { echo$get_error(). __FILE__ . __LINE__ ; return 0; } //send command $this->command->command($cmd); if ($command->get_answer_error()) { echo$command->get_error() . ‘ ‘ . __FILE__ . ‘ ‘ . __LINE__ ; } //close socket $command->disconnect();
Commands with xml-php Interface
- One of the key tasks for the communication with JobScheduler is the creation of XML commands. To this end, you could use string functions or DOM classes.
- Another possibility is to use the xml-php-interface. The interface encapsulates the construction of XML commands and the communication with the JobScheduler. In this case the classes described in Communication with PHP Classes are used.
The advantage of using these classes is the easy handling when assembling the XML data stream.
Within your application you have to setup the Include directory.
ini_set( 'include_path', 'packages' );
The example with these classes is realized as follows:
if(!defined('APP_SCHEDULER_HOST')) { define ( 'APP_SCHEDULER_HOST', 'localhost' ); } if(!defined('APP_SCHEDULER_PORT')) {define( 'APP_SCHEDULER_PORT', '4454' ); } //load missing classes and returns an object of the class function &get_instance($class, $include_path='scheduler/', $extension='.inc.php') { if ( !class_exists($class) ) { include( $include_path . strtolower($class) . $extension ); } $object = new $class; $object->host=APP_SCHEDULER_HOST; $object->port=APP_SCHEDULER_PORT; return $object; } $job = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Job','scheduler/'); //Setting some properties $job->name = "myJob"; $job->title = "my first job "; //Set the implementation $job->script('shell')->script_source='dir c:\temp'; //The job has a runtime $job->run_time()->period()->single_start = "18:00"; $job_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_JobCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $job_command->add_jobs($job)) { echo'error occurred adding job: ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; }
Example of Use
The following code should precede the code presented in the examples below:
if(!defined('APP_SCHEDULER_HOST')) { define ( 'APP_SCHEDULER_HOST', 'localhost' ); } if(!defined('APP_SCHEDULER_PORT')) {define( 'APP_SCHEDULER_PORT', '4454' ); } //load missing classes and returns an object of the class function &get_instance($class, $include_path='scheduler/', $extension='.inc.php') { if ( !class_exists($class) ) { include( $include_path . strtolower($class) . $extension ); } $object = new $class; $object->host=APP_SCHEDULER_HOST; $object->port=APP_SCHEDULER_PORT; return $object; }
The use of the php-xml interface is explained. You can find a detailed documentation of the classes in the formats PHP and DOC under: http://www….
At the end of each example you can see the XML code that will be send to JobScheduler.
Adding a Order to a Job Chain
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // How to add an order to an existing jobchain //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $order_launcher = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_OrderCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); //Create an add_order object (SOS_Scheduler_Command_Add_Order). $order = $order_launcher->add_order('jobchain',1); //Setting some properties of the order object $order->id='sostest_12'; $order->replace="yes"; $order->priority="10"; $order->title="Testorder"; $order->web_service=""; $order->at="now+60"; $order->addParam('test','any value'); // Sending XML to the JobScheduler if (!$order_launcher->execute($order)) { echo'error occurred adding order: ' . $order_launcher->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<add_order at="now+60" id="sostest_12" job_chain="jobchain" priority="10" replace="yes" state="1" title="Testorder"> <params> <param name="test" value="any value"/> </params> </add_order>
Remove an Order from a Job Chain
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // How to add an order to an existing jobchain //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $order_launcher = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_OrderCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); //Create an add_order object (SOS_Scheduler_Command_Add_Order). $order = $order_launcher->add_order('jobchain',1); //Setting some properties of the order object $order->id='sostest_12'; $order->replace="yes"; $order->priority="10"; $order->title="Testorder"; $order->web_service=""; $order->at="now+60"; $order->addParam('test','any value'); // Sending XML to the JobScheduler if (!$order_launcher->execute($order)) { echo'error occurred adding order: ' . $order_launcher->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<remove_order order="sostest_13" job_chain="jobchain"/>
Change an Existing Order
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ //How to change an existing order //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //starting with adding an order. $order_launcher = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_OrderCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); $order = $order_launcher->add_order('jobchain',3); $order->replace='yes'; $order->id='sostest_14'; $order->run_time()->single_start="22:00"; if (!$order_launcher->execute($order)) { echo'error occurred adding order: ' . $order_launcher->get_error(); exit; } //Now change the order.state $order = $order_launcher->modify_order('jobchain','sostest_14'); $order->state=2; if (!$order_launcher->execute($order)) { echo'error occurred modifying order: ' . $order_launcher->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<modify_order order="sostest_14" job_chain="jobchain" state="2"></modify_order>
Start an Order with Submit
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // How to start an order with submit. // This can be useful, when you know orders jobchain, id, state and starttime. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ $order_launcher = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_OrderCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $order_launcher->submit('jobchain','sostest_15',2,'now+30')) { echo'error occurred submitting order: ' . $order_launcher->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<add_order at="now+30" id="sostest_15" job_chain="jobchain" replace="yes" state="2"> </add_order>
Adding a Job
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // How to add a job //------------------------------------------------------------------------ $job = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Job','scheduler/'); //Setting some properties $job->force_idle_timeout = "yes"; $job->idle_timeout = "1000"; $job->ignore_signals = "all"; $job->java_options = "java"; $job->min_tasks = "2"; $job->name = "test_jobname3"; $job->order = "no"; $job->priority = "1" ; $job->stop_on_error = "no"; $job->tasks = "4"; $job->temporary = "no"; $job->timeout = "10"; $job->title = "my job"; $job->visible = "yes"; //Defining some parameters $job->addParam('var1','value1'); $job->addParam('var2','value2'); //Set the implementation $job->script('javascript')->script_source='a=1;'; //The job has a runtime $job->run_time()->period()->single_start = "10:00"; $job->run_time()->period()->single_start = "11:00"; $job->run_time()->at('2006-12-24 12:20'); $job->run_time()->at('2006-12-24 12:25'); $job->run_time()->at('2006-12-24 12:35'); /** A period for day=1 */ $p = $job->run_time()->weekdays('1')->period(); $p->single_start = '07:30'; $job_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_JobCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); //First removing the job $job_command->remove($job->name); if (! $job_command->add_jobs($job)) { echo'error occurred adding job: ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<job force_idle_timeout="yes" idle_timeout="1000" ignore_signals="all" java_options="java" min_tasks="2" name="test_jobname3" order="no" priority="1" stop_on_error="no" tasks="4" temporary="no" imeout="10" itle="my job" isible="yes"> <params> param name="var1" value="value1"/> param name="var2" value="value2"/> </params> <script language="javascript"> ![CDATA[a=1;]]></script> <run_time> period single_start="10:00"/> period single_start="11:00"/> at at="2006-12-24 12:20"/> at at="2006-12-24 12:25"/> at at="2006-12-24 12:35"/> weekdays> day day="1"> period single_start="07:30"/> day> </weekdays> </run_time> </job>
Deleting a Job
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // How to to delete a job //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // First we add the job to have one, which we can remove $job = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Job','scheduler/'); $job->name = "jobtoberemoved"; $job->title = "my removed job"; $job->visible = "yes"; //Set the implentation $job->script('javascript')->script_source='a=1;'; $job_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_JobCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $job_command->add_jobs($job)) { echo'error occurred adding job: ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; } //Now the job will be removed if (! $job_command->remove($job->name)) { echo'error occurred removing job: ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<job name="jobtoberemoved" tasks="1" temporary="no" title="my removed job" visible="yes"> <script language="javascript"> <![CDATA[a=1;]]> </script> </job> <modify_job job="jobtoberemoved" cmd="remove"/>
Starting a Job
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // How to Start a job //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // First we add the job to have one, which we can start $job = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Job','scheduler/'); $job->name = "test_jobname3"; $job->title = "my job"; $job->visible = "yes"; $job->script('javascript')->script_source='a=1'; $job_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_JobCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $job_command->add_jobs($job)) { echo'error occurred adding job: ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; } if (! $job_command->start($name='test_jobname3', $start_at="now" )) { echo'error occurred submitting job: ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<start_job job="test_jobname3" at="now"></start_job>
Setting the runtime of a job
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // How to set the runtime of a job. Some examples //------------------------------------------------------------------- // First we add the job to have one, which we can start $job = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Job','scheduler/'); $job->name = "test_jobname33"; $job->title = "test_jobname33"; $job->visible = "yes"; $job->script('javascript')->script_source='a=1'; $job_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_JobCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $job_command->add_jobs($job)) {echo'error occurred adding job: ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; } //Start on the at 11:00 $job->run_time()->monthdays('28')->period()->single_start='11:00'; //Adding a period $period = new SOS_Scheduler_Runtime_Period(); $period->begin='12:00'; $period->end='13:00'; $period->repeat='60'; $job->run_time()->date('2006-30-11')->addPeriod($period); //starting at 11:00 $job->run_time()->at('11:00'); if (!$job_command->execute($job)) {echo'error occurred : ' . $job_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<job name="test_jobname33" tasks="1" title="test_jobname33" visible="yes"> <script language="javascript"><![CDATA[a=1]]></script> <run_time> <at at="11:00"/> <date date="2006-30-11"> <period begin="12:00" end="13:00" repeat="60"/> </date> <monthdays> <day day="28"> <period single_start="11:00"/> </day> </monthdays> </run_time> </job>
Setting the runtime of an order
//-------------------------------------------------------------- //How to set the runtime of an order. Some examples //-------------------------------------------------------------- //adding an order with a runtime $order_launcher = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_OrderCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); $order = $order_launcher->add_order('jobchain',3); $order->replace='yes'; $order->id='sostest_14'; //Start on the at 11:00 $order->run_time()->monthdays('28')->period()->single_start='12:00'; //Adding a period $period = new SOS_Scheduler_Runtime_Period(); $period->begin='12:00'; $period->end='13:00'; $period->repeat='60'; $order->run_time()->ultimos('22')->addPeriod($period); //starting at 11:00 $order->at='2008-11-01 13:00'; if (!$order_launcher->execute($order)) {echo'error occurred adding order: ' . $order_launcher->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<add_order at="2008-11-01 13:00" id="sostest_14" job_chain="jobchain" replace="yes" state="3"> <run_time> <monthdays> <day day="28"> <period single_start="12:00"/> </day></monthdays> <ultimos> <day day="22"> <period begin="12:00" end="13:00" repeat="60"/> </day> </ultimos> </run_time> </add_order>
Working with hot folders
Adding a Job to a hot folder
// First we add the job to have one, which we can start $job = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Job','scheduler/'); $job->name = "test_jobname77"; $job->title = "test_jobname77"; $job->visible = "yes"; $job->script('javascript')->script_source='a=1'; $modify_hot_folder_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_HotFolder_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $xml=$modify_hot_folder_command->store($job,"./test")) { echo'error occurred adding job: ' . $modify_hot_folder_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<modify_hot_folder folder="./test"> <job name="test_jobname77" tasks="1" temporary="no" title="test_jobname77" visible="yes"> <script language="javascript"><![CDATA[a=1]]></script> </job> </modify_hot_folder>
Adding a Lock to a hot folder
//-------------------------------------------------- // How to add a lock to hot folder //-------------------------------------------------- // First we add the lock to have one, which we can start $lock = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Lock','scheduler/'); //Setting some properties $lock->max_non_exclusive = 1; $lock->name="myLock"; //Adding the lock to the hotfolder $modify_hot_folder_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_HotFolder_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $xml=$modify_hot_folder_command->store($lock,"./test")) { echo'error occurred adding lock: ' . $modify_hot_folder_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<modify_hot_folder folder="./test"> <lock name="myLock" max_non_exclusive="1"></lock> </modify_hot_folder>
Adding a Process_class to a hot folder
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // How to add a process_class to hot folder //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // First we add the process_class to have one, which we can start $process_class = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Process_class','scheduler/'); //Setting some properties $process_class->max_processes = 1; $process_class->name=
Generated XML
<modify_hot_folder folder="./test"> <process_class name="myProcess_class" max_processes="1" replace="yes"> </process_class> </modify_hot_folder>
Adding a Job_Chain to a hot folder
//------------------------------------------------------------- // How to add a job_chain to hot folder //------------------------------------------------------------- $job_chain = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_Job_Chain','scheduler/'); //Setting some properties $job_chain->name = "myJob_Chain"; //The job has a file_order_sources $job_chain->file_order_source("/myDir","1"); $job_chain->file_order_source("/myOtherDir","2"); //The job has a file_order_sinks $job_chain->file_order_sink("6") ->remove="yes"; $job_chain->file_order_sink("99") ->remove="yes"; $job_chain->file_order_sink("999")->remove="yes"; //Adding some Job_chain_nodes $job_chain->add_job("my_job1","1","2","99"); $job_chain->add_job("my_job2","2","3","99"); $job_chain->add_job("my_job3","3","4","99"); $job_chain->add_job("my_job4","4","5","999"); //or adding a node $job_chain_node = new SOS_Scheduler_Job_Chain_Node(); //Setting some properties $job_chain_node->state = "5"; $job_chain_node->error_state = "99"; $job_chain_node->next_state = "6"; $job_chain_node->on_error = "suspend"; $job_chain_node->job = "myJob5"; //adding the node $job_chain->add_node($job_chain_node); //Adding the job_chain to the hotfolder $modify_hot_folder_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_HotFolder_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $xml=$modify_hot_folder_command->store($job_chain,"./test/chains")) { echo'error occurred adding job chain: ' . $modify_hot_folder_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<modify_hot_folder folder="./test/chains"> <job_chain name="myJob_Chain"> <file_order_source directory="/myDir"/> <file_order_source directory="/myOtherDir"/> <file_order_sink state="6" remove="yes"/> <file_order_sink state="99" remove="yes"/> <file_order_sink state="999" remove="yes"/> <job_chain_node job="my_job1" state="1" next_state="2" error_state="99"/> <job_chain_node job="my_job2" state="2" next_state="3" error_state="99"/> <job_chain_node job="my_job3" state="3" next_state="4" error_state="99"/> <job_chain_node job="my_job4" state="4" next_state="5" error_state="999"/> <job_chain_node job="myJob5" state="5" next_state="6" error_state="99"/> </job_chain> </modify_hot_folder>
Adding an Order to a hot folder
//------------------------------------------------------------- // How to add an order to a hot_folder //------------------------------------------------------------- $order_launcher = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_OrderCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); //Create an order object (SOS_Scheduler_Command_Order). $order = $order_launcher->order('myJob_Chain',1); //Setting some properties of the order object $order->id='my_Order'; $order->replace="yes"; $order->priority="10"; $order->title="Testorder"; $order->web_service=""; $order->at="now+60"; $order->addParam('test','any value'); //Adding the job_chain to the hotfolder $modify_hot_folder_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_HotFolder_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $xml=$modify_hot_folder_command->store($order,"./test/chains")) { echo 'error occurred adding order: ' . $modify_hot_folder_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<modify_hot_folder folder="./test/chains"> <order at="now+60" id="my_Order" job_chain="myJob_Chain" priority="10" replace="yes" state="1" title="Testorder"> <params> <param name="test" value="any value"/> </params> </order> </modify_hot_folder>
Adding a nested job chain to a hot folder
//------------------------------------------------------------- // How to add an order to a hot_folder //------------------------------------------------------------- $order_launcher = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_OrderCommand_Launcher','scheduler/'); //Create an order object (SOS_Scheduler_Command_Order). $order = $order_launcher->order('myJob_Chain',1); //Setting some properties of the order object $order->id='my_Order'; $order->replace="yes"; $order->priority="10"; $order->title="Testorder"; $order->web_service=""; $order->at="now+60"; $order->addParam('test','any value'); //Adding the job_chain to the hotfolder $modify_hot_folder_command = &get_instance('SOS_Scheduler_HotFolder_Launcher','scheduler/'); if (! $xml=$modify_hot_folder_command->store($order,"./test/chains")) { echo'error occurred adding order: ' . $modify_hot_folder_command->get_error(); exit; }
Generated XML
<modify_hot_folder> <job_chain name="myNestedJob_Chain"> <job_chain_node.job_chain job_chain="myJob_Chain" state="100" next_state="200" error_state="1200"/> <job_chain_node.job_chain job_chain="myNext_Chain" state="200" next_state="300" error_state="1200"/> <job_chain_node.end state="1200"/> <job_chain_node.end state="300"/> </job_chain> </modify_hot_folder>