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The JobScheduler since version 1.11 knows two databases.

One for the JobScheduler tables and the other for the Reporting tables. The Reporting tables are used by JOC Cockpit.

The Inventory Plugin writes the information about JobScheduler inventory into some tables in the Reporting database.

If you uninstall a JobScheduler then this inventory will be deleted since version 1.11.2  SET-96 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Before version 1.11.2 the inventory data remain in the Reporting database when you uninstall the JobScheduler. If you modify the JobScheduler Id or HTTP port then a new set of inventory data will be written and and obsolete set of inventory data remains.

 In JOC Cockpit you can switch to such a JobScheduler which is not longer active until the obsolete data are removed in the Reporting database.

The JobScheduler installer comes with the script ./bin/cleanup_inventory_tables.(cmd|sh) to remove old inventory data.

Parametrization of ./bin/cleanup_inventory_tables.(sh|cmd)

  • This script cleans all INVENTORY_* database tables in the Reporting database
  • It expects the database connection setting in ./config/reporting_hibernate.cfg.xml.
  • This script has three arguments to identify a specific JobScheduler instance. These are
    • JobScheduler Id
    • Host
    • HTTP port
  • With the single argument info a list of existing JobScheduler instances from the inventory will be displayed.
    • This call is helpful to see the exact values of Id, host and http port.
  • If this script is called without an argument then you get its usage

    Usage: cleanup_inventory_tables.(cmd|sh) [JobSchedulerId JobSchedulerHost JobSchedulerHTTPPort] | [info]
           JobSchedulerId           | The Id, hostname and http port of a
           JobSchedulerHost         | JobScheduler which data should be
           JobSchedulerHTTPPort     | removed in the INVENTORY tables of the
                                    | reporting database.
           info                     | Shows a list of existing JobScheduler
                                    | instances in the INVENTORY tables
  • Example for an info output

    JobSchedulerId                   | Host                             | Port
    scheduler.1.11-reporting         | OH                               | 40413
    scheduler.1.11-x86               | OH                               | 40186
    SP_41110x1                       | SP                               | 40119
    scheduler.1.11                   | OH                               | 40411
    scheduler.1.11-reporting         | OH                               | 40423
    scheduler.1.11.1                 | OH                               | 40471
  • No labels