The JobScheduler Operating Center (JOC) Cockpit is the end user interface for the JobScheduler Web Services application. FEATURE AVAILABILITY STARTING FROM RELEASE 1.11

The JOC Cockpit and Web Services bring a powerful new feature set to the JobScheduler and allow users to operate a number of JobSchedulers as well as access information about the jobs and orders that are planned and those that have run. The architecture behind the JOC Cockpit is described in detail in the JOC Cockpit Architecture article. This article provides a summary of the features provided through the JOC Cockpit. 


The JOC Cockpit Dashboard is the default view that is opened after a user logs onto the JOC Cockpit. It is an interface that provides users with an overview of the activities of their JobSchedulers as well as a starting point for accessing information and managing scheduling activities. In addition a number of functions can be executed directly from the Dashboard.

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Authentication and Authorization

The JOC Cockpit brings user authentication and authorization to the JobScheduler.

Authentication can either take place against an Apache ShiroTM compliant configuration, an LDAP compliant directory service or information stored in a database. Authentication against multiple realms is possible.

Authorization is defined in Roles and Permissions and an example set of Roles and Permissions is provided with the JOC Cockpit installation. System administrators are able to define their own User Roles and Permission sets as required.

The JOC Cockpit is able to handle authentication of multiple users and their authorization for multiple JobSchedulers simultaneously. It also includes an editor in the Manage Accounts view for the configuration of authentication and authorization.

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Multiple JOC Cockpit instances can be operated as an active cluster, in conjunction with a load balancer, to achieve load balancing and high availability. Alternatively, redundancy can be achieved by installing several JOC Cockpits on separate servers "in parallel".

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Multi-Client Capability

The JOC Cockpit allows to configure both shared and dedicated services over any number of JobScheduler Masters.

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Navigation and Usability

The JOC Cockpit uses modern display techniques to allow the clear representation and simplified configuration of potentially large numbers of JobScheduler objects.

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Customizations are a powerful means to create and manage custom filters that are available for any list view with the JOC Cockpit. By default customizations are private, however, they can be shared across teams.

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The JOC Cockpit notifies the user about scheduling events from all the JobScheduler Masters and Master Clusters being operated from the JOC Cockpit in near real-time.

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Daily Plan

The Daily Plan provides information at a glance about which jobs and orders are scheduled to run, which are running and which have run over a given period. The plan also shows the current status of jobs and orders and the time at which they are expected to end.

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The History provides information about the Jobs, Orders and File Transfers that have been started over a given period of time. In addition, information about the current status of Jobs, Orders and File Transfers is shown along with the information about the end states returned by those Jobs and Orders that have run.

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Audit Log

The Audit Log allows compliance and operations reporting requirements for job scheduling activities to be met by providing an automatic and secure record of all actions that users of the JobScheduler Web Service - including JOC Cockpit users and external applications - perform on job-related objects. The Audit Log lists the relevant JobScheduler objects - Jobs, Job Chains, Orders, etc. - and any actions that modify their status.

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Run-time Editor

The JOC Cockpit Run-time Editor has been introduced to simplify making temporary changes to Job and Order start times by adding Run-Times or selecting Schedules. When editing Run-Times the editor follows configuration terms such as, "Execute an Order every Monday at 09:00" or "Execute a Job every 1st and 2nd Monday of the month".

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Calendar Management

JobScheduler Calendars provide a sophisticated method of specifying the days on which scheduling events are to occur. Calendars allow similar levels of complexity to that provided by other enterprise level workload automation applications thereby easing migration to JobScheduler. 

Calendars are lists of days on which Orders, Jobs and Schedules are planned to be executed. Calendars can be defined as either working days or non-working days and can be both combined and reused. An example of Calendar combination would be one Calendar specifying that a normal working week contained the five days Monday to Friday being used in combination with a Calendar specifying the public holidays in the current year. Reuse allows, for example, a Business Day Calender to be defined once and then specified as required.

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File Transfer History

The JOC Cockpit File Transfer History interface provides detailed information about the file transfers that have been initiated by the JobScheduler Masters reporting to the JOC Cockpit. This interface is available in two versions:

  • The File Transfers View, which has limited functionality
  • The History / File Transfers tab which provides read-only information.

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The Resources View provides access to JobScheduler objects that are not directly bound to specific Jobs, Job Chains or Orders. These are Agent Clusters, Events, Locks, Process Classes, Schedules, Calendars and Job Documentation.

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Job Documentation

The Job documentation feature allows job developers to write their own documentation in a number of formats and to import this information to the scheduling environment. Once imported, the documentation can be assigned - i.e. linked - to Jobs and other JobScheduler objects such as Job Chains, Process Classes and Locks. Developers can not only integrate documentation describing how jobs and other objects are to be configured but also documentation describing how objects are used in a scheduling environment.

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Multi-language Capability

The JOC Cockpit is multi-language capable and, in particular, is able to handle Asian languages that require UTF-8.

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User Profile

The User Profile area allows users to individually configure the Notifications they receive as well as History and Log information.

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REST Web Service Interface

The JOC Cockpit comes with a REST Web Service interface for JSON. This interface is used for access to the job inventory and the job history as well as individual objects such as jobs, job chains and orders and provides current status information.

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The JOC Cockpit has been designed from the beginning to ensure that it is suitable for use in security-sensitive environments.

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The JOC Cockpit Web Services provide extensive logging, including the compliance-conform Audit Log. Logging can be configured for a number of different operating areas independently, allowing logging performance to be optimized in line with administration requirements.

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  • The JOC Cockpit uses AngularJS for the GUI component.
  • The JobScheduler Web Services implement a RESTful interface with Java.

Further Resources