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Unable to render 'XSD Viewer' macro

Could not find the given XSD (xsd_macro9baa626e6c314153061e80d01a472059.png) on page (JADE Parameter Reference - General)


References Notes

The General configuration options refer to central settings that are applied to all file transfer configuratons such as use of the YADE Background Service and logging.

Some settings from the General branch can be superseeded by Profile settings that apply to an individual file transfer configuration.

The specification of General configuration parameters is not mandatory.

Element Type Required Description
SystemPropertyFiles [SystemPropertyFilesType]
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

YADE allows to specify Java property files at a global level and individually per transfer fragment.

  • Properties from Java property files are applied as system properties by YADE.
  • Java property files are processed in the specified sequence. Properties that have previously been set will be overwritten by subsquent Java property files.
  • First the global Java property files are applied, next the Java property files specified for a transfer fragment are applied.
SystemPropertyFilesType / SystemPropertyFile string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 1..unbounded
References Notes

Properties from Java property files are applied as system properties by YADE.

Logging [LoggingType]
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

YADE uses the log4j framework for logging and makes use of the following loggers:

  • rootLogger
  • reportLogger
where the output of the reportLogger is more compact than the rootLogger output.

These loggers are configured by a log4j configuration file which determines that the

  • rootLogger logs to stdout.
  • reportLogger optionally logs to a file.

If the log4j configuration file is not found then a log4j base configuration is used which logs to stdout.

LoggingType / LogFile string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

YADE makes use of the following log4j loggers:

  • rootLogger which logs to stdout
  • reportLogger which logs to a file

This parameter specifies the location of the file to which the log output of the reportLogger will be written. Should the file not exist then it will be created. If the file already exists then all log output will be appended.

Without specifying this parameter all log output of the reportLogger will be written to

  • JobScheduler releases starting from 1.13.3
    • JobScheduler Master / Agent
      • ${scheduler_data}/logs/YADE.log
    • YADE Client
      • Windows - ${}/YADE.log
      • Unix - ${}/${}/YADE.log
  • JobScheduler releases before 1.13.3
    • Windows - ${}/Jade-client.log
    • Unix - ${}/${}/Jade-client.log
LoggingType / Log4JPropertyFile string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies the location of a log4j configuration file. Without this parameter the following configuration is used:

  • JobScheduler releases starting from 1.13.3 (Log4j 2)
    • JobScheduler Master / Agent
      • JadeReportLog logger in the ${scheduler_install}/lib/log4j2.xml configuration file.
    • YADE Client
      • JadeReportLog logger in the <yade client>/bin/log4j2.xml configuration file.
  • JobScheduler releases before 1.13.3 (Log4j)
    • log4j.rootLogger=info, stdout
      log4j.logger.JadeReportLog=info, JadeReportLog
      log4j.logger.JadeReportLog.SOSVfsReportLog=info, JadeReportLog
      #log4j.logger.JadeReportLog=info, JadeReportLog, JadeReportLogHTML
      #log4j.logger.JadeReportLog.SOSVfsReportLog=info, JadeReportLog, JadeReportLogHTML
      log4j.additivity.JadeReportLog = false
      log4j.additivity.JadeReportLog.SOSVfsReportLog = false

      log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%t %-5p %-14d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} (%F:%L) ::%M %m %n

      # Configuration of JadeHTMLReportLog
      log4j.appender.JadeReportLogHTML.layout.Title=YADE Report Log

      # Configuration of JadeReportLog
      log4j.appender.JadeReportLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%-21d{HH:mm:ss,SSS}%m %n
LoggingType / DebugLevel integer
  • Pattern: [\-+]?[0-9]+
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Enumeration:
    • 0
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

YADE makes use of the following log4j loggers:

  • rootLogger which logs to stdout
  • reportLogger which logs to a file

The debug level specifies the verbosity of the rootLogger log entries. A value between 1 and 9 can be specified. Higher values cause more detailed information to be logged.

LoggingType / ProtocolCommandListener boolean
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

YADE makes use of the following log4j loggers:

  • rootLogger which logs to stdout
  • reportLogger which logs to a file

This parameter activates the logging of the Apache Commons FTP Client. All output will be written by the rootLogger to stdout.

Notifications [NotificationType]
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

Notifications can be sent by e-mail or by use of the YADE Background Service. The Notifications element allows included elements to reference NotificationFragments such as a MailServerFragment or a BackgroundServiceFragment.

Notifications can be added either at Profile level or at General level:

  • Profile: a specific mail server or Background Service is used for notifications of file transfers from this profile.
  • General: one mail server or Background Service is used for notifications from all Profiles.
The more sppecific notification settings from a Profile are used if available. Otherwise the General settings are applied.
NotificationType / MailServerFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for mail servers in case of notification of a file transfer operation.

Any number of reusable MailServerFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the MailServerFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for mail servers in case of notification about file transfers.

Assertions [AssertionType]
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This element does not specify parameters for file transfers but assertions regarding the performance of file transfers. Assertions specify performance indicators that can be checked by a test suite.

AssertionType / ReturnCode long
  • Pattern: [\-+]?[0-9]+
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1

This element does not specify a parameter for file transfer operations but an Assertion regarding the expected performance of file transfers. Assertions specify performance indicators that can be checked by a test suite.

The ReturnCode assertion specifies the exit code that is expected as the result of a file transfer. The ReturnCode is a numeric value between 0 and 255.

For YADE a ReturnCode value 0 signals a successful transfer, other values signal a failed transfer.

AssertionType / Timeout positiveInteger
  • Pattern: [\-+]?[0-9]+
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1

This element does not specify a parameter for file transfer operation but an Assertion regarding the expected performance of file transfers. Assertions specify performance indicators that can be checked by a test suite.

The Timeout assertion specifies the max. duration of a file transfer that is expected. The Timeout is specified in seconds.

Documentation [DocumentationType]
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

A Documentation can be added to a file transfer configuration that includes a description and a number of links.

The Documentation can be added either at Profile level or at General level:

  • Profile: a specific documentation is used for file transfers from this profile.
  • General: a general documentation is used for file transfers from all Profiles.
The more sppecific Documentation settings from a Profile are used if available. Otherwise the General settings are applied.
DocumentationType / Description string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 0..1

A Description can be added to a Documentation that explains the use of the file transfer configuration.

Descriptions include plain text, i.e. no formatting is applied.

DocumentationType / Links [LinksType]
  • Occurrence: 0..1

A number of Links can be added to a Documentation that explains the use of the file transfer configuration.

  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

To control reconnect behavior, the YADE has two options:

  • RetryCountMax - number of reconnection attempts (for each single file transfer) if there is a connection failure
  • RetryInterval - the wait interval between attempts
RetryCountMax int
  • Pattern: [\-+]?[0-9]+
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

Sets for each single file transfer the number of reconnection attempts if there is a connection failure.

RetryInterval string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This option specifies the wait interval between attempts.

Possible values:

  • <n> - duration in seconds, e.g.: 3s
  • <n>m - duration in minutes, e.g.: 2m
  • <n>h - duration in hours, e.g.: 1h

Combined values (with blank as separator):

  • e.g.: 1m 30s

  • No labels