In the JS7 - Deployment process a Deployment Descriptor specifies
- which JS7 components of JOC Cockpit, Controller instances and Agents should be installed,
- where to install each JS7 component,
- which installation options to use, for example the installation directory,
- which configuration options to use, for example port usage.
Deployment Descriptors are specified from files in JSON format and include instructions, for example to deploy a larger number of Agents on target machines.
The JS7 - Deployment Packaging Script makes use of the Deployment Descriptor to install and to package JS7 components.
Future releases of JS7 will add the functionality to generate and to download Deployment Descriptors directly from the JS7 Agent inventory.
Deployment Descriptor
Deployment Descriptors are specified from .json files.
- Users are strongly encouraged to validate their .json files against the Deployment Descriptor Schema: JS7_Deployment_Descriptor_v1.0.json
- A number of JSON validators are available online and for use with the command line, for example see
- The basic structure includes to specify an array of Agent objects and Controller objects.
{ "descriptor": { "descriptorId": "agent-http-2022-12-04", "title": "Install Agents for HTTP connections to release 2.5.0", "account": "sos", "scheduled": "2022-12-02T06:19:12+01:00", "created": "2022-11-30T23:19:12+01:00" }, "agents": [ { "agent_001": { "target": { "connection": { "host": "centostest-primary", "port": 22 }, "authentication": { "method": "publickey", "user": "sos", "keyFile": "/home/sos/.ssh/sos_rsa" }, "packageLocation": "/tmp", "execPre": "systemctl stop js7.agent_001", "execPost": "systemctl start js7.agent_001" }, "media": { "release": "2.5.0", "tarball": "/mnt/releases/scheduler_setups/2.5.0/js7_agent_unix.2.5.0.tar.gz" }, "installation": { "home": "/opt/", "data": "/var/", "httpPort": "31445" } } }, ], "controllers": [], "joc": [] }