Users can define their own job templates for use with workflows.
- Job templates can be applied to re-use existing jobs in a number of workflows.
- Job templates can be used to update any workflows that include jobs that have been derived from a given job template.
User Defined Job Templates are available for Shell Jobs and for JITL Jobs.
- Access to Job Templates is subject to folder permissions.
Managing Job Templates
Adding Job Templates
Job Templates are available from the Configuration->Inventory view. They are offered from object folders with the same name that are available in any user folder:
When clicking the New Job Template button a popup window is displayed that asks for the name of the Job Template:
An empty Job Template is added to the list of objects in the current folder:
When clicking the name of the Job Template then the following window is displayed to add properties to the Job Template:
- The above example includes to create a Shell Job. Any properties available for Shell Jobs can be added, see JS7 - Job Instruction.
- The Admission Times button allows to specify opening hours for jobs.
- This window offers the same sub-views for Script, Argument, Environment Variables and Notification as for any job.
- Job Templates are not deployed to a Controller or Agent. Instead, they are released to allow use with workflows.
Updating Job Templates
Job Templates can be selected from the tree panel in the Configuration->Inventory view.
When modifying properties of a Job Template then users have the option to propagate changes to jobs that have been derived from the given Job Template.
When clicking the Update Jobs button the list of jobs is displayed that make use of the current Job Template.
- The list
- displays a blue bullet for deployed workflows and an orange bullet for draft workflows that include affected jobs.
- displays the status
- synchronized for workflows that hold jobs that are in sync with the Job Template, i.e. use the same properties and values.
- not synchronized for workflows that include jobs that are not in sync with the Job Template.
- Users can select individual workflows or all workflows to be updated. The update step includes to add or to modify a workflow's job properties from the Job Template.
- Consider that updating workflows from a Job Template will create a draft of the given workflow and requires later deployment of the workflow.
Removing Job Templates
Job Templates can be removed using the Remove action menu item that is available from the tree panel
- for individual Job Templates,
- for Job Templates at any folder level.
Searching Job Templates