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  • Notifications are managed from the Configuration -> Notification sub-view.
  • The configuration format of notifications is XML. The JOC Cockpit offers an XSD schema-aware XML Editor for configuration purposes.
  • The configuration is applied by the JS7 - Monitor Service that inspects the workflow execution history and creates notifications as required.

    • Changes to the configuration are instantly applied by the Monitor Service.

Notification View

The Notification View allows to manage the configuration:


  • If this view shows an empty configuration then the "New" button can be used to created a configuration.
  • Alternatively a configuration can be added with the "Upload" button. A configuration sample is available from the jetty_base/resources/xsd/notifications/notification.xml-example file.


Structure and Elements

The configuration make use of the following base elements that are available from the Configurations root element.

  • Fragments: Define re-usable configuration blocks for Messages, Monitors and monitored Objects.
    • MessageFragments
      • Message
        • Defines the content that is sent e.g. by mail to a user or that is used to parameterize a command line utility, e.g. for forwarding to a System Monitor.
          • Messages for use with E-Mail represent the mail body either for use with plain text e-mails or for use with HTML e-mails.
            • Messages for use with the Command Line represent a string that can be used with the Notifications/Notification/NotificationMonitors/CommandFragmentRef element, see below.
          • Message elements can include Monitor Variables that are placeholders for values, e.g. for the Workflow Path, Order ID etc.
          • Any number of Message elements can be added.
      • MonitorFragments. Such fragments come in a number of flavors for the following notifcation types.
        • MailFragment
          • The following elements are required to send mail:
            • MessageRef: Specifies the reference to a Message element that provides the mail body.
            • Subject: Specifies the mail subject that can include Monitor Variables.
            • To: Specifies the e-mail address of the recipient. Multiple recipients can be separated by comma.
          • The following elements are optional to send mail:
            • CC: The recipient of carbon copies. Multiple recipients can be separated by comma.
            • BCC: The recipient of blind carbon copies. Multiple recipients can be separated by comma.
            • From: The e-mail address of the account that is used to send mail. Consider that it depends on your mail server configuration if a specific account has to be used or if an arbitrary account can be used.
          • For details see JS7 - Notifications - Configuration Element MailFragment
        • CommandFragment
          • MessageRef: Specifies the reference to a Message element that provides the content that should be forwarded with the Command element. The message content is available from the ${MESSAGE} Monitor Variable for use with later elements.
          • Command: Specifies the shell command for Linux/Windows that is used to forward notifications, e.g. a System Monitor Agent utility.
            • The above notification view example makes use of a shell command like this:
              • echo "${MESSAGE}" >> /tmp/notification.log
            • The echo shell command appends the content of the ${MESSAGE} Monitor Variable to a file in the /tmp directory.
          • For details see JS7 - Notifications - Configuration Element CommandFragment
        • JMSFragment
        • NSCAFragment
          • This fragment type is used for direct connections to System Monitors that operate a Nagios-compatible NSCA service for passive checks such as Nagios®, Icinga®, Opsview®. This fragment type makes use of the JSend NSCA Java API.
          • The required connection attributes such as host, port, timeouts are specific for the respective System Monitor.
          • Consider that JSend NSCA can be used without encryption or with an XOR or TRIPLE_DES encryption. Additional encryption schemes are not supported.
          • For details see JS7 - Notifications - Configuration Element NSCAFragment
      • ObjectsFragments
        • Workflows: Any umber of workflow configurations can be added and are distinguished by a unique name that is added to this element.
          • Workflow: A specific workflow can be specified, e.g. by its name. The path attribute allows a regular expression to specify a part of the workflow path.
            • WorkflowJob: This element can be used to limit notifications to specific jobs in a workflow.
              • This includes to optionally specify the job name and/or its label.
              • When using this element then it is required to specify the criticality that can be one of ALL, NORMAL, CRITICAL.
              • Optionally the return_code_from and return_code_to attributes can be used to further limit notifications to jobs that complete with the given return code. For shell jobs the return code corresponds to the OS exit code.
  • Notifications: Define the effective notifications by references to the above Fragments elements.
    • Notification: Any number of notifications can be added and are distinguished by a unique name. A notification is assigned a type that is any of SUCCESS, WARNING and ERROR. This allows to specify notifications that are used e.g. in case of job errors and warnings. And this allows to specify notifications in case of successful workflow execution. Consider that successful executions include both absence of job errors and optionally presence of job warnings.
      • NotificationMonitors: Selects one or more of the above MonitorFragments. It is possible to select multiple fragments of the same fragment type.
        • CommandFragmentRef: Selects the CommandFragment to be used.
          • MessageRef: Selects the Message element to be used with the Command.
        • MailFragmentRef: Selects the MailFragment to be used in order to send notifications by mail. If multiple MailFragment elements are referenced then different types of mail, e.g. for different recipients or with different content and layout of the mail body can be used.
        • NSCAFragmentRef: Selects the NSCAFragment to be used for direct integration with a NSCA compatible System Monitor.
        • JMSFragmentRef: Selects the JMSFragment to be used to send notifications to a Java Message Queue compatible product.
      • NotificationObjects: Selects the workflows for which notifications are created.
        • WorkflowRef: Selects a Workflows element that limits notifications to the respective workflows. Any number of workflow references can be added.

Monitor Variables

The Message and Command elements can include variables:

  • Monitor Variables
  • Operating System Variables

All variables have to be used with the following syntax independently from the operating system in use: 


Schema Variables

The following variables are available from the configuration and can be used with Command elements, they cannot be used with Message elements.

NameDescription  Note
The message type includes SUCCESS, WARNING or ERROR as specified with the Notification element
${MESSAGE}The content of the Message element

Order Variables

The following variables are available from orders and can be used with Message elements and with Command elements.

NameDescription  Note
The JS7 Controller ID.
${MON_O_ORDER_ID}The Order ID (unique identifier).

The title of the order.

${MON_O_HISTORY_ID} The Order History ID (unique identifier).
${MON_O_WORKFLOW_PATH} The identifier of the workflow that the order is executed for.
${MON_O_WORKFLOW_TITLE}The title of the workflow that the order is executed for.
${MON_O_SEVERITY}The Order History status.
${MON_O_START_TIME} The timestamp for the start of order execution.
${MON_O_END_TIME} The timestamp for the end of order execution.Consider that in case of job errors an order might be halted in a failed state and does not provide an end time as the order did not completely execute the workflow.
${MON_O_TIME_ELAPSED} The difference in seconds between the start time and the end time of order execution.

0 = dependent of the ${MON_O_ERROR} variable: ok or error was not recovered,

1 = error was recovered

${JOC_HREF_ORDER}The JOC Cockpit URL that points to the Order History view.This URL can be used to navigate in JOC Cockpit to the respective Order History entry.
${JOC_HREF_ORDER_LOG}The JOC Cockpit URL that points to the Order log.This URL can be used to navigate in JOC Cockpit to the respective Order History entry and to immediately open the log view window.
${JOC_HREF_WORKFLOW}The JOC Cockpit URL that points to the Workflows view.This URL can be used to navigate in JOC Cockpit to the respective entry in the Workflows view.

Order Step Variables

The following variables are available from order steps, e.g. from jobs executed with a workflow and can be used with Message elements and with Command elements.

NameDescription  Note
${MON_OS_ERROR_CODE} A JS7 error code in case that a known error occurs.
${MON_OS_RETURN_CODE}For shell jobs the operating system exit code is returned. For JITL jobs and for JVM jobs the return code optionally is implemented by the respective Java class.
${MON_OS_ERROR_TEXT} The error message in case that an error occurred.
${MON_OS_WARN_TEXT} The warning message in case that a warning occurred.
${MON_OS_AGENT_URI} The URI of the Agent that executes the current job
${MON_OS_JOB_NAME}The name of the job that the order is executing.
${MON_OS_JOB_TITLE} The title of the job that the order is executing.
${MON_OS_JOB_LABEL} The label of the job that the order is executing.The label is unique for each occurrence of a job in a workflow.
${MON_OS_JOB_CRITICALITY}The criticality as defined with the job.

${MON_OS_START_TIME}The timestamp for the start of job execution.
${MON_OS_END_TIME} The timestamp for the end of job execution.
${MON_OS_TIME_ELAPSED} The difference in seconds between the start time and the end time of order execution.
${JOC_HREF_JOB}The JOC Cockpit URL that points to the Workflows view with the respective job.
${JOC_HREF_JOB_LOG}The JOC Cockpit URL that points to the job's task log.This URL can be used to navigate in JOC Cockpit to the respective Task History entry and to immediately open the log view window.

Further References




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