If it is neccessary to change the scheduler_id after installation there are two options.
- stop JobScheduler service
- open a shell
- navigate to $scheduler_home/bin
- execute jobscheduler.cmd remove
- open $scheduler_home/bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.cmd and change SCHEDULER_HOME, SCHEDULER_DATA, SCHEDULER_ID
- open $scheduler_data/config/web.xml and change <param-value> of servlet JOC
- open a shell
- navigate to $scheduler_home/bin
- execute jobscheduler.cmd install
- stop JobScheduler service
- open $scheduler_home/bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.sh and change SCHEDULER_HOME, SCHEDULER_DATA, SCHEDULER_ID
- open $scheduler_data/config/web.xml and change <param-value> of servlet JOC
- open a shell
- navigate to $scheduler_home/bin
- execute jobscheduler.sh install
- copy $scheduler_data/config live to a temp folder
- uninstall JobScheduler
- install JobScheduler with another scheduler_id. Do not use # sign but _ instead (or .)
- copy live folder from temp folder to $scheduler_data/config