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Supported Java Releases

  • JobScheduler can be operated with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK).
  • Java releases provided by Oracle® (Download Site) and by OpenJDK® (Download Site) are supported. 
    • Java LTS releases are considered for Supported Compatibility 1), Java feature releases might be considered for Reported Compatibility 2) by the JobScheduler community.
    • Should the OpenJDK® project at a later point in time provide Java LTS releases and respective Java updates then SOS will check to integrate into the life cycle.
  • Java distributions of other vendors, e.g. AdoptOpenJDK, are not considered for Supported Compatibility 1), however, Reported Compatibility 2) might be provided by JobScheduler users or by SOS. 
  • Customers can ask SOS to perform compatibility testing for Java distributions of other vendors and for Java feature releases as a service.

JobScheduler Java Release Policies

  • Since Java 9 Oracle® changed the JVM life cycle:
    • New Java feature releases ship every 6 months.
    • Public maintenance for Java feature releases is restricted to 6 months. Users can opt for a support contract with Oracle® to prolong maintenance for Java.
    • Java releases do not follow semantic versioning.
  • These changes affect JobScheduler releases as follows:
    • We cannot know in advance if new Java releases will or will not be compatible with existing JobScheduler releases. Compatibility testing requires substantial effort and is partly performed by the JobScheduler community, see below explanations on Supported Compatibility 1) and Reported Compatibility 2).
    • JobScheduler Agents are available for a larger number of platforms, including AIX®, HP-UX® etc. Such platforms tend to implement new JVM releases with some substantial delay. 
  • SOS Release Policies
    • All JobScheduler components (Master, Agent, JOC Cockpit) are built with the same Java release.
    • JobScheduler components are not built with the newest Java release but with the oldest compatible Java release, e.g. JobScheduler 1.12 is built with Java 1.8, JobScheduler 2.0 is built with Java 10.
    • We try to consider compatibility with newer Java feature releases, e.g. a JobScheduler Master 1.12.2 is built with Java 1.8 and can be operated with Java 1.8, 9 and 10 that are supported Java releases at the time of public availability of the JobScheduler Master. We do not guarantee compatibility with upcoming Java feature releases.
    • For use of JobScheduler Long Term Support releases we encourage users to opt for a Java LTS release that provides maintenance for the same duration as JobScheduler LTS maintenance, see How long will you support the different versions of JobScheduler and YADE?
      • We strive for compatibility of JobScheduler LTS releases with newer Java LTS releases, however, we do not check compatibility with individual Java feature release.
      • We will not modify JobScheduler LTS releases to be built with newer Java versions. We will check to modify existing code to be compatible with the Java LTS release that has originally been used and with newer Java LTS releases, however, feasibility cannot be guaranteed as this depends on compatibility gaps between Java releases. 
      • For JobScheduler release 1.12 Java 1.8 is used for the build environment and  Java 9,10, 11 can be used at run-time.
    • JobScheduler is used with a DBMS product and vendor specific JDBC Drivers. Use of a specific DBMS and JDBC Driver limits the compatibility with specific Java releases. Check the DBMS Compatibility Matrix from the Which Database Management Systems are supported by JobScheduler? article.

JobScheduler Java Compatibility for Releases starting from 1.10


JobScheduler ReleaseJava Runtime EnvironmentJava Build Environment
 Supported Compatibility 1)Reported Compatibility 2)Supported Compatibility 1)Reported Compatibility 2)
JobScheduler Master, 9, 101.8, 9, 101.81.8, 9, 10, 111.8, 9, 10, 111.81.8
JobScheduler Agent

1.8, 9, 10

JS-1770 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1.8, 9, 101.81.8, 9, 10, 111.8, 9, 10, 111.81.8
JOC Cockpit, 9, 101.8, 9, 101.81.8, 9, 10, 111.8, 9, 10, 111.81.8


1) Supported Compatibility: JobScheduler is tested by SOS to work with the specified Java versions, SOS provides support for operation with Java.

2) Reported Compatibility: Users of JobScheduler report compatibility, however, no specific tests for the indicated Java versions are performed by SOS.


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