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Unable to render 'XSD Viewer' macro

Could not find the given XSD (xsd_macro6e4bd0efcc73715e881ce1d6bad644f1.png) on page (JADE Parameter Reference - CopyTarget)


References Notes

This parameter specifies the target of a Copy operation.

The following frequently used settings groups are available:

Element Type Required Description
CopyTargetFragmentRef [WriteableFragmentRefType]
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references a writeable fragment that is used to copy files in a Copy operation.

Any number of reusable Fragments elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

A subsequent fragment reference element points to the fragment that is used as target in the Copy operation.

WriteableFragmentRefType / FTPFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an FTP file transfer operation.

Any number of reusable FTPFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the FTPFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the FTP protocol.

WriteableFragmentRefType / FTPSFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an FTPS file transfer operation. Any number of reusable FTPSFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the FTPSFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the FTPS protocol.

WriteableFragmentRefType / HTTPFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an HTTP file transfer operation. Any number of reusable HTTPFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the HTTPFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the HTTP protocol.

WriteableFragmentRefType / HTTPSFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an FTPS file transfer operation. Any number of reusable HTTPSFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the HTTPSFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the HTTPS protocol.

WriteableFragmentRefType / LocalTarget
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

A local target is considered to be located on the server where the YADE Client is operated, i.e. in the local file system.

WriteableFragmentRefType / SFTPFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an SFTP file transfer operation. Any number of reusable SFTPFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the SFTPFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the SFTP protocol.

WriteableFragmentRefType / SMBFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an SMB file transfer operation. Any number of reusable SMBFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the SMBFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the SMB protocol.

WriteableFragmentRefType / WebDAVFragmentRef
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an WebDAV file transfer operation. Any number of reusable WebDAVFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the WebDAVFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the WebDAV protocol.

  • Occurrence: 0..unbounded
References Notes

Alternative fragements can be specified as a replacement for existing file transfer fragments in case that a connection cannot be established with those fragments.

Alternative fragments can be specified from a range of protocol fragments for use with the source or target of a file transfer operation that required modifying files.

For each fragment type depending on the file transfer protocol in use an alternative fragment type is available.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an FTP file transfer operation.

Any number of reusable FTPFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the FTPFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the FTP protocol.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an FTPS file transfer operation. Any number of reusable FTPSFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the FTPSFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the FTPS protocol.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an HTTP file transfer operation. Any number of reusable HTTPFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the HTTPFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the HTTP protocol.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an FTPS file transfer operation. Any number of reusable HTTPSFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the HTTPSFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the HTTPS protocol.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

A local target is considered to be located on the server where the YADE Client is operated, i.e. in the local file system.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an SFTP file transfer operation. Any number of reusable SFTPFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the SFTPFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the SFTP protocol.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an SMB file transfer operation. Any number of reusable SMBFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the SMBFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the SMB protocol.

  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This element references the fragment that is used for an WebDAV file transfer operation. Any number of reusable WebDAVFragment elements can be configured and are distinguished by YADE based on their name attribute.

The reference to a fragment is based on the value of the ref attribute of this element to the corresponding name attribute of the WebDAVFragment element.


This attribute identifies the fragment that is used for the WebDAV protocol.

Directory string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter is used to specify a directory on one of the involved servers. Directories can be adressed using a folder structure, e.g. /folder1/folder2.

For Windows systems when used with the LocalSource parameter then a Windows path including a drive letter can be specified. For all server systems the standard syntax using can be used which includes forward slashes to separate folder names.

The directory can be set absolute or relative to the working directory, where the working directory depends on the server configuration. If for example a user "test" connects to an SFTP server then this user might have /home/test/ as a working directory. This applies to servers that use the home directory as the working directory. In this case you can use relative and absolute adressing as in

  • data
  • /home/test/data
as values for the Directory parameter.
Directory string
  • Min: 1
  • Whitespace: preserve
  • Occurrence: 1
References Notes

This parameter is used to specify a directory on one of the involved servers. Directories can be adressed using a folder structure, e.g. /folder1/folder2.

For Windows systems when used with the LocalSource parameter then a Windows path including a drive letter can be specified. For all server systems the standard syntax using can be used which includes forward slashes to separate folder names.

The directory can be set absolute or relative to the working directory, where the working directory depends on the server configuration. If for example a user "test" connects to an SFTP server then this user might have /home/test/ as a working directory. This applies to servers that use the home directory as the working directory. In this case you can use relative and absolute adressing as in

  • data
  • /home/test/data
as values for the Directory parameter.
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

These options apply to files on a target server. They specify e.g. the Atomicity of a file transfer for Copy and Move operations.

Atomicity [AtomicityType]
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

YADE uses a temporary (atomic) prefix and/or suffix to mask the presence of a file being transferred until the transfer has completed.

CheckSize boolean
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies that after transfer of each file to a target server YADE will try to read the file from the target server and compare the number of bytes of the original file on the source server and the file on the target server.

  • The default value of this parameter is "true".
  • If set to "false" the the size of the source and target file will not be checked.
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This option determines whether the individual files from the results list should be transferred individually and then should be cumulated (i.e. concatenated into a single file) to the transfer target. The name of the cumulative file is specified using the CumulativeFilename parameter.

The CumulativeFileSeparator parameter is used to specify a string that is added to the target file, between the individual files in order to allow these files to be separated later on.

  • By default no files are cumulated which corresponds to the value "false".
  • When set to "true" then files will be cumulated.

Should the source files be deleted after transfer then the Move operation can be used.

  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies whether or not the content of the source files should be compressed for the target files using a zip algorithm.

In case of sending files each file will be compressed in a single zip file. The extension of the filename is configured with the parameter CompressedFileExtension. A gzip-compatible compression is used, no further software components are required.

  • By default no files will be compressed which corresponds to the value "false".
  • Setting this parameter to the value "true" will cause target files to be compressed.

The following parameters are ignored should CompressFiles be used:

  • AppendFiles
  • CheckSize
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter causes a checksum file to be created on the target server that contains the integrity hash value. The file name is created by using the target file name and adding the hash algorithm as an extension, e.g. a target file "myFiles.tar.gz" will cause the integrity hash file "myFiles.tar.gz.md5" to be created when using MD5 with the HashAlgorithm parameter.

KeepModificationDate boolean
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies that YADE will try to assign the modification date of the source file to the target file.

  • By default the current date is used when creating or modifying files on a target server which corresponds to the value "false".
  • If set to the value "true" then the modification date of each source file is assigned to the target file.

This functionality makes use of commands that are specific for the file transfer protocol, e.g. FTP, SFTP, and is therefore not available for all protocols. In addition server side settings might restrict the use of such commands.

DisableMakeDirectories boolean
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies that YADE will try to create the directory on the target server that is specified with the Directory parameter should this directory not exist. This parameter has no effect on the subfolders during a recursive transfer. Subfolders of recursive transfer are always created if they do not exist.

  • By default target server directories will be created which corresponds to the value "false".
  • A value "true" would prevent directories from being created on target servers.

This functionality makes use of commands that are specific for the file transfer protocol, e.g. FTP, SFTP, and is therefore not available for all protocols. Please consider that server side settings might restrict the use of such commands.

DisableOverwriteFiles boolean
  • Whitespace: collapse
  • Occurrence: 0..1
References Notes

This parameter specifies whether existing target files can be overwritten in a file transfer.

  • By default target files will be overwritten which corresponds to the value "false".
  • A value "true" would prevent target files from being overwritten.

  • No labels