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This cmdlet is required has to be used as the first operation with JobScheduler cmdlets.

Applies settings from a JobScheduler Master location. A Master is identified
by its JobScheduler ID and Url for which it is operated.

For a local Master settings are imported from its installation directory.
For a remote Master settings are specified by parameters.


Use-JobSchedulerMaster [-Url <String>] [-Id <String>] -Remote [-InstallPath <String>] [-BasePath <String>] [[-Environme
-EnvironmentVariablesScript ntVariablesScript] <String>] -Remote <CommonParameters>



  • For a local Master that is installed on the local computer the cmdlet reads
    settings from the installation path.
  • For a remote Master the parameter -Remote has to be used with the -Id and -Url
    parameters to specify the instance.

For a



-Url <String>
Specifies the Url for which a JobScheduler Master is available.

The Url includes one of the protocols http or https and optionally the port that JobScheduler listens to, e.g. http

Required? false
Position? 1
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-Id <String>
Specifies the ID of a JobScheduler Master.

The installation path is determined assumed from the -BasePath parameter and the JobScheduler ID,
therefore no -InstallPath parameter has to be specified.

Required? false
Position? 2
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-Remote <SwitchParameter>
Specifies if the JobScheduler Master to be used is a remote instance.
By default a local instance is assumed with the Master being installed on the local computer.

Use this switch in addition to the parameters -Id and -Url to use a remote Master.

Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-InstallPath <String>
Specifies the installation path of a JobScheduler Master.

The installation path is expected to be accessible from the host on which the JobScheduler cmdlets are executed.


Required? false
Position? 5
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-Remote <SwitchParameter>

Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

C:\PS>Use-Master scheduler110Imports settings http://somehost:4444

Allows to manage a JobScheduler Master that is operated on the same or on a remote host.
This includes to manage Master instances that are running e.g. in a Linux box from the the JobScheduler Master with ID "scheduler110".
The installation path is determined from the default value of the -BasePath parameter.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

C:\PS>Use-Master -InstallPath "C:\Program Files\\jobscheduler\scheduler110"

Imports settings from the specified installation path.

http://localhost:4444 scheduler110

Use-Master -Url http://localhost:4444 -Id scheduler110

Specifies the URL for a local master and imports settings from the the JobScheduler Master with ID scheduler110.
The installation path is determined from the default value of the -BasePath parameter.

Cmdlets that require a local Master can be used, e.g. Install-Service, Remove-Service, Start-Master.

----------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

C:\PS>Use-Master -InstallPath $env:SCHEDULER_HOME"C:\Program Files\\jobscheduler\scheduler110"

Imports settings from the specified installation path that is specified from the SCHEDULER_HOME environment variable.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

C:\PS>Use-Master -Remote -Id scheduler110 -Url http://gollum.sos:4454InstallPath $env:SCHEDULER_HOME

Imports settings from the installation path that is specified from the SCHEDULER_HOME environment variableUses the specified JobScheduler Master as the base for cmdlets of this module.
Cmdlets that require a local Master cannot be used, e.g. Install-Service, Remove-Service, Start-Master.