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Stores a variable to a Job Resource in the JOC Cockpit inventory item.


Set-JS7JobResource [-Path] <String> [-Key] <String> [[-Value] <String>] [[-File] <String>] [[-EnvVar] <String>] [[-EncryptCertificate] <X509Certificate2>] [[-EncryptCertificatePath] <String>] [[-JavaHome] <String>] [[-JavaLib] <String>] [[-JavaOptions] <String>] [[-AuditComment] <String>] [[-AuditTimeSpent] <Int32>] [[-AuditTicketLink] <Uri>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


Variables are A variable is created/updated in a Job Resource. If the Job Resource does not exist, then it will be created.
Values of variables can hold strings, numbers and files. Optionally the values can be encrypted,
for details see

The following REST Web Service API resources are used:

* /inventory/store


-JavaHome <String>
Specifies the location to which Java is installed. Java will be required if values should be encrypted using the -certificatePath parameterEncryptCertificate or -EncrypCertificatePath parameters.
If the parameter is not specified then Java will be used from the value of the JAVA_HOME or PATH environment variables.


-JavaLib <String>
Specifies the location of the JS7 encryption libraries. The parameter is required if values should be encrypted using the -certificatePath EncryptCertificate or -EncrypCertificatePath parameter.

The libraries ship with Agents and are available from the Agent's <agent-home>/lib directory. For encryption outside of JS7 products the JS7 encryption libraries are available for download.


-JavaOptions <String>
Specifies the Java options used when invoking Java for encryption using the -EncryptCertificate or -certificatePath EncrypCertificatePath parameter.
Java options can be used for example to limit memory usage as with -JavaOptions "-Xmx32m".


Stores a key and encrypted value to the inventory object of a Job Resource. The -certificatePath EnryptCertificatePath argument specifies the location of the Certificate or Public Key file. The -JavaLib argument specifies the location of the JS7 encryption libraries.
