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JS7 - Job Resources are a means to carry of carrying variables and to make making them available to jobs.

  • A Job Resource can hold any number of variables. Such variables are available for JVM Jobs from arguments and for Shell Jobs from environment variables.
  • A Job Resource environment variable is automatically available as a local environment variable to a Shell Job.
    • If a Workflow is assigned the Job Resource then

      any Shell Jobs in the workflow are propagated

      the environment variables of the Job Resource will be propagated to all the Shell Jobs in the workflow.

    • If a Job is assigned the Job Resource then this job can use the propagated environment variables of the Job Resource.
  • As a result you users can add a variable such as BusinessDate to an existing or to a new Job Resource and . Users  can then assign the Job Resource to a Workflow to make it available to all jobs or assign limit its scope by assigning it to an individual Job to limit the scope.

Download ? (.json upload)pdBusinessDate.jobresource.json


  • An argument with the name businessDate is introduced that holds a business date value that will later on will be updated automatically.


Job for Unix

Download for Unix (.json upload)pduVariableBusinessDateGet.workflow.json

The job is assigned the Job Resource with the given name. In the job script the environment variable $BUSINESS_DATE is used that which is available from the Job Resource.


Job for Windows

Download for Windows (.json upload)pdwVariableBusinessDateGet.workflow.json

The job is assigned the Job Resource with the given name. In the job script the environment variable %BUSINESS_DATE% is used that which is available from the Job Resource.


Updating the Business Date

The final task includes to update updating the business date at a regular basis. This is achieved by use of the JS7 - REST Web Service API.

  • The JS7 REST Web Service API is available for any scripting languages and programming languages that implement a REST client.
  • This allows to set the business date from to be set by an individual application that triggers triggering the date change.
  • This allows to set the business date to be set automatically from a JS7 job.


  • Users can create a workflow with a single job that updates the businessDate variable.
  • The workflow is triggered by an order from JS7 - Schedules to switch the business date for date, for example, at midnight in the respective relevant time zone and for specific days.

Job for Unix using Shell

Download (.json upload)pduVariableBusinessDateSetpduVariableBusinessDateSetShell.workflow.json

The job example for updating a business date uses the shell script explained with the JS7 - How to update a Job Resource using Unix Shell article.

Users have to download the shell script, make it executable and available in a directory that can be accessed by the Agent.

Download: JS7 - Download (Section: Utilities, Unix: js7.encryption.tar.gz, Windows:

The job performs the following operations:

  • connect to the JOC Cockpit with the indicated user account.
  • reading the Job Resource.
  • updating the businessDate variable to the current date and specifying the desired date format.
  • storing the updated businessDate variable in the Job Resource.
  • deploying the updated Job Resource.
  • disconnecting from JS7.

Code Block
titleShell implementation to update the business date with a Job Resource variable

$HOME/ \
    --url=http://joc-2-0-primary:7446 \
    --controller-id=testsuite \
    --user=root:root \
    --job-resource=/ProductDemo/Variables/pdBusinessDate \
    --key=businessDate \
    --value=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')

Job for Unix using PowerShell

Download (.json upload)pduVariableBusinessDateSet.workflow.json

The job example for updating a business date uses business date makes use of a PowerShell job script and the JS7 - PowerShell Module.


The job performs the following operations:

Code Block
titlePowerShell implementation to update the business date with a Job Resource variable
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

# Adjust the path to your Job Resource
$jobResourcePath = '/ProductDemo/Variables/pdBusinessDate'

# Consider to use the appropriate URL that matches host and port of the JOC Cockpit instance
$url = "http://joc-2-0-primary:4446"

# Consider to store credentials with a PowerShell profile or with a credential store or to use certificate based authentication as an alternative to user/password
$credentials = ( New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "root", ( "root" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) )

Import-Module JS7
Connect-JS7 -Url $url -id $env:CONTROLLER_ID -Credentials $credentials

$jobResource = Get-JS7InventoryItem -Path $jobResourcePath -Type JOBRESOURCE

    if ( $jobResource.arguments.BusinessDate )
        # update the business date
        $jobResource.arguments.BusinessDate = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd")
    } else {
        # add a business date variable to the Job Resource
        $jobResource.arguments | Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name BusinessDate -Value (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd")

# Update and deploy the Job Resource
Set-JS7InventoryItem -Path $jobResourcePath -Type JOBRESOURCE -Object $jobResource
Publish-JS7DeployableItem -Path $jobResourcePath -Type JOBRESOURCE -ControllerID $env:CONTROLLER_ID


Job for Windows using PowerShell

Download (.json upload)pdwVariableBusinessDateSet.workflow.json

The job includes the same PowerShell script code and performs the same operations as the above Unix job example described above.

The only difference of with the Windows job is the use of a shebang that which is specific for this OS.

  • Consider use of the following shebang in the first line of the job script:
    @@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion & @@findstr/v "^@@f^@@[fs].*&" "%~f0" | pwshpowershell.exe -NonInteractive -Command - & goto:eofexit !errorlevel!/b&
  • The PowerShell executable pwsh.exe is available starting from PowerShell 6.0. PowerShell releases 5.x use the executable powershell.exe that can be used accordingly with the shebang.
  • For details about the PowerShell shebang see see the JS7 - How to run PowerShell scripts from jobs article.

Schedule for automated job execution

To automate the execution of the JS7 workflow in order to update the business date users Users can create JS7 - Schedules that which generate orders for execution that are executed at a given point in time. These can be used to automate the execution of the JS7 workflow and update the business date.

Download (.json upload)pdsVariableBusinessDateSet.schedule.json


  • The schedule references the workflow to be executed.
  • The schedule is specified to be planned and to be submitted automatically to the JS7 - Daily Plan.

To specify the point in time of workflow execution the schedule is added at which the workflow is executed, a run-time setting is added to the schedule like this: 

  • A calendar is assigned that specifies the days for on which the workflow is executed.
  • A period is assigned that which specifies the hour, minute and second for start of when the workflow is to be started.