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titleDeprecation Announcement

The functionality of the script presented in the article is migrated to JS7 - Unix Shell CLI for Workflow Status Operations

Users can continue to use the below script, no maintenance is provided.

Table of Contents



The Script requires the jq utility to be available from the operating system. 

jq is ships with the MIT license, see


  • --url
  • --controller-id
    • Specifies the identification of the Controller that holds related orders.
  • --user
    • Specifies the user account for login to JOC Cockpit. If JS7 - Identity Services are available for Client authentication certificates that are specified with the --client-cert and --client-key options then their common name (CN) attribute has to match the user account.
    • If a user account is specified then a password can be specified using the --password option or interactive keyboard input can be prompted using the -p switch.
  • --password
    • Specifies the password used for the account specified with the --user option to login to JOC Cockpit.
    • Consider use of the -p switch offering a secure option for interactive keyboard input.
  • --cacert
    • Specifies the path to a .pem file that holds the Root CA Certificate and optionally Intermediate CA Certificates to verify HTTPS connections to JOC Cockpit.
  • --client-cert
    • Specifies the path to a .pem file that holds the Client Certificate if HTTPS mutual authentication is used..
  • --client-key
    • Specifies the path to a .pem file that holds the Client Privae Key if HTTPS mutual authentication is used..
  • --date-to
    • Specifies the date and time in ISO format to which orders have been scheduled. The default value now indicates the current point in time.
      • An absolute date, for example 2023-10-23T14:00:00 will affect all orders scheduled for execution before that date. 
      • A relative date, for example  --date-to=-1d (1 day back), --date-to=-2h (2 hours back), --date-to=-30m (30 minutes back).
    • Dates and times can be calculated from the date command.
      • --date-to="$(TZ=Europe/London date +'%Y-%m-%d')T00:00:00" specifies orders scheduled for a date before the current day in the Europe/London time zone.
      • --date-to="$(TZ=Europe/London date --date="1 day ago" +'%Y-%m-%d')T00:00:00" specifies orders scheduled for execution before yesterday.
  • --time-zone
  • --states
    • Specifies one or more states - separated by comma - for which orders should be cancelled. By default the SCHEDULED state is used.
    • For example --states=SCHEDULED,SUSPENDED,FAILED will cancel orders holding any of the given states.
  • --folders
    • Specifies one or more JOC Cockpit inventory folders from absolute paths - separated by comma - holding workflows for which orders have been scheduled.
    • For example --folders=/ProductDemo/CyclicExecution,/ProductDemo/ScheduledExecution will cancel orders scheduled for workflows in the given folders.
    • If the --recursive switch is used then sub-folders will be looked up recursively.
  • --workflows
    • Specifies one or more workflows - separated by comma - for which orders have been scheduled.
    • For example --workflows=/ProductDemo/CyclicExecution/Cyclic-Check,/ProductDemo/ScheduledExecution/Daily-EOD will consider orders scheduled for the Cyclic-Check and Daily-EOD workflows from the given folders.
  • --log-dir
    • If a log directory is specified then the script will log information about processing steps to a log file in this directory.
    • File names are created according to the pattern: set_job_resourcecancel-orders.<yyyy>-<MM>-<dd>T<hh>-<mm>-<ss>.log
    • For example: set_job_resourcecancel-orders.2022-03-19T20-50-45.log



Code Block
titleExample for Cancelling Orders
./ \
    --url=http://joc-2-0-primary:7446 \
    --user=root \
    --password=root \
    --controller-id=controller \ 
    --date-to="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')T00:00:00"

# cancels orders scheduled for a date before begin of the current day
# limits cancellation to orders in the SCHEDULED state (default) 
# implies that the system time zone is used (default)


Code Block
titleExample for Cancelling Orders
./ \
    --url=https://joc-2-0-primary:7443 \
    --cacert=/home/sos/jstest/certs/root-ca.pem \
    --user=root \
    -p \
    --controller-id=controller \ 
    --date-to="$(TZ=Europe/London date --date="1 day ago" +'%Y-%m-%d')T00:00:00" \
    --time-zone=Europe/London \
# cancels orders scheduled for a date before yesterday
# establishes the connection to JOC Cockpit by HTTPS and the Root CA Certificate is specified from the path to a .pem file
# asks the user for interactive keyboard input of the password used for the account specified
# specifies the date from an individual time zone
# limits cancellation to orders in the FAILED and SUSPENDED state


Code Block
titleExample for Cancelling Orders
./ \
    --url=http://joc-2-0-primary:7446 \
    --user=root \
    --password=root \
    --controller-id=controller \ 
    --date-to="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')T00:00:00" \
    --folders=/ProductDemo/CyclicExecution,/ProductDemo/ScheduledExecution \

# cancels late orders scheduled for yesterday's Daily Plan date
# limits cancellation to orders in the SCHEDULED state (default) for workflows from the given folders
# looks up sub-folders recursively


Code Block
titleExample for Cancelling Orders
./ \
    --url=http://joc-2-0-primary:7446 \
    --user=root \
    --password=root \
    --controller-id=controller \
    --date-to="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')T00:00:00" \

# cancels late orders scheduled for yesterday's Daily Plan date
# limits cancellation to orders in the SCHEDULED state (default) for the given list of workflows

Further Resources