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YADE Credential Store

See more More information about the Credential Store can be found in the following articles:


Setting up a Credential Store



KeePass and create kdb file


YADE will use the Master Key, i.e. the password specified during the creation process as access password of the KeePassX database.

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Set-up Credential Store with PPK key

  • Start KeePassX utility
  • Click on Key File as Master Key
  • Browse for pre-generated SSH key as Master Key
  • Click ok and KeePassX will open and will be ready to add new entries.

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Create Credential Store entries


  • Create new top group i.e. sos
  • Create new sub group i.e. server
  • Create new entry wilma.sos for settings
    • Title            : Will be used as key in the hierarchy to access the credentials.
    • Username  : Field is used to specify the username, i.e. FTP, SFTP user name
    • Password   : Field is used to specify the password, user can use the  KeePassX's password generation feature to specify strong passwords or can provide existing password.
    • Comment   : Can contain extra parameters for YADE along with credentials, any YADE parameter can be specified in the comment section.
    • Expires       : Expiry date is used to enforce a password and SSH key expiration policy. The user can define the expirarion period, e.g. 90 days, or check option never. YADE will raise an error if a KeePassX DB entry is expired.
    • Attachment : Can contain private key file used for file transfer

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Create Credential Store entry for SFTP server

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YADE profiles with Credential Store



Code Block

See also
