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JS7 offers JS7 - Inventory Git Integration for JS7 - How to rollout from test to prod environments in a CI/CD pipelineRollout of Scheduling Objects.

  • Git access includes to authenticate authentication with a Git Server and to access accessing remote repositories.
  • The setup of a local repository is explained with the JS7 - How to set up a local Git Repository article.

The steps to set for setting up access to a Git Server can be applied manually applied and can also be applied by use of using the JS7 REST Web Service API.


Git Configuration File

JOC Cockpit makes use of uses a Git client that which reads configuration items from the following file (assuming a user account me being is in place)

  • for Unix environments:
    • /home/me/.ssh/config
  • for Windows environments:
    • C:\Users\me\.ssh\config

The Git config file can may look like this:

Code Block
titleExample for Git config file
    IdentityFile C:\Users\me\.ssh\github_rsa
    IdentitiesOnly yes


  • The settings maps map the use of a private key file to authentication with a Git Server.


Automation with the JS7 REST Web Service API

Users who whish wish to automate the steps to set for setting up Git access can use the following resources:

Find the The documentation for related cmdlets from can be found in PowerShell CLI 2.0 - Cmdlets - Git Repository Integration.


Code Block
titleExample for use of PowerShell cmdlets
# parameterizationParameterization
$gitServer   = ''
$gitAccount  = 'myAccount'
$gitUserName = 'My Account'
$gitUserMail = ''
$gitKeyFile  = 'myKey.rsa'

# Connection
Import-Module JS7
Connect-JS7 -Url http://root:root@localhost:4446 -Id 'Controller' | Out-Null

# useUse of private key file
Add-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer -Account $gitAccount -KeyFile $gitKeyFile -UserName $gitUserName -UserMail $gitUserMail

# useUse of access token (similarly insecure as use of passwords)
# Add-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer -Account $gitAccount -AccessToken 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8' -UserName $gitUserName -UserMail $gitUserMail

# useUse of password (denied by a larger number of Git Servers)
# Add-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer -Account $gitAccount -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString 'secret' -AsPlainText -Force) -UserName $gitUserName -UserMail $gitUserMail

# removeRemove Git credentials
Remove-JS7GitCredentials -Server $gitServer

# Connection
