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The JOC Cockpit includes a Start Script to manage the application:.

  • The JOC Cockpit Start Script is available for Unix only.
    • The default location of the Start Script is:
      • /opt/ for Unix.
      • Use of the Start Script is authoritative to start JOC Cockpit.
  • For On Windows systems the JOC Cockpit is started from by its Windows Service.


Running the JOC Cockpit Start Script allows the use of the following commands:


The following environment variables are considered by the JOC Cockpit Start Script;

    • Points to Indicates the location of the JVM, either a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit).
    • Without setting When this environment variable is not set, Java will be used from the location specified by the system path.
    • The JAVA_HOME environment variable does not necessarily point to the location of a JDK but to a JRE directory where the bin/java executable resides, for example, if the location of the Java executable is /opt/java/jdk8u202-b08/jre/bin/java then JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk8u202-b08/jre.
    • Specifies Java options, for example the Java memory settings for the JOC Cockpit.
    • Without setting this environment variable the Java options default to the value specified during installation of JOC Cockpit.


Code Block
languagebash restart

Checking the JOC Cockpit Status

Code Block
languagebash status

The command will result in output such as:

Code Block
Jetty running pid=23043

JAVA                  =  /opt/java/jdk-21/bin/java
JAVA_OPTIONS          = -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xss4000k -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.timezone=UTC -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=/home/sos/install/
JETTY_HOME            =  /home/sos/install/joc.home/jetty
JETTY_BASE            =  /home/sos/install/
START_D               =  /home/sos/install/
START_INI             =  /home/sos/install/
JETTY_START           =  /home/sos/install/joc.home/jetty/start.jar
JETTY_CONF            =  /home/sos/install/joc.home/jetty/etc/jetty.conf
JETTY_ARGS            =  jetty.state=/home/sos/install/ --module=pid,state
JETTY_RUN             =  /home/sos/install/
JETTY_PID             =  /home/sos/install/
JETTY_START_LOG       =  /home/sos/install/
JETTY_STATE           =  /home/sos/install/
RUN_ARGS              = ...
ID                    =  uid=1000(sos) gid=1000(sos) groups=1000(sos),10(wheel),100(users),994(docker) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
JETTY_USER            =  sos

Windows Service Interface

The following information applies to headless installation for Windows systems. For installation with a GUI and user dialog see JS7 - JOC Cockpit - Installation Using the Graphical Installer for Linux /and Windows Graphical Installer.

The JOC Cockpit can be operated as a Windows Service. In addition, a number of management scripts are available:

  • The default location of management scripts is the directory:
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\joc\service

Installing the JOC Cockpit Jetty Service


Configuring the Windows Service

After installation of the Windows Service, users find the The .\service\js7_<joc_service_name>w.exe file is installed along with the Windows Service. This program can be executed to configure the Windows Service.


  • The JOC Cockpit instance log level can be increased using the JOC Cockpit's Apache ProcRun Daemon Service Manager daemon/service.
  • For On  Windows systems, this is installed in the JOC Cockpit instance's service folder with a name such as js7_<joc_service_name>w.exe where <joc-service-name> is the unique JOC Cockpit service name.
  • Users can start the ProcRun Manager, select the Logging tab in the user interface and set the log level to Debug
  • The location of log files is explained above. 
  • Users should consider to revert reverting the log level to its original value once they are finished with debugging.
