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  • Users might be interested in specifying jobs and dependencies from Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets.
    • In a situation when business staff is in charge of specifying jobs then Excel® is a frequently used tool.
    • As a no-code approach this allows to specify jobs and dependencies by users without detailed know-how of JS7 - Workflows.
  • The solution explained from the article creates jobs and workflows from Excel® spreadsheets ready for import into JS7.
    • The solution makes use of a PowerShell cmdlet for Linux and Windows and can be operated for PowerShell 5.1, 6, 7.
    • The solution works for .xlsx files. Files from formats such as .xls and .csv have to be imported to Excel®.
    • The solution is both a tool for simple use cases and a programming example how to create workflows from Excel®. More elaborate approaches for processing of customized Excel® input are subject to SOS professional services.


The following PowerShell modules are used for this purpose:


Getting Started


Specifying Jobs and Dependencies with Excel®

Download the jobs.xlsx Excel® spreadsheet file.

  • The worksheets included with the spreadsheet file offer a number of jobs and dependencies from the following columns:
    • NodeID: A unique identifier for the occurrence of a job. If the same job occurs a number of times then the Name column holds the same job name, however, a unique value has to be specified for the NodeID column. NodeIDs have to start with a character and must not include spaces.
    • SuccessorID: Specifies the NodeIDs of jobs that are direct successors of the current job. If more than one job is specified then they will will be executed in parallel branches. A number of NodeIDs in this column are separated by a space.
    • Instruction:  Makes use of the fixed value Job. This column is reserved for later support of further JS7 - Workflow Instructions. This column can be missing or hold empty values.
    • Name: Specifies the job name. This column is required and cannot hold empty values. Job names have to start with a character and must not include spaces. The same job name can be used in a number of rows indicating that the job is re-used for each occurrence with a unique NodeID.
    • Description: Optionally specifies a descriptive title for the job. This column can be missing or hold empty values.
    • Argument: Optionally specifies arguments that are passed to jobs.
    • Agent, Subagent Cluster: Specifies the name of a Standalone Agent that is configured in your JS7 scheduling environment. If an Agent Cluster is used then its name is specified as the Agent and the respective Subagent Cluster is specified, see JS7 - Agent Cluster. If the columns are missing or hold empty values then a default Agent name can be specified from the PowerShell cmdlet's -AgentName parameter, see next chapters.
    • Script: Specifies the job script that will be executed. Multiline input is allowed. This column is required and cannot hold empty values.
    • Job Resource: Specifies one or more JS7 - Job Resources separated by a space that will be assigned the job. This column is not required.
    • Job Class: Specifies one of two values for Shell jobs or JITL jobs from JS7 - JITL Job Templates. If this column is missing, then then job class Shell is assumed.
    • Job Template: If a Job Class with the value JITL is specified then this column holds the Java class name of the job template. This column is required for use with JITL jobs.
    • Error Handling: Specifies Optionally specifies one of the following options for for JS7 - How to apply error handling. If the column is missing or holds empty values then then STOP error handling :will be applied.
      • STOP: If the job fails then the order will be put to the FAILED state and will remain with the job. Failed orders require user intervention to resume, to suspend or to cancel the respective order.
      • IGNORE: Any job error is ignored and order processing continues, see JS7 - Try-Catch Instruction.
      • RETRY: The job will be retried in case of error for 3 times with a delay of 60s, see JS7 - Retry Instruction.
      • LEAVE: The order will leave the workflow with an unsuccessful History outcome, see JS7 - Finish Instruction.
    • Fail on stderr: Specifies Optionally specifies that in case that the job will write output to the stderr channel the job will be considered to be failed, see see JS7 - Job Instruction. The column holds Boolean values. If the column is missing or holds empty values then the value False will be applied.
  • Users can adjust column names, see JS7 - PowerShell Import from Excel Script - New-JS7WorkflowFromExcel.ps1.


  • Job dependencies are designed along a Directed acyclic graph (DAG). This includes a few rules for input to the Excel® spreadsheet:
    • One or more initial jobs are required as the graph's root node(s). Initial jobs must not be specified as successors in any of the SuccessorID column values.
    • One A final job has to can be specified that does not indicate a successor job in the its SuccessorID column.
    • The order of entries to the Excel® spreadsheet is not relevant.
    • Not too much error checking of the DAG is performed, however, missing job nodes will be detected.
  • In a simplified way a directed graph works with represents job dependencies from two columns:
    • The NodeID column specifies the unique identifier of the given occurrence of a job.
    • The SuccessorID column specifies one or more NodeIDs of successor jobs that are separated by a space.
      • If more than one NodeID is specified then this will fork processing of the indicated successor jobs to be performed in parallel branches.
      • When all To join parallel branches of jobs the NodeIDs specified with the from the SuccessorID column of a given job node indicate the same NodeID as the SuccessorID with their individual entries then they will be joined before the indicated successor job nodethe forking job have to hold empty values in their respective SuccessorID column or hold the same NodeID of a later job.
      • Forking can include any number of parallel branches specified by NodeIDs in a SuccessorID column.
      • Forking can be nested preferably at not more than 15 levels.


Running the PowerShell Cmdlet

Download the PowerShell cmdlet: New-JS7WorkflowFromExcel.ps1


The above examples will create workflows per each worksheet included with the Excel® spreadsheet file. The name of the workflow corresponds to the worksheet. The resulting file will be created in the current working directory.

Users who prefer to run the PowerShell cmdlet directly from the Unix Shell can add the call to the PowerShell cmdlet and its parameters to an executable shell script like this:

Code Block
titleExample for use of PowerShell cmdlet for Linux
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

$env:SCRIPT_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "`$0")" >/dev/null && pwd)
Set-Location -Path $env:SCRIPT_HOME

./New-JS7WorkflowFromExcel.ps1 `
    -ExcelPath "$($env:SCRIPT_HOME)/input/jobs.xlsx" `
    -OutputDirectory "$($env:SCRIPT_HOME)/output/jobs"

Managing Job Arguments

Job arguments optionally are specified from the following formats:

SeparatorQuotingData TypeExampleArgument Usage
JSON Stylecommayesnumeric{ "p_calc_id": 365985, "p_calc_ord": 1 }Default: numeric data type

commanonumeric{  p_calc_id : 365985,  p_calc_ord : 1 }Default: numeric data type

commayesstring{ "p_calc_id": "AB321", "p_calc_ord": "RollingOrder" }Default: string data type

commayesBoolean{  is_valid: true,  is_invalid: false }Default: Boolean data type
HashTable Stylecommanostringp_calc_id = AB321, p_calc_ord=RollingOrderDefault separator is the comma

semicolonnonumericp_calc_id = 365985 ; p_calc_ord=RollingOrdersRequires -ArgumentSeparator ';'

newlinenostringp_calc_id = AB321
Default: arguments separated by newline


  • JSON style arguments are specified using { ... }. Otherwise arguments are considered being specified in HashTable style.
  • JSON style arguments require the comma to be used as a separator. Quoting of argument names is optional.
  • HashTable style arguments by default consider the comma  or newline used as a separator.
    • The argument separator can be specified using -ArgumentSeparator '<separator-character>'.
    • Data types for string input and numeric input are dynamically assigned.
  • HashTable style arguments do not suggest quoting.
  • For both JSON style arguments and HashTable style arguments spaces between argument names, values and separators are not relevant.

Automating Import

Users who wish to automate the process of importing workflows to JOC Cockpit can use the JS7 - PowerShell Module that performs operations based on the JS7 - REST Web Service API.

Code Block
titleExample for use of PowerShell module for Linux/Windows
Import-Module JS7

Connect-JS7 -Url http://root:root@localhost:4446 -Id controller
# connect using the default root account and root password, check to apply more secure connection methods

Import-JS7InventoryItem -TargetFolder /imported -FilePath /js7/excel/ -Overwrite
# imports the .zip archive to the JOC Cockpit's /imported folder and overwrites existing workflows with the same name



Examples for advanced parameterization are provided as follows.


Code Block
titleExample for use of PowerShell cmdlet for Linux
./New-JS7WorkflowFromExcel.ps1 `
    -ExcelPath /home/sos/excel/input/jobs.xlsx `
    -WorksheetName Workflow01 `
    -WorksheetColumns @{ 'nodeid' = 'NodeID'; 'successorid' = 'SuccessorID'; 'instruction' = 'Instruction'; 'name' = 'Name'; 'description' = 'Description'; 'argument' = 'Argument'; 'agent' = 'Agent'; 'subagentCluster' = 'Subagent Cluster'; 'script' = 'Script'; 'errorHandling' = 'Error Handling'; 'failOnStderr' = 'Fail on stderr' } `
    -OutputDirectory /home/sos/excel/output/jobs `
    -WorkflowName EOD-Workflow `
    -Title "EOD Processing" `
    -AgentName primaryAgent
