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JS7 - Workflows implement jobs and dependencies for workload automation. Orders are triggers that cause the execution of workflows.

  • The Configuration View offers provides a graphical design view from the JS7 - Workflow Editor.
  • The Workflows View offers provides a tactical view that which can be used to monitor the processing of orders with workflows in near real-time and perform interventions if required.

The JS7 offers to skip jobs and to stop jobs allows jobs to be skipped and stopped on-the-fly.

Display feature availability

Status Operations on Jobs

For jobs in a workflow the The following status operations are available for jobs in a workflow:

  • Skip job: The job will not be executed, instead an order continues execution with the next instruction following after the skipped job.
  • Stop job: The order will be put to the suspended state if it meets a stopped job. Users can resume suspended orders.
    • An order can be resumed from the same position, from a previous or later position in the workflow, depending on the workflow design. For a stopped job, resuming the order will force the job to start. When resuming orders, users are free to chose the same or a different job from which the order will be resumed.
    • Orders are not automatically resumed when a job is unstopped. Users can find the category of suspended orders in the Dashboard view which offers to display the . This displays a list of related orders and workflows. Bulk operations allow to resume can be carried out, allowing a larger number of orders to be resumed at the  the same time.
  • The Workflows view offers provides the Search option to look up workflows that include skipped or stopped jobs.

Status operations on jobs can affect a number of Agents that are assigned the related jobs in question. If one or more Agents assigned to jobs in a workflow are not accessible to the Controller then the status operation is considered being to be outstanding.

  • The Controller will forward the status operation to the respective relevant Agents when they become accessible.
  • The workflow remains in an outstanding status indicating that not all Agents have confirmed the status operation.


Skipping Jobs

A job's action menu offers includes the Skip operation:

  • A skipped job is not considered for job execution and no returns variables are created from the job.
  • The operation to skip execution applies to any available version of the workflow that holds the skipped job.

For The status of skipped jobs the status is displayed like this:

The operation to skip skipping of a job can be reverted by using the Unskip operation that , which is available from the job's action menu:

Stopping Jobs

A The Stop operation is available in the job's action menu offers the Stop operation:

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  • A stopped job suspends any incoming order to create a breakpoint in the workflow.
    • Users can resume a suspended order from the same position or other position in the workflow.
    • Resuming from the same position forces the job to be executed.
  • The operation to stop a job applies to the version of the workflow for which the stop operation is performed.

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The status of stopped jobs For stopped jobs the status is displayed like this:

The stop operation to stop a job can be reverted by using the Unstop operation that operation, which is available from the job's action menu:


Jobs in a workflow can be stopped and skipped at the same time. In addition the workflow can be subject to suspensionsuspended.

The above explanations suggest the following precedence of operations in descending order:

  • A job being stopped is assigned the highest precedence.
    • Should a workflow be suspended then this includes that orders can complete the current instruction in the workflow.
    • If the current instruction in a workflow is stopped then the order will be suspended before the workflow is suspended.
  • If a workflow is suspended then orders will be frozen having once they have completed processing of the current instruction.
  • If the order specifying an end position has been added with an end position being specified then the order will leave the workflow reaching once the end position is reached.
  • A skipped job being skipped experiences has the lowest precedence compared to stopped jobs and suspended workflows.

