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Table of Contents
outlinh1. true
outlinh1. true
2stylh1. none


YADE Installation

  • JADE YADE can be installed using the interactive installer GUI for Windows and Linux servers (with X-Servers).
  • JADE YADE can be installed from the command line using an installer parameter file.




  • Starting from release 1.9 an Oracle or openJDK Java Runtime Environment 1.8 or newer is required.
  • Starting from release 1.6.4043 an Oracle Java Runtime Environment 1.7 or newer is required.
  • Starting from release 1.3.7 an Oracle Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or newer is required.

2. Download YADE installer

  • Download the JADE YADE Client and transfer it to the server. You could use wget to download JADE YADE directly on that server.
Code Block
test@wilma:~/install> ls -la
insgesamttotal 13763
drwxr-xr-x    2 test users       88 2014-05-22 11:24 .
drwxr-xr-x  140 test users    18392 2014-05-22 11:24 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 test users 1405952021997010 2014-0512-2219 1119:2435 jade_client.1.68.4043tar.targz


3. Unzip


the YADE installer

Code Block
test@wilma:~/install> gunzip jade_client.1.8.tar.gz
test@wilma:~/install> tar -xvf jade_client.1.68.4043.tar

test@wilma:~/install> ls
jade_client.1.6.4043  jade_client.1.6.4043.tar8

test@wilma:~/install> cd jade_client.1.6.4043/8

test@wilma:~/install/jade_client.1.6.4043>8> ls -la
insgesamt 13741
drwxr-xr-x.  2 test users     4096 208 2014-05-22 11:24Jan 15 12:08 .
drwxrdrwxrwxr-xr-x.  3 test users     4096 128 2014-05-22Jan 15 11:2457 ..
-rw-r--r--.  1 test users     1620 1589 2014-02-12Dec 19 15:2824 install_jade_client.txt
-rw-r--r-- . 1 test users 14023086 2014-02-1222123297 Dec 19 15:2824 jade_client.1.8.jar
-rw-r--r-- . 1 test users     1173 1176 2012-10-29 11:39Jan 15 12:08 jade_client_install.xml
-rw-r--r--.  1 test users    17987 2012-10-29 11:3917986 Dec 19 15:24 licence.gpl
-rwxr-xr-x . 1 test users     2839 2800 2014-02-12Dec 19 15:2824


4. Prepare the installer parameter file

  • Change the installpath tag in the jade_client_install.xml file and set the absolute installation path according to where you want to install JADEYADE.
Code Block
test@wilma:~/install/jade_client.1.6.4043> vi jade_client.xml
test@wilma:~/install/jade_client.1.6.4043> more jade_client.
jade_client.: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
test@wilma:~/install/jade_client.1.6.4043> more jade_client.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
XML configuration file for JADEYADE Client setup

If you call the setup with this XML file then
you accept at the same time the terms of the
GNU GPL 2.0 License agreement (see licence.gpl or
<AutomatedInstallation langpack="eng">
    <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="home">
    <com.izforge.izpack.panels.HTMLLicencePanel id="licence"/>
    <com.izforge.izpack.panels.TargetPanel id="target">

             The path must be absolute!
             Default paths are
             /opt/ for Unix
             C:\Program Files\\jade\client for Windows -->

    <com.izforge.izpack.panels.InstallPanel id="install"/>
    <com.izforge.izpack.panels.ProcessPanel id="process"/>
    <com.izforge.izpack.panels.FinishPanel id="finish"/>


5. Run the installer

  • The script calls sudo to get root permissions. It is strongly recommended that you are not logged in as root as root permissions are
  • It is not mandatory to install JADE.YADE with root permissions.
  • The script has the option -u
    • If you
    want to start the installer without root permissions , then you can execute with the -u option
    • use the option -u then the installer is started with the current user.
      In this case, you have to make sure that this user has sufficient write permissions to create the installation path.
    • If you don't use the option -u then the installer calls sudo to get root permissions. The current user has to be configured as sudoer.
      In this case the installation path is arbitrary.
Code Block
titleSetup with option -u
[test@wilma test@wilma:~/install/jade_client.1.6.4043>8-RC1]$ ./ -u jade_client_install.xml
java -Dizpack.mode=privileged -jar "./jade_client.1.8.jar" jade_client_install.xml
[ Starting automated installation ]
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: package.jade_client (1/1) ]
[ Unpacking finished ]
[ Starting processing ]

|   Update jar files in ./lib
... trying to delete obsolete jar files
... trying to install new SOS jar files
... trying to update 3rd-party jar files
... done
|   Change owner in /home/test/ to test
... nothing to do
[ Processing finished ]
[ Writing the uninstaller data ... ]
[ Automated installation done ]
Code Block
titleSetup without option -u
[test@wilma jade_client.1.8-RC1]$ ]


./ jade_client_install.xml
sudo java -jar ./jade_client.1.8.jar jade_client_install.xml
[ Starting automated installation ]
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: package.jade_client (1/1) ]
[ Unpacking finished ]
[ Starting processing ]
|   Update jar files in ./lib
... trying to delete obsolete jar files
... trying to install new SOS jar files
... trying to update 3rd-party jar files
... done
|   Change owner in /home/test/ to test
... the user group of "test" is "test".
... done
[ Processing finished ]
[ Writing the uninstaller data ... ]
[ Automated installation done ]

6. Check YADE

Code Block
test@wilma:~/install/jade_client.1.6.4043>8> cd /home/test/
test@wilma:~/> ls
ThirdParty.txt  Uninstaller  bin  examples  lib  licence.gpl  logs  old.jade_client.1.6.4043  readme.txt
test@wilma:~/> cd bin/
test@wilma:~/> ls
test@wilma:~/> ./ --version

[main] INFO  11:27:21,028   INFO ( ::Executecom.sos.DataExchange.SOSDataExchangeEngineMain  - SOSDataExchange - Main Kommandozeilenprogramroutine startetstarted .... -- 1.6.40438 (2014-0212-12T12:41:37.671+010019 13:22, revision 09c84ab471c46ee84989ed6f0a728ebd347ea1b2) Copyright 2003-20132014 SOS GmbH Berlin