Versions Compared


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A significant change in the file transfer configuration of YADE will be introduced with release 1.11.This will mark the end of the use of text-based *.ini files and the introduction of XML-based configurations in line with an XSD schema. In parallel, a new XML Editor will be available that will automatically generate required elements where appropriate as well as allow configurations to be verified according to the schema.

The two configuration formats are compared on this page.

Text-based file transfer configuration with *.ini Files up to Release 1.10

File transfers are configured in YADE up to Release 1.10 in text-based .. .ini formatini files.

A *.ini file contains a number of transfer profiles: blocks that contain the actual configuration parameters. As profiles can be used to specify other profiles, it is possible to develop a set of reusable "configuration building blocks'" that can be set together as required.

The *.ini file and transfer profile to be used for a file transfer operation are specified when a command is sent to the YADE client.

*.ini files can be configured using a text or code editor.

Limitations of the *.ini file approach

Whilst this approach is relatively straightforward to understand when used with simple file transfer situations:

  • it is prone to configuration errors and
  • becomes difficult to understand and therefore maintain when advanced and complex file transfer configurations are implemented.

For further Information about configuring YADE using *.ini approach see:

  • The YADE Tutorials.
    These provide a step by step guide to using configuring and running YADE. Tutorial examples are designed to use our online demo server and can be tested with minimal configuration work. A configuration file is available for download to help you get the tutorial examples running as quickly as possible.
  • An Example YADE settings file with profiles

XML-based file transfer configuration from Release 1.11 onwards

Excerpt Include
YADE - Configuration - XML Editor
YADE - Configuration - XML Editor

The XML file transfer configuration introduced with release 1.11 of JADE YADE allows parameter dependencies in JADE YADE to be validated before the configuration file is transferred to an operating environment.

Dependencies and conflicts between configuration elements are avoided through the use of an XSD schema.

An XML editor is available We have written an XML Editor that will simplify the creation and validation of schema-compatible file transfer configurations.

The basic principles behind the organization of the schema elements and parameters will be is described in Configuring File Transfers with the YADE Client

this document. A detailed description of individual parameters can be found in our Parameter Reference.

The following screen shot shows the test host FTP file transfer example described in the previous section in the of the the SOS XML Editor :

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The following code block shows the XML configuration file for the test host FTP file transfer example shown in the XML Editor screen shot above in XML form:


titleA simple profile for transferring files by FTP from a test host to the local file system


for a Simple File Transfer with Basic Authentication example.

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Comparing *.ini File and XML Configurations

Comparison of the two approaches formats reveal a significant difference in the concept behind the two approaches to configuration:

  • Settings file *.ini file configuration
    Parameters such as host, protocol, user, password and dir (directory) are usually grouped separately in the settings file configuration according to whether they apply to the transfer the *.ini file configuration depending on their use as source or target. This  This usually has no functional meaning (the files are processed from top to bottom) and is partly simply for convenience (grouping parameters together makes them easier to find) and partly to allow their reuse in the form of so-called profile fragments if required.
  • XML configuration
    • Parameters are divided up between profile and fragment branches. into hierarchical branches - the Profiles and Fragments branches being the most relevant here.
      (Note that these the expressions Profiles and Fragments are here defined differently to elements with the same names in the settings *.ini file configuration with the same names.)
      • authentication Authentication and connection parameters (Account & Password and Hostname & Port respectively) and the protocol (defined through the use of FTP) are part of the Fragments branch of the configuration.
      • the The operation (copyCopy) and the source and target file paths (FilePath and LocalTarget respectively) are specified in the Profiles branch.
      • the CopySourceFragmentRef element refers to An FTPFragmentRef element in the Profile branch is used to specify the FTPFragment specified in the Fragments branch that contains the detailed information about the authentication and connection parameters.
    • The division between Fragments and Profiles branches allows the reuse of elements whilst working within the strict hierarchical structure of XML.
      • The use of a reference in the Profiles branch (in the example, using the CopySourceFragmentRef FTPFragmentRef element) to specify the authentication and connection parameters in the Profiles branch allows any number of Profiles elements to be defined and specified as required.

Migrating from *.


ini File to XML-based Configurations

Parameter Mapping

With the change to the XML-based configuration not only has a hierarchical structure been introduced to configuration elements but many of the names used for configuration elements have been changed. We have therefore written a parameter mapping table to help users with conversion of their configurations.

Further Information

Related Sections of this User Manual:

See also:

More Information


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