Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • <ca>  The directory <ca> is a placeholder. Any directory can be used.
    • certs
    • csr
    • private


The following files will be created when executing the script:

  • <ca>/certs/root-ca.crt
  • <ca>/csr/root-ca.csr
  • <ca>/private/root-ca.key

This step is performed just once. In case of renewal of the Root CA Certificate any Server Certificates will have to be renewed.

Code Block
titleRun shell script
# Description
# --key-name=<basename> --subject=<distinguished-name> --days=<number-of-days>

# Example: for runuse with defaults

# Example: for use basename such as ca-root.key, ca-root.crt, ca-root.csrwith basename
./ --key-name=ca-root

# Example: applyapplying specific distinguished name and lifetime
./ --subject="/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=SOS/OU=IT/CN=JS7 CA" --days=7660

The shell script is optionally executed optionally with the following arguments:

  • --key-name
    • The basename of the key without extension. Default: root-ca
  • --subject
    • The distinguished name that is used as the subject of the CA Certificate. Default: /C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=SOS/OU=IT/CN=Root CA
  • --days
    • The lifetime of the certificate is specified by the number of days. Default:
    • The lifetime of the certificate is specified by the number of days. Default: 7305
    • Consider that Server Certificates have to be renewed if the Root CA Certificate expires.

Creating a Server Certificate


The following files will be created with <server> being a placeholder for the hostname for which a certificate should be created.

  • <ca>/certs/<server>.crt
  • <ca>/certscsr/<server>.csr
  • <ca>/private/<server>.key

This step is performed for each Server Certificate that should be created.

Code Block
titleRun shell script
# Description
# --dns=<server-hostname><hostname>[,<server-hostname><hostname>] --key-name=<basename> --subject=<distinguished-name> --days=<number-of-days>

# Example for use with DNS and lifetime
./ --dns=apmaccs,apmaccs.soscentostest-primary --days=365

The shell script is executed with two arguments:

# Example for use with DNS, key name and lifetime
./ --dns=centostest-primary,centostest-primary.sos --key-name=centostest-primary --days=4017

# Example for use with DNS, subject and lifetime
./ --dns=centostest-primary,centostest-primary.sos --subject="/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=SOS/OU=IT/CN=centostest-primary.sos" --days=4017 

The shell script is executed with the following arguments:

  • --dns (required)
    • The DNS hostname of the server that should be assigned the certificate. A server can be assigned more than one DNS hostname, for example the FQDN can extend the hostname. Only DNS hostnames that are added to the certificate can be used later on to establish secure HTTPS connections.
  • --key-name
    • The basename of the key without extension. Default: root-ca
  • --subject
    • The distinguished name that is used as the subject of the Server Certificate. Default: /C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=SOS/OU=IT/CN=<dns>
    • The CN attribute must specify the server's hostname. By default the first hostname specified with the --dns option is used
    • The DNS hostname of the server that should be assigned the certificate. A server can be assigned more than one DNS hostname, for example the FQDN can extend the hostname. Only DNS hostnames that are added to the certificate can be used later on to establish secure HTTPS connections.
  • --days
    • The lifetime of the certificate is specified by the number of days (default: 5475, matching approx. 15 years).. Default: 3652
