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outlinh1. true
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In this example user we want to poll for an incoming file on the ServerAServer A, once file(s) matching with the a reguler expression is are found on ServerA, Server A then JobScheduler should transfer the file(s) from ServerA Server A to ServerBServer B.
After successfully successful transfer of file on ServerB, JobScheduler should start an processing script on ServerB files to Server B then JobScheduler should execute a script for post-processing on Server B via SSH.


digraph "Example: Server to Server Transfer with polling" \{


edge [

source_server [label="DataServerA\nTransfer Source (FTP)"];
target_server  [label="DataServerB\nTransfer Target (sFTPSFTP)"];
jobscheduler  [label="JobScheduler \n JADEYADE JITL job \n SSH JITL Job"];

source_server->target_server [label="2. datafile transfer"];
source_server->jobscheduler  [dir=both label="commands" color="grey"];
jobscheduler->source_server  [dir=right label="1. polling" color="blue"];
jobscheduler->target_server  [dir=both label="commands"  color="grey"];
jobscheduler->target_server  [dir=righ label="3. ssh command"  color="red"];


  • For such a file transfer and processing workflow


  • JobScheduler has built-in JITL jobs, namely



  • YADE JITL Jobs be configured to transfer data from Server-to-Server without



  • YADE has a built-in polling feature


  • that can be configured by using polling


  • parameters, i.e.
    • poll_interval: frequency of polling in seconds and
    • poll_timeout: maximum


    • duration in seconds for polling.
  • The job


  • chain can be configured by an order to run at a predefined time, to repeat execution or


  • to be started manually.

Job Chain: FileTransferAndProcessing.job_chain.xml

The job chain FileTransferAndProcessing has two nodes:

  1. jade_s2s_file_transfer: for server to server data transfer and
  2. ssh_start_proccessing: starting the processing script using ssh
Code Block

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<job_chain  orders_recoverable="yes" visible="yes" title="Tranasfer Data from ServerA to ServerB and start Processing on ServerB vis SSH" max_orders="1" name="DataTransferProcessing">

    <job_chain_node  state="jade_s2s_file_transfer" job="jade_s2s_file_transfer" error_state="error" next_state="ssh_start_proccessing" on_error="suspend"/>

    <job_chain_node  state="ssh_start_proccessing" job="ssh_start_proccessing" next_state="success" error_state="error" on_error="suspend"/>

    <job_chain_node  state="success"/>

    <job_chain_node  state="error"/>


Step 1: Job jade_s2s_file_transfer


  • This job is


  • a YADE JITL job


  • that is configured to poll a source


  • host (


  • via FTP) for


  • files matching file_


  • spec=^TEST*\.log$ for every 30 seconds


  • during a maximum of 600 seconds.


  • The matching file(s)


  • will be


  • copied to the target


  • host (


  • SFTP).


  • More information about


  • YADE JITL job configuration can be found here


Code Block
titleJob jade_s2s_file_transfer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<job  title="S2S transfer with polling (API Job for JobScheduler Advanced Data Exchange)" order="yes" stop_on_error="no" name="jade_s2s_file_transfer">
    <description >
        <include  file="jobs/jadeJob.xml"/>

    <params >
        <param  name="file_spec" value="\.log$"/>

        <param  name="operation" value="copy"/>

        <param  name="verbose" value="9"/>

        <param  name="poll_interval" value="30"/>

        <param  name="poll_minfiles" value="1"/>

        <param  name="poll_timeout" value="600"/>


        <param  name="source_protocol" value="ftp"/>

        <param  name="source_host" value="mp.sos"/>

        <param  name="source_user" value="test"/>

        <param  name="source_password" value="super_secret"/>

        <param  name="source_dir" value="/outbound"/>


        <param  name="target_protocol" value="sftp"/>

        <param  name="target_host" value="homer.sos"/>

        <param  name="target_user" value="test"/>

        <param  name="target_password" value="super_secret"/>

        <param  name="target_ssh_auth_method" value="password"/>

        <param  name="target_dir" value="/home/test/inbound"/>

    <script  language="java" java_class="sos.scheduler.jade.JadeJob"/>

    <run_time />

Step 2: Job ssh_start_proccessing


  • This job is


  • a JITL job


  • that is configured to execute


  • a command on a remote


  • host using


  • SSH. The SSH JITL job can be configured to connect using


  • a public/


  • private key pair


  • or with


  • user/password authentication.
  • More information about SSH JITL job configuration can be found hereSSH_JITL_JOB_PARAMETERS. 
Code Block
titleJob ssh_start_proccessing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<job  title="Launch commands or executable files by SSH" order="yes" name="ssh_start_proccessing">
    <description >
        <include  file="jobs/SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter.xml"/>

    <params >
        <param  name="host" value="homer.sos"/>

        <param  name="port" value="22"/>

        <param  name="user" value="test"/>

        <param  name="auth_method" value="password"/>

        <param  name="command" value="uname -an"/>

        <param  name="password" value="super_secret"/>

    <script  language="java" java_class="sos.scheduler.job.SOSSSHJob2JSAdapter"/>

    <run_time />

Also see

  1. JADE S2S implementation details
  2. Server to Server Transfer
  3. Server to Server Transfer with Polling

Download example

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// Remote configuration
msc {

No Format


config_server labeh1. "Configuration Server JobScheduler",workload label"Workload JobScheduler";


See also



config_server h1. workload label "First Request HTTP using JETTY Port)";

No Format

  config_server box config_server[labeh1. "Register Client", textbgcolour"#7f7fff",  textcolouh1. "#FFFFFF"];
  config_server < workload  [labelh1. "Request every 15 minutes (HTTP using JETTY Port)"];
  config_server> workload  [labelh1. "Sending configuration changes (HTTP using JETTY Port)"];
    ---  [label "loop every 15 minutes", ID="*"];
