Versions Compared


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  • This setting applies to the use of an Agent with a Standalone Controller or with a Controller Cluster.
  • Note that the Controller element name is an example that has to be replaced by the Controller ID which is specified with the same value during installation of Controller instances.
  • The distinguished-names element identifies the Controller instance's Client Authentication certificate. The certificate acts as a replacement for a password.
    • The Agent configuration specifies the distinguished names of the Controller instances that access the Agent by use of a Client Authentication certificate. For a Standalone Controller there is a single distinguished name, for a Controller Cluster each instance's distinguished name is specified.
    • Except for whitespace between attributes the precise sequence and values as available from the certificate's subject have to match this property value.
    • Note that the common name (CN) element in the distinguished name has to match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a Controller instance's host.
    • The following command can be used to read the distinguished name from a certificate file:

      Code Block
      titleExample for OpenSSL command to read a certificate's distinguished name
      # read distinguished name from the a Controller instance's certificate file (.crt)
      openssl x509 -in centostestcontroller-secondaryprimary.crt -noout -nameopt RFC2253 -subject
      # output is returned with a prefix "subject= " or similar that is not part of the distinguished name
      # subject= DNQ=SOS CA,CN=directorcontroller-2-0-secondaryprimary,OU=IT,O=SOS,L=Berlin,ST=Berlin,C=DE


Code Block
js7 {
    auth {
        # User accounts for https connections
        users {
            # Controller ID for connections by primary/secondary Controller instance
            Controller {
                # password="sha512:bd2b1aaf7ef4f09be9f52ce2d8d599674d81aa9d6a4421696dc4d93dd0619d682ce56b4d64a9ef097761ced99e0f67265b5f76085e5b0ee7ca4696b2ad6fe2b2"                   }


  • This setting applies to use of an Agent with a Standalone Controller or with a Controller Cluster.
  • Note that the Controller element name is an example that has to be replaced by the Controller ID which is specified with the same value during installation of both cluster Controller instances.
  • This setting specifies the password indicated with the Controller instance's js7.auth.agents configuration item. Passwords should be quoted.
    • The password can be specified as plain text preceded by plain:.
    • The password can be specified as a hashed value preceded by sha512:.
      • There are a number of ways to create sha512 hash values from passwords.
      • One possible solution includes using:  echo -n "secret" | openssl dgst -sha512

Director Agent Configuration


  • This setting applies to use of the Subagent component within a Director Agent instance in a JS7 - Agent Cluster.
  • Note that the subagent-id element name is an example that has to be replaced by the Subagent ID of the pairing Director Agent instance which is specified during configuration of the Agent Cluster. This is not the Agent Cluster ID. For the private.conf file of a Primary Director Agent instance this setting holds the Subagent ID of the Secondary Director Agent instance and vice versa.
  • The permissions element should be used as indicated.
  • The distinguished-names element identifies the pairing Director Agent instance's Client Authentication certificate. The certificate acts as a replacement for a password.
    • Except for whitespace between attributes the precise sequence and values as available from the certificate's subject have to match this property value.
    • Note that the common name (CN) element in the distinguished name has to match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a Director Agent instance's host.
    • The following command can be used to read the distinguished name from a certificate file:

      Code Block
      titleExample for OpenSSL command to read a certificate's distinguished name
      # read distinguished name from the pairing Director Agent instance's certificate file (.crt)
      openssl x509 -in centostestdirector-secondary.crt -noout -nameopt RFC2253 -subject
      # output is returned with a prefix "subject= " or similar that is not part of the distinguished name
      # subject= DNQ=SOS CA,CN=director-2-0-secondary,OU=IT,O=SOS,L=Berlin,ST=Berlin,C=DE


Code Block
js7 {
    auth {
        # User accounts for https connections
        users {
            # Subagent ID of pairing Director Agent instance
            subagent-id {
                 permissions = [ AgentDirector ]
                 # password="sha512:bd2b1aaf7ef4f09be9f52ce2d8d599674d81aa9d6a4421696dc4d93dd0619d682ce56b4d64a9ef097761ced99e0f67265b5f76085e5b0ee7ca4696b2ad6fe2b2"              }


  • This setting applies to use of a Subagent within a Director Agent instance in an JS7 - Agent Cluster.
  • Note that the subagent-id element name is an example that has to be replaced by the Subagent ID of the pairing Director Agent instance which is specified during configuration of the Agent Cluster. This is not the Agent Cluster ID. For the private.conf file of a Primary Director Agent instance this setting holds the Subagent ID of the Secondary Director Agent instance and vice versa.
  • The permissions element should be used as indicated.
  • The password element specifies the password indicated with the pairing Director Agent instance's js7.auth.subagents configuration item. Passwords should be quoted. 
    • The password can be specified as plain text preceded by plain:.
    • The password can be specified as a hashed value preceded by sha512:.
      • There are a number of ways to create sha512 hash values from passwords.
      • One possible solution includes using:  echo -n "secret" | openssl dgst -sha512

Subagent Connections


  • This setting applies to connections from Director Agent instances to the current Subagent in a JS7 - Agent Cluster.
  • Note that the director-primary, director-secondary element names are examples that have to be replaced by the Subagent ID of the respective Director Agent instance which is specified during configuration of the Agent Cluster.
  • The permissions element should be used as indicated.
  • The distinguished-names element identifies the Director Agent instance's Client Authentication certificate. The certificate acts as a replacement for a password.
    • Except for whitespace between attributes the precise sequence and values as available from the certificate's subject have to match this property value.
    • Note that the common name (CN) element in the distinguished name has to match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of a Director Agent instance's host.
    • The following command can be used to read the distinguished name from a certificate file:

      Code Block
      titleExample for OpenSSL command to read a certificate's distinguished name
      # read distinguished name from theboth pairing Director Agent instance's certificate files (.crt)
      openssl x509 -in centostestdirector-secondaryprimary.crt -noout -nameopt RFC2253 -subject
      # output is returned with a prefix "subject= " or similar that is not part of the distinguished name
      # subject= DNQ=SOS CA,CN=director-2-0-secondaryprimary,OU=IT,O=SOS,L=Berlin,ST=Berlin,C=DE


Code Block
js7 {
    auth {
        # User accounts for https connections
        users {
            # Subagent ID of Primary Director Agent instance
            director-primary {
                permissions = [ AgentDirector ]
                password = "plain:secret-director-primary"
                # password = "sha512:308769d726e2b1e69530ac631d8ac8f26c67ae6bda1dfca41b523ac8ab7b9745a2e62750f183c9e3046e45106b402fef1ad5746365a0ccc24004776ed74a9160"             }

            # Subagent ID of Secondary Director Agent instance
            director-secondary {
                permissions = [ AgentDirector ]
                password = "plain:secret-director-secondary"
                # password = "sha512:5419dfceee6a3081f4d3aee95a7e5cdddb078b6753db77bfbebba05e6b0140aeb11cfa59b56b07ac78389c0918652b57e3bc7aa333c94d74362d5ca7f7166888"              }


  • This setting applies to the connection from Director Agent instances to the current Subagent in an JS7 - Agent Cluster.
  • Note that the director-primary, director-secondary  element names are examples that have to be replaced by the Subagent ID of the respective Director Agent instance which is specified during configuration of the Agent Cluster.
  • The permissions element should be used as indicated.
  • The password element specifies the password indicated with the respective Director Agent instance's js7.auth.subagents configuration item. Passwords should be quoted.
    • The password can be specified as plain text preceded by plain:.
    • The password can be specified as a hashed value preceded by sha512:.
      • There are a number of ways to create sha512 hash values from passwords.
      • One possible solution includes using:  echo -n "secret-director-primary" | openssl dgst -sha512

Keystore and Truststore

Settings in this section apply to any of Standalone Agents, Director Agent instances and Subagents.


js7.job.execution: Job Script Termination

The following settings can be used for releases prior to 2.7.2:


kill-with-sigterm-command"/bin/kill", "$pid"

kill-with-sigkill-command"/bin/kill", "-KILL", "$pid"
  • The Agent can be instructed to terminate running jobs - see the JS7 - FAQ - Does JS7 reliably kill running jobsHow does JobScheduler terminate Jobs article.
  • The following settings are in place to terminate running jobs by an Agent operated for a Unix OS:
    • The setting kill-with-sigterm-command specifies the OS command executed by the Agent to forward a SIGTERM signal to the running job.
    • The setting kill-with-sigkill-command specifies the OS command executed by the Agent to forward a SIGKILL signal to the running job.
  • Both settings are specified as an array of arguments, i.e. "/bin/kill", "-KILL", "$pid" translates to the command: /bin/kill -KILL 99, provided that 99 is the Process ID of the running job.
  • This setting can be applied if the Agent is operated on an OS that makes use of a different syntax for the kill command.
