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Notification Setup

JS7 - NotificationNotifications is offered provided to notify inform, for example, in case the event of failed jobs. Notifications can similarly be sent in case the event of warnings or the successful execution of jobs.

To The steps below describe the set up of e-mail notification follow the below steps.

Set up Job Resource

Set up a Job Resource for mail settings, see see the JS7 - Job Environment Variables, section: Job Resource eMailDefault article.

Configure Notification

Notifications are managed from the Configuration->Notification sub-view of the JOC Cockpit. Find instructions from Instructions can be found in the following articles:

The configuration for e-mail notifications could look appear as explained below.

Configure Message Element

In a first step a Message element is configured within the MessageFragments element that which acts as a template for the e-mail body:


  • The screenshot shows the preview of the resulting e-mail body. Use the source view to edit the content of the mail body.
  • Users can create plain text and HTML e-mail templates.
  • The Message element can include JS7 - Notification - Configuration, Monitor Variables.
  • Consider Note that in this example the Message element is assigned the name mail_on_failure that which later on is assigned a MessageRef element. This name can be freely chosen.
  • Any number of Message elements can be added, for example for use with different folders and workflows for which require the use of different e-mail bodies should be used.

Configure MailFragment Element

In a next step a MailFragment element is configured that which specifies the Message element to be used, the recipients and subject of e-mail notification like this:


  • The MailFragment element makes use of the name mail_on_failure. This name can be freely chosen.
  • The included MessageRef element allows to select selection from the list of Message elements. The Message element with the name mail_on_failure is selected in this example.
  • The Subject element can include JS7 - Notification - Configuration, Monitor Variables.
  • The To element holds the recipient's e-mail address. Multiple recipients are separated by a comma.
  • Additional elements can be added such as Cc, Bcc.


  • Any number of Workflow elements can be added that which optionally specify a path to a workflow.
    • A path is a regular expression that which can be used to specify, for example, the folder of a number of workflows or a common part of the workflow name.
  • Additional WorkflowJob elements can be added that specify attributes to select jobs from the indicated workflows.
    • If the Workflow element does not specify a path then the WorkflowJob attributes are applied to jobs from any workflows, otherwise the configuration is applied to workflows located in the matching path.
    • Attributes name, label: The attributes specify the job name and label of the instruction node in a workflow.
    • Attribute criticality: The attribute allows to limit notifications to jobs that specify the indicated criticality.
    • Attributes return_code_from, return_code_to: The attributes specify a range of return codes (exit codes) for which e-mail notifications are created. Consider Note that a job specifies the return codes that which are considered successful or not. The range setting can be used in situations when where a number of return codes are considered successful, but still some where an e-mail notification should be sent.


The NotificationMonitors Element is included with a Notification element than can occur any number of times. This allows some flexibility to configure different Notifications considering specific workflows, jobs, recipients and messages.

Scope of Notifications

With When the notification setup being is in place any job errors and warnings are reported by mail. By default no a notification is performed not made for the successful execution of jobs and workflows.

The notification setup is applied to any all workflows and jobs that are in the scope of the configuration.

Job Notification Settings

By default the notification setup is applied to any all jobs in scope of its configuration.


  • The Notification tab of the job properties editor offers to specify settings allows settings to be specified that overwrite the notification setup.
  • Attribute Mail on:  The attribute specifies one or more events for which notifications are sent, in case the event of errorerrors, warnings and success.
  • Attributes Mail To, Mail Cc, Mail Bcc: The attributes specify the recipients of mail notifications. Multiple recipients can be separated by a comma.
  • If job specific notification settings are used then none of the attributes with the same name specified by the notification setup will be used.
    • Therefore both the Mail on attribute and a Mail To recipient have to be specified in order to change to the recipient of notifications specifically for the a job.
    • If the Mail on attribute is used but no Mail To recipient is specified then this will suppress mail notification for the job.


Processing of notifications is logged by the Monitor Service. If mail notifications are not sent then the Monitor Service's log file provides more details:

Further Resources

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