Versions Compared


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  • First of all, you don't need to read this article in all its parts. For most situations it is sufficient to check the prerequisites, download the software and run the installer that will guide you.
  • In this article you find the details about available installer options, updates and rollback for interested parties.
  • The Controller can be installed by use of the graphical installer, for headless installation see JS7 - Controller - Headless Installation on Linux /and Windows.


  • A Java Runtime Environment 1.8 or newer is required. For details see Which Java versions is JobScheduler available for?
  • It is required to operate necessary that a time service is operated on the server that which hosts the Controller in order . This is to synchronize the system clock's time.
  • Technically the Controller can be operated in any Unix environment. HoweverNote, however, that the JS7 - Platforms include article describes support for Controller operation with Linuxin more detail.


  • Choose Select the Controller archive for Windows systems and the graphical installer from the JS7 - Download page.
  • For On Windows systems a .zip archive including the installer is available from js7_controller_windows_installer.<release>.zip.


  • The installer can be run in graphical mode or in headless mode, see JS7 - Controller - Headless Installation on Linux /and Windows.

  • The installer asks for elevated administrative privileges, therefore it is not required to change the permissions in the .\service directory and the installer sets read/write permissions for the .\logs directory.
  • After the installation you will find
    • a Windows Service "SOS JS7 Controller -id=<controller-id>"
    • an executable file .\service\js7_controller_<controller-id>.exe that is started by the Windows Service.


  • Run the installer for the JS7 Controller using the following script:

    Code Block
    titleWindows command to run the graphical installer
    > C:\Temp\controller.<release>\setup.cmd
  • The installer asks for administrative privileges.  
  • Select the language to be used for the setup: English, Japanese and German are available.


  • The resulting directory structure after installation includes (only files and folders immediately relevant):
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\controller (installation directory)
      • .js7controllerinstallinformation (binary installer information)
      • .version (release informationvar (symbolic link to configuration directory)
      • controller_install.xml (installer response file used for from previous installation)
      • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License)  used for the Open Source JS7 - License)
      • license.html,  (HTML format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
      • license.txt (copy of JS7 JobScheduler Commercial License Agreementplain text format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
      • sbom.json (JS7 - Software Bill of Materials)
      • ThirdParty.txt (list of 3rd party components and licenses included with the used by JS7 Controller) .version (release
      • informationvar (junction to data directory)
      • bin
        • anonymize-logs.cmd (used to anonymize log files, see JS7 - Log Anonymization)
        • controller.cmd (Start Script)controller.cmd|shThe Start Script for Windows/Unix platforms
        • controller_instance.cmd|sh-exampleexample (Sample Instance Start Script to set individual environment variables. Drop the -example extension to activate this file.)
        • controller_watchdog.cmd|shRestarts cmd (restarts the Controller for Windows/Unix platforms.if not operated as a Windows Service, called by Start Script)
      • lib (directory for Java libraries)
      • service (directory for operation as a Windows Service)
        • install_controller_windows_service.cmdcmd (used by installer)
        • js7_controller_<controller-id>.exe
        • js7_controller_<controller-id>w.exe
        • LICENSE.txt.txt (copy of Apache License, Version 2.0)
        • NOTICE.txttxt (Apache Commons Daemon license notice)
        • RELEASE-NOTES.txttxt (Apache Commons Daemon release notes)
        • uninstall_controller_windows_service.cmdcmd (used by uninstaller)
        • amd64
        • manager
        • x86
      • Uninstaller (Uninstaller directory for Windows only, the empty directory remains in place after uninstall)
        • install.log (lists installed files)
        • js7.ico (uninstaller icon)
        • shortcut.vbs (creates shortcuts for the Windows start menu)
        • uninstall.cmd (used by uninstaller)
        • uninstall_prepare.cmdcmd (used by uninstaller)
        • uninstaller.jarjar (used by uninstaller)
    • C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller (configuration directory)var (data directory)
      • controller_home (symbolic link junction to installation directory)
      • config (directory for configuration files)
      • logs (directory for log files)
      • state (directory for journal files)
      • work (directory for work files)


To perform a rollback on Windows systems follow the below steps:


For Windows systems operation of the Controller by a Windows Service is recommended as such services can be configured to start/stop automatically on server startup and shutdown.


Further References
