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Code Block
titleUsage on Unix
Usage: command [options] [switches]
    start           [options]
    start-container [options]
    stop            [options]
    restart         [options]
    status          [options]
    cancel          [options]
    switch-over     [options]
    revert          [options] 
    cert            [cert-options]         | see
    --id=<identifier>                      | Controller ID, default: controller
    --http-port=<[interface:]port>         | http network interface and port, default: 4444
    --https-port=<[interface:]port>        | https network interface and port, default:
    --data-directory=<directory>           | default: /var/
    --config-directory=<directory>         | default: /var/
    --timeout=<seconds>                    | timeout for terminating Controller instance
    --java-options=<java options>          | default: -Xmx500m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8; see
    -cf | --fail-curlover                            | usefail-over curlactive insteadrole ofon Javastop httpand clientrestart
    -fc | --fail-overcurl                            | fail-over active role on stop and restartuse curl instead of Java http client
see for more information.


Code Block
titleUsage on Windows
Usage: controller.cmd command [options] [switches]
    start           [options]
    stop    start-container        [options]
    stop restart           [options]
    restartstatus          [options]
    cancel       status   [options]
    switch-over      [options]
    cancelrevert          [options]
    switchstart-over  service   [options]
    revert install-service [options]
    remove-service     [options]
    cert            [cert-options]         | see
    --id=<identifier>                      | Controller ID, default: controller
    --http-port=<[interface:]port>         | http network interface and port, default: 4444
    --https-port=<[interface:]port>        | https network interface and port, default:
    --data-directory=<directory>           | default: C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller\controller
    --config-directory=<directory>         | default: C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller\controller\config
    --timeout=<seconds>                    | timeout for terminating Controller instance
    --java-options=<java options>          | default: -Xmx500m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8; see
    -f | --fail-over                       | fail-over active role on stop and restart
over active role on stop and restart
    -c | --curl                            | use curl instead of Java http client

see for more information.


When used for Container operation using Unix OS then the following command is used:

Code Block
languagebash|.cmd start-container [options]


  • If a Controller instance will take more time to terminate, then the command will wait accordingly. If a Controller Cluster is operated, then fail-over will not occur. 
  • Using the --fail-over switch will fail-over the active role to the Standby Controller instance in a Controller Cluster.
  • Using the --timeout option will terminate the Controller instance when the number of seconds specified for the timeout is exceeded.
    • No fail-over will occur if the Controller terminates within the given timeout.
    • Fail-over will occur if the Controller does not terminate within the given timeout.
  • Only one of the If the  --timeout option and --fail-over switch can be usedis used then the --timeout option will be ignored.

Code Block
languagebash|.cmd abort [options]


  • The Controller is stopped as explained in chapter Stopping the Controller Instance. This includes handling of switch-over and fail-over in a Controller Cluster.
  • The Controller is started similar to use of the start command using the same options as for initial start.

Only one of --timeout option and If the  --fail-over switch can be usedis used then the --timeout option will be ignored.

Checking the Controller Instance Status
