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Code Block
titleUsage for Unix
Usage: command [options] [switches]
    start           [options]
    start-container [options]
    stop            [options]
    abortrestart           [options]
    restartstatus          [options]
    statuscancel          [options]
     cancel | kill switch-over     [options]
     cert            [cert-options]                    | see
    --http-port=<[interface:]port>                    | http network interface and port, default: 4445
    --https-port=<[interface:]port>                   | https network interface and port, default:
    --data-directory=<directory>                      | default: /var/
    --config-directory=<directory>                    | default: /var/
    --sigkill-delay=<seconds>              | send SIGTERM         | send SIGTERM and and delayed SIGKILL signal, default: 3
    --timeout=<seconds>                               | timeout for terminating jobs on Agent stop
    --killjava-scriptoptions=<path><java options>          | default: -Xms100m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8; see
    -c | --curl       | user kill script on Agent start (deprecated)
    --java-options=<java options>         | use curl instead of Java       | default: -Xms100m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8; http client

ZqrAAw for  switches: 
    -c | --curlmore information.

Code Block
titleUsage for Windows
Usage: agent.cmd command [options] [switches] 
    start           [options]
    stop            [options]
    restart     | use curl instead of[options]
 Java http client
 status   -f | --force | --sigkill   [options]
    cancel          [options]
    switch-over     [options]
  |  forcestart-service termination of jobs[options]
 on Agent stop and restart

see for more information.
Code Block
titleUsage for Windows
Usage: agent.cmd command install-service [options]
    remove-service  [options]
  cert   start           [cert-options]
    start-container [options]
    stop | see
--http-port=<[interface:]port>     abort    | http network interface and port, default: [options]4445
    restart         [options]
--https-port=<[interface:]port>    status    | https network interface and  [options]port, default:
    cancel | kill--data-directory=<directory>     [options]
    cert  | default: /var/
        [cert-options]--config-directory=<directory>                    | seedefault: https:/var/
    --http-port=<[interface:]port>timeout=<seconds>                    | httptimeout networkfor interfaceterminating andjobs port,on default:Agent 4445stop
    --httpsjava-port=<[interface:]port> options=<java options>          | default: -Xms100m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8; see
 |  https network-c interface| and--curl port, default:
    --data-directory=<directory>                      | default: /var/
    --config-directory=<directory>                    | default: /var/use curl instead of Java http client 

    --timeout=<seconds>                               | timeout for terminating jobs on Agent stop
    --kill-script=<path>                              | user kill script on Agent start (deprecated)
    --java-options=<java options>                     | default: -Xms100m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8; see
    -f | --force                                      | force termination of jobs on Agent stop and restart

see for more information.

Command Line Options

x/ZqrAAw for more information.

Command Line Options

  • --http-port
    • Specifies the HTTP port that the Agent is listening to in order to receive requests from a JS7 Controller. This option can be used to indicate which network interface the JS7 Agent should listen to if a hostname or IP address is specified, for example with --http-port=myhost:4445.
    • Without this option being used the port defaults to 4445 and the Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • If a port
  • --http-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>
    • Specifies the HTTP port that the Agent is listening to in order to receive requests from a JS7 Controller:
      •|.cmd --http-port=####

      • where #### is the port number.
      • This option can be used to indicate which network interface the JS7 Agent should listen to if a hostname or IP address is specified, for example with --http-port=myhost:4445.
    • Without this option being used the port defaults to 4445 and the Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • If a port is specified then the following order of precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_HTTP_PORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • --https-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>
    • Specifies the HTTPS port that the Agent is listening to in order to receive requests from a Controller:
      •|.cmd command --https-port=####

      • where #### is the port number.
      • This option can be used to indicate which network interfaces the Agent should listen to if a hostname or IP address is specified, for example, with --https-port=myhost:4445.
    • When using the HTTPS protocol for connections from a Controller instance consider additionally allowing the HTTP protocol for local connections as with --http-port=localhost:4445. As the Agent Start Script makes use of an HTTP connection this protocol has to be in place to allow the Agent to be started, stopped, etc. by its Start Script.
    • Without this option being used the port defaults to 4445 and the Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • If a port is specified then the following order of precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable SJS7_AGENT_HTTPS_PORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • --data-directory=<location of data directory>
    • Specifies the location of the data directory that usually includes the config, logs, tmp and state directories.
    • This location has to be unique for any Agent instance.
    • If a data directory is specified then the following order of precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_HTTP_DATAPORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value JS7_AGENT_HOME/var_<JS7_AGENT_PORT>
    --config-directory=<location of config directory>
  • --https-port
    • Specifies the HTTPS port that the Agent is listening to in order to receive requests from a Controller. This option can be used to indicate which network interface the Agent should listen to if a hostname or IP address is specified, for example, with --https-port=myhost:4445.
    • When using the HTTPS protocol for connections from a Controller instance consider additionally allowing the HTTP protocol for local connections as with --http-port=localhost:4445. As the Agent Start Script makes use of an HTTP connection the protocol has to be in place to allow the Agent to be started, stopped, etc. by its Start Script.
    • Without this option being used the port defaults to 4445 and the Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • If a port is
    • Specifies the location of the config directory for configuration data.
    • This location has to be unique for any Agent instance.
    • Should a configuration directory be specified then the following order of precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7SJS7_AGENT_CONFIGHTTPS_DIRPORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value JS7_AGENT_HOME/var_<JS7_AGENT_PORT>
  • --force
    • With the stop and restart commands this option terminates any running processes of jobs. See explanations to the --sigkill-delay option.

    • The option is available for Agents running on Unix.
  • --sigkill-delay
    • Specifies the delay for killing job processes in case the Agent is terminated. A value --sigkill-delay=5 will specify 5 seconds. Default: 3.
    • In a situation when the Agent is crashed or is terminated using the --force switch, the Agent's Watchdog Script will terminate remaining job processes and child processes.
      • if the --sigkill-delay option specifies a positive, non-zero value
        • send all processes and child processes created by the Agent the SIGTERM signal,
        • wait for the period specified with the --sigkill-delay option,
      • send remaining job processes and child processes the SIGKILL signal.
    • The option is available for Agents running on Unix.
    • This option is available starting from release 2.7.2, see
      serverSOS JIRA
  • --timeout
    • With the stop command this option waits for the indicated number of seconds and kills the Agent including any running processes of jobs if the timeout is exceeded.

      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • --data-directory
    • Specifies the location of the data directory that usually includes the config, logs, tmp and state sub-directories.
    • This location has to be unique for any Agent instance.
    • If a data directory is specified then the following order of precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_DATA (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value JS7_AGENT_HOME/var_<JS7_AGENT_PORT>
  • --config-directory
    • Specifies the location of the config directory for configuration data.
    • This location has to be unique for any Agent instance.
    • Should a configuration directory be specified then the following order of precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value JS7_AGENT_HOME/var_<JS7_AGENT_PORT>
  • --sigkill-delay
    • Specifies the delay for terminating job processes on Unix in case the Agent is terminated. A value --sigkill-delay=5 will specify 5 seconds. Default: 3.
    • When the Agent is crashed or is stopped then remaining job processes and child processes will be forcibly terminated by the JS7 - Agent Watchdog.
      • if the --sigkill-delay option specifies a positive, non-zero value
        • send processes and child processes created by the Agent the SIGTERM signal,
        • wait for the period specified with the --sigkill-delay option,
      • send remaining job processes and child processes the SIGKILL signal.
    • When using JS7 - systemd Service Files for automated Startup and Shutdown with Unix Systems users should consider that --timeout and --sigkill-delay values will count towards the systemd service file's  TimeoutStopSec setting. Users must ensure that the Agent is terminated when the systemd timeout is exceeded.
    • The option is available for Agents running on Unix starting from release 2.7.2, see
    • The kill script provides the functionality to kill tasks and any child processes of jobs.

    • Kill scripts are by default provided from the following locations:
      • JS7_AGENT_DATA/work/ for Unix.

      • JS7_AGENT_DATA\work\kill_task.cmd for Windows.

    • This option can be used to specify the location of an individual kill script if required.

    • Should an individual kill script be specified then the following order of precedence applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_KILL_SCRIPT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
    • Starting from release 2.7.2 this option is ignored, see 
      serverSOS JIRA
  • --java-options=<java options>
    • This option can be used to apply Java options for the Agent, e.g. for memory settings.

    • Without this option being used the Java options default to -Xms100m.

    • In order to specify a number of Java options quotes have to be used like this:
      • --java-options="-Xms100m -Xmx1g"
    • When specifying Java options then the following order of precedence applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JAVA_OPTIONS (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
    • ,priority,status,resolution
  • --timeout
    • With the stop and restart commands this option waits for the indicated duration and terminates the Agent including job processes if the timeout is exceeded.

    • The option accepts a number of seconds or the never value to wait endlessly for jobs to terminate.
    • When using JS7 - systemd Service Files for automated Startup and Shutdown with Unix Systems users should consider that --timeout and --sigkill-delay values will count towards the systemd service file's  TimeoutStopSec setting. Users must ensure that the Agent is terminated when the systemd timeout is exceeded.
  • --kill-script
    • The kill script provides the functionality to kill tasks and child processes of jobs.

    • Kill scripts are by default provided from the following locations:
      • JS7_AGENT_DATA/work/ for Unix.

      • JS7_AGENT_DATA\work\kill_task.cmd for Windows.

    • The option can be used to specify the location of an individual kill script if required.

    • Should an individual kill script be specified then the following order of precedence applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_KILL_SCRIPT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
    • Starting from release 2.7.2 the option is ignored, see
      serverSOS JIRA
  • --java-options--job-java-options=<java options>
    • This option can be used to


      apply Java options for

      Shell jobs that load a JVM. This option does not apply to jobs derived from JS7 - Job Templates that are executed in the Agent's JVM

      the Agent, e.g. for memory settings, see JS7 - FAQ - Which Java Options are recommended.

    • Without this option being used the Java options default to -Xms100m.

    • In order to specify a number of Java options quotes have to be used like this:
      • --job-java-options="-Xms100m -Xmx1g"
    • When specifying Java options for execution with Shell jobs then the following order following order of precedence applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_JOB_JAVA_OPTIONS (see below) JAVA_OPTIONS (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value


  • -c ,  --curl
    • Specifies that the curl utility should be used instead of the built-in HTTP client when sending commands to the Agent.
  • --sigkill
    • Starting from release 2.7.2 the switch is ignored.

Watchdog Script, agent_watchdog.cmd


When used for Container operation using Unix OS then the following command is used:

Code Block
languagebash|.cmd start-container [options]

This The command is used to start the JS7 Agent in a container:

  • The command will keep the start script running as PID 1 in order to receive later stop/kill signals ( SIGTERM, SIGKILL ) signals from the container management software.
  • The command start-docker is an alias for start-container.
  • Jira
    serverSOS JIRA


  • ,reporter,priority,status,resolution

Stopping the Agent

Code Block
# terminate jobs and stop Agent|.cmd stop [options]

# terminate jobs on Unix by sending SIGKILL with a delay of 10s and stop Agent stop --sigkill-delay=10

# wait for jobs to terminate within 60s and stop Agent|.cmd stop --timeout=60

# wait for jobs to terminate and stop Agent


Code Block
languagebash|.cmd stop [options]--timeout=never

This command will safely terminate the Agent (recommended).

  • Unix
    • Job processes and child processes will be terminated and the Agent will terminate with exit code 0
  • The Agent waits for running job processes to be completed.
  • Unix
    • Using the --force command line option will immediately terminate any running job processes and will terminate the Agent normally.
      • collect PIDs of job processes,
      • if the --sigkill-delay option is usedsend SIGTERM signal to remaining job processes and child processes for which PIDs have been collected,
      • wait for the indicated delay the grace timeout specified with the job or for stdout/stderr to be released by processes whichever is shorterearlier,
      • send SIGKILL signal to job processes and child processes,
      • terminate the Agent with exit code 0.
  • Windows
    • Using the --force command line option will forcibly terminate job Job processes and child processes will be forcibly terminated and the Agent will terminate with exit code 0.
  • Using the --timeout command line option will wait for the indicated timeout that the Agent terminates. If the timeout is exceeded and if the Agent is still running then then Agent and runing jobs will be focibly terminated:, then Agent and jobs will be focibly terminated. The option accepts a number of seconds or the never value that indicates that the Agent will wait endlessly until job processes and child processes will terminate.
    • Agent
      • collect PIDs of job processes,
      • terminate the Agent with exit code 143 for Unix and 99 for Windows.
    • Watchdog
      • Unix
        • if the --sigkill-delay option is used
          • send SIGTERM signal to remaining job processes and child processes for which PIDs have been collected,
          • wait for the indicated delay or for stdout/stderr to be released by processes whichever is shorterearlier,
        • send SIGKILL signal to remaining job processes and child processes.
      • Windows
        • forcibly terminates terminate job processes and child processes.

Code Block


sh|.cmd abort [options]

The Agent process will terminate.

Starting from release 2.7.2 the command is deprecated and is replaced by the stop command, optionally for Unix using the --sigkill-delay=0 option.

Code Block
languagebash|.cmd cancel abort| kill [options]

The Agent process will be terminated.The command is deprecated and is replaced by the stop command using the --force or --timeout forcibly terminated.

  • The kill command can be used as an alias to cancel.
  • The command corresponds to sending a SIGKILL signal with a kill -9 OS command (Unix) or taskkill command (Windows) to the Agent.
  • Should jobs be running then they will be terminated by the JS7 - Agent Watchdog similar to crash of the Agent.

Restarting the Agent

Code Block
# terminate jobs and restart Agent|.cmd cancel | killrestart [options]

The Agent process is forcibly terminated.

  • The kill command can be used alternatively to cancel.
  • This corresponds to sending a SIGKILL signal with a kill -9  command (Unix) or taskkill command (Windows).
  • Should jobs be running then they will be terminated by the JS7 - Agent Watchdog similar to crash of the Agent.


Code Block

# terminate jobs on Unix by sending SIGKILL with a delay of 10s and restart Agent restart --sigkill-delay=10

# wait for jobs to terminate and restart Agent|.cmd restart [options]--timeout=never

The command will safely restart the Agent (recommended).

  • The Agent waits for running processes of any jobs to be completed.
  • UnixUsing the --force  command line option will terminate any running job processes and will terminate the Agent Job processes and child processes will be terminated and the Agent will terminate as explained in chapter Stopping the Agent.
  • The Agent terminates with exit code 97Windows
  • Using the --xxx command line option
  • The Agent terminates with exit code 98is started similar to use of the start command using the same options as for initial start.
  • The --timeout command line option cannot option for Unix/Windows and the --sigkill-delay option for Unix can be used.

Checking the Agent Status

Code Block
languagebash|.cmd status [options]


languagebash|.cmd status [options]

If the Agent is up and running then this command results in output such as:

Code Block
version: 2.0.0-alpha.20210722.2 (2021-07-22)
buildId: QQqWYNiJRbqcYqx4iiFWww
startedAt: 1626981330629
isTerminating: false
  hostname: agent-2-0-primary
  distribution: Alpine Linux v3.13
  cpuModel: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz
      availableProcessors: 8
      systemLoadAverage: 0.0107421875
  version: 1.8.0_292
    maximum: 954728448
    total: 289931264
    free: 87118936
    java.vendor: IcedTea
    os.arch: amd64 OpenJDK Runtime Environment
    os.version: 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64 Linux OpenJDK 64-Bit RuntimeServer EnvironmentVM
    osjava.version: 31.108.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64 Linux OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
    java.version: 1.8.0_292_292

Switching-over the Active Director Agent Instance

Code Block
languagebash|.cmd switch-over [options]

If an Agent Cluster is operated then the command will switch the active role from the Active Director Agent instance to the Standby Director Agent instance. The command can be executed for the Active Director Agent .

After switch-over the Agent instance is restarted.

Performing Certificate Rollout


This command is used to generate an SSL certificate /TLS Certificate for client and server authentication. 


Code Block
agent_4445.cmd install-service [--http-port=<number><[interface:]number>]

This The command installs the Agent's Windows Service. After the installation, users find users find the Windows Service with the name SOS JS7 Agent -port=<number> in the Services Manager Console. The Windows service uses the local system account.


Code Block
agent_4445.cmd start-service [--http-port=<number><[interface:]number>]

This The command starts the Windows Service with the name name SOS JS7 Agent -port=<number>.


The stop command performs more than a simple stop-service command: the stop command checks whether the Agent was started by the command line interface or as a Windows Service and stops the Agent accordingly. Therefore there is no stop-service command.


Code Block
agent_4445.cmd remove-service [--http-port=<number>]

This The command removes the Windows Service. After executing this the command users should not find the Windows Service with the name name SOS JS7 Agent -port=<number> in the Services Manager Console any longer.


After installation of the Windows Service users find the.\service\js7_agent_<http-port>w.exe file file. This The program can be executed to configure the Windows Service.


Debugging the Windows Service

  • For general information see JS7 - Log Levels and Debug Options
  • The log level can be increased by using the Agent's Apache ProcRun Daemon Service Manager daemon/service.On  On Windows systems this is installed in the Agent's service folder directory with a name such as as js7_agent_<port>w.exe  where <port> is the Agent's HTTP port.
  • Users can start the ProcRun Manager, select the Logging tab in the user interface and set the log level to Debug
  • The For the location of log files is explained above. see JS7 - Log Files and Locations.
  • Users should consider reverting the debug log level to its original value once they are finished with debugging.
