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Table of Contents

Installing the JS7 JOC Cockpit


The JOC Cockpit can be installed on


Linux and Windows systems without the use of a


graphical installer by running the JOC Cockpit installer in headless mode.


See the JS7 - JOC Cockpit - Installation Using the Graphical Installer for Linux and Windows article for instructions on the use of a graphical installer.


The following requirements have to be met before the JOC Cockpit can be installed and operated:

  • A Java Runtime Environment in version 1.8 or newer is required. Starting from Release 2.5.0 the minimum Java version is Java 11. For details see the Which Java versions is JobScheduler available for? article.
  • It is necessary that a time service is operated on the server that hosts JOC Cockpit in order to synchronize the system clock's time.
  • Technically the JOC Cockpit can be operated in any Unix environment. However, support for operation of the JOC Cockpit is limited to Linux systems as described in the JS7 - Platforms article.
  • The JOC Cockpit requires access to a database to store inventory and status information, as well as workflow related logs - see the JS7 - Database article.
    • A schema has to be created in the database prior to installation.
    • A user account has to be created that is granted full privileges for the schema.
    • If you intend to use different accounts and privilege sets for setup and for operation of the JOC Cockpit then consider switching Hibernate configuration files after setup (see below) to use an account with limited privileges to select, insert, update, delete and execute permissions for schema objects.
  • Installation of the JOC Cockpit requires administrative privileges in the following situations:
    • for Unix systems
      • the JOC Cockpit installer cannot be executed from the root account but can be executed from a user account that makes use of sudo to acquire privileges:
        • to make the root account owner of the installation directory, for example, in /opt
        • to make the user account owner of the configuration directory, for example, in /var
      • administrative privileges are not required for installation with a user account that owns the installation and configuration directories.
    • for Windows systems
      • the setup requires administrative privileges.


  • Download the JOC Cockpit installer archive for your target environment from the JS7 - Download page.
    • For Unix systems:
      • A .tar.gz archive including the installer is available which can be used to run the installer.
        • js7_joc_linux.<release>.tar.gz
    • For Windows systems:
      • A .zip archive including the installer is available which can be used to run the installer.
        • js7_joc_windows.<release>.zip
  • The .tar.gz/.zip archives can be used to install JOC Cockpit with the graphical installer or to carry out headless installation.

Installation Video

This video explains the installation.

Widget Connector

Installation in Headless Mode


The installer is available for Windows and Unix systems.

Installer Archive

Extract the JOC Cockpit archive to a suitable directory such as /home/<user-account> on Unix systems or C:\user\<user-accounton Windows systems.

The extracted installer directory layout looks like this:

  • db (not required for installation: directory for DBMS SQL scripts that can be used in case that database objects should be created before installation, see the JS7 - Database article)
    • mssql.sql
    • mysql.sql
    • oracle.sql
    • pgsql.sql
  • hibernate-examples (directory for DBMS Hibernate connection sample files, see the JS7 - Database article)
    • hibernate-integrated-security-mssql.cfg.xml
    • hibernate-maria-mysql.cfg.xml
    • hibernate-oracle12c.cfg.xml
    • hibernate-postgres.cfg.xml
  • install-joc.txt (installation notes)
  • joc.<release>.jar (installer library for a given release)
  • joc_install.xml (installer response file)
  • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) )
  • license.html, license.txt (copy of JS7 JobScheduler Commercial License Agreement)
  •, setup.cmd (installer script for Unix, Windows)

Database Connection

The database connection has to be ready prior to installation:

  • Create a schema and user account in your preferred database. For supported DBMS versions see the JS7 - Database article.
  • Specify connection information for the JOC Cockpit setup:
    • you can specify general connection information during the installation procedure or
    • you can prepare a Hibernate configuration file to store connection information.
      • Pick up one of the Hibernate example files listed above which matches your DBMS and copy the file to the installer directory, e.g. with the name hibernate.cfg.xml.
      • Apply your changes to the Hibernate file as explained in the JS7 - Database article.

Installer Response File

  • The JOC Cockpit makes use of the joc_install.xml file which includes installer options such as the installation directory, ports etc.
  • Customers with a commercial license should choose the relevant license option and specify the location of the license key file with the installer response file.
  • The joc_install.xml file is explained with the code listing below. The comments included are intended to be self-explanatory.
    Download: joc_install.xml

    Code Block
    titleConfiguration of the joc_install.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    XML configuration file for JOC Cockpit setup
    The JS7 JOC Cockpit is available with a dual license model:
    - GNU GPL v3.0 License, see
    - JS7 Commercial License, see license.txt
    The setup asks you for the desired license model,
    see below <entry key="licenseOption" .../>
    If you run the installer and do not specify a commercial license key
    then at the same time you accept the terms of the
    license agreement under the GNU GPL v3.0 License.
    <AutomatedInstallation langpack="eng">
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="home">
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="licenses">
                <!-- Select the license model (GPL or Commercial) -->
                <entry key="licenseOption" value="GPL"/>
                <!-- If you select GPL as license model than the 'licenseFile' must be empty.
                     Otherwise please enter the path to the license file if available.
                     It is also possible to add the license file later. -->
                <entry key="licenseFile" value=""/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.HTMLLicencePanel id="gpl_license"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.HTMLLicencePanel id="commercial_license"/>


  • Ensure that the Installation Requirements have been met.
  • Unpack the JOC Cockpit archive to a suitable directory such as /tmp on Linux systems or C:\temp on Windows.

Administrative Permissions

  • On Windows systems:
    • The setup asks for elevated permissions.
  • On Linux systems:
    • Root permissions are required when the JOC Cockpit is to be installed together with Jetty if the Jetty server is to run as a demon, i.e. the Jetty Servlet Container and JOC Cockpit are to be started automatically after a reboot of the machine.
    • To install JOC Cockpit without root permissions, the start script should be called with the -u argument, otherwise the sudo prompt will ask for a password.   

Installation in Headless Mode

  • The JOC Cockpit makes use of the joc_install.xml file that includes the parameters such as installation path, ports etc.
    • For a fresh installation, the installer response file is included with the downloaded archive.
  • The joc_install.xml file is explained with the code listing below. The comments included are intended to be self-explanatory.
    Download: joc_install.xml

    Code Block
    titleConfiguration of the joc_install.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    XML configuration file for JOC Cockpit setup
    The JS7 JOC Cockpit is available with a dual license model:
    - GNU GPL v3.0 License, see
    - JS7 Commercial License, see licence.txt
    The setup asks you for the desired license model,
    see below <entry key="licenceOptions" .../>
    If you run the installer and do not specify a commercial license key
    then at the same time you accept the terms of the
    licence agreement under the GNU GPL v3.0 License.
    <AutomatedInstallation langpack="eng">
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="home">
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.HTMLLicencePanel id="gpl_licence"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.TargetPanel id="target">
                 The path must be absolute! 
                 For example:
                 /opt/ on Unix
                 C:\Program Files\\js7\joc on Windows -->
            <installpath>[:choose absolute installation path of JOC Cockpit:]</installpath>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="jetty">
                <!-- JOC Cockpit requires a servlet container such as Jetty. 
                     If a servlet container is already installed then you can use it. 
                     Otherwise a Jetty will be installed if withJettyInstall=yes.
                     You need root permissions to install JOC Cockpit with Jetty. -->
                <entry key="withJettyInstall" value="yes"/>
                <entry key="jettyPort" value="4446"/>
                <!-- Specify the name of the Windows Service or Unix Daemon (default: joc).
                     Required only for multiple instances of JOC Cockpit on the same server. 
                     The name has to be unique per server. This entry is deactivated by a comment because it
                <entry key="jettyServiceName" value="joc"/>
                <!-- Required for Windows only -->
                <entry key="jettyStopPort" value="40446"/>
                <!-- Available for Unix only (root permissions required) -->
                <entry key="withJocInstallAsDaemon" value="yes"/>
                <!-- Enter a user account for running JOC Cockpit (default=current user).
                     For Unix only (root permissions required)!!! -->
                <entry key="runningUser" value=""/>
                <!-- Path to Jetty base directory 
                     For example:
                     /home/[user]/ on Unix
                     C:\ProgramData\\js7\joc on Windows -->
                <entry key="jettyBaseDir" value=""/>
                <!-- Choose 'yes' or 'no' whether the JOC Cockpit's Jetty should be (re)started after installation -->
                <entry key="launchJetty" value="yes"/>
                <!-- Java options for Jetty -->
                <!-- Initial memory pool (-Xms) in MB -->
                <entry key="jettyOptionXms" value="128"/>
                <!-- Maximum memory pool (-Xmx) in MB -->
                <entry key="jettyOptionXmx" value="512"/>
                <!-- Thread stack size (-Xss) in KB -->
                <entry key="jettyOptionXss" value="4000"/>
                <!-- Further Java options -->
                <entry key="jettyOptions" value=""/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="joc">
                <!-- JOC Cockpit can be installed in a cluster. Please type a unique title to identify the cluster node, 
                     e.g. 'Primary' or 'Secondary' (default = hostname). Max. length is 30 characters. -->
                <entry key="jocTitle" value=""/>
                <!-- Choose 'yes' if JOC Cockpit is operated as a standby instance in a cluster -->
                <entry key="isStandby" value="no"/>
                <!-- Security Level for the deployment signing mechanism: possible values are 'LOW', 'MEDIUM' and 'HIGH':
                        RSA/ECDSA certificates are stored for verification per user,
                        signing is performed externally outside of JOC Cockpit.
                        RSA/ECDSA private keys and certificates are stored for signing per user,
                        signing is performed automatically with the user's private key.
                        a single RSA/ECDSA private key and certificate are stored with the root account,
                        signing is performed automatically with the root account's private key for all users. -->
                <entry key="securityLevel" value="LOW"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="database">
                <!-- Reporting Database Configuration -->
                <!-- Database connection settings can be specified with subsequent entries such as
                     databaseHost, databasePort, ... or by a Hibernate configuration file.
                     or you choose the embedded H2 database (for evaluation only) without further configuration.
                     Possible values are 'withoutHibernateFile', 'withHibernateFile' and 'h2'. -->
                <entry key="databaseConfigurationMethod" value="withoutHibernateFile"/>
                <!-- Choose the database management system. 
                     Supported values are 'mysql' for MySQL, 'oracle' for Oracle, 
                     'mssql' for Microsoft SQL Server, 'pgsql' for PostgreSQL.
                     Used only if databaseConfigurationMethod=withoutHibernateFile -->
                <entry key="databaseDbms" value="mysql"/>
                <!-- Path to a Hibernate configuration file if databaseConfigurationMethod=withHibernateFile -->
                <entry key="hibernateConfFile" value=""/>
                <!-- You can choose between 'byInstaller', 'byJoc' or 'off' to create the database objects.
                     Data of an already existing installation remain unchanged. 
                     This entry should be 'off' only when you are certain that all objects have already been created.
                     'byJoc' creates or updates database object the next time JOC Cockpit is started. 'byInstaller' is recommended.
                     If databaseConfigurationMethod=h2 then the objects will be created when JOC Cockpit starts and 
                     this value will be ignored -->
                <entry key="databaseCreateTables" value="byInstaller"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="dbconnection">
                <!-- Database configuration if databaseConfigurationMethod=withoutHibernateFile -->
                <!-- Enter the hostname or ip address of the database host.
                     This entry can also be used to configure the URL(s) for Oracle RAC databases.
                     For example:
                     <entry key="databaseHost" value="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=OFF)(FAILOVER=ON)
                     The "databaseSchema" and "databasePort" entries should be left empty. -->
                <entry key="databaseHost" value=""/>
                <!-- Enter the port number for the database instance. Default ports are for MySQL 3306, 
                     Oracle 1521, Microsoft SQL Server 1433, PostgreSQL 5432. -->
                <entry key="databasePort" value=""/>
                <!-- Enter the database schema -->
                <entry key="databaseSchema" value=""/>
                <!-- Enter the user account for database access -->
                <entry key="databaseUser" value=""/>
                <!-- Enter the password for database access -->
                <entry key="databasePassword" value=""/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="jdbc">
                <!-- Database configuration if databaseConfigurationMethod != h2 -->
                <!-- You can specify an external JDBC Driver, in this case set internalConnector=no
                     For license reasons MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server JDBC drivers are not included. 
                     Alternatively you can use the MariaDB JDBC Driver for MySQL that is included. 
                     For Microsoft SQL Server you have to specify an external JDBC Driver. 
                     An Oracle ojdbc8 JDBC driver is included. -->
                <!-- You can choose between 'yes' or 'no' for using the internal JDBC Driver -->
                <entry key="internalConnector" value="yes"/>
                <!-- Select the path to the JDBC Driver file (*.jar) -->
                <entry key="connector" value=""/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.UserInputPanel id="end">
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.InstallPanel id="install"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.ProcessPanel id="process"/>
        <com.izforge.izpack.panels.FinishPanel id="finish"/>

Running the Installer

Headless installation is


performed by opening a terminal or


console window


and navigating to the folder containing the or setup.cmd file.

  • Performing

    * file and by typing:

    headless installation of


    JOC Cockpit on


    Unix systems


    without root permissions:

    Code Block
    titleStarting headless installation of the JOC Cockpit on
    Unix systems
    without root permissions
    # login as the user account (not as root)
    ./ -u joc_install.xml
    • All files in the installation and configuration directories will be owned by the user account
  • Performing headless installation of


    JOC Cockpit on

    Linux systems without

    Unix systems from a user account that can acquire root permissions:

    Code Block
    titleStarting headless installation of the JOC Cockpit on
    Unix systems
    with root permissions
    # login as the user account (not as root)
    -u joc_install.xml
    • The installer will use sudo to acquire root permissions. Execution of the above command by the root account is denied.
    • Files in the installation directory will be owned by the root account, files in the data directory will be owned by the user account as described below.
  • Performing headless installation of

    Starting headless installation of the

    JOC Cockpit on Windows systems requires administrative privileges:

    Code Block
    titleStarting headless installation of the JOC Cockpit on Windows systems
    C:\temp\joc.[release]> setup.cmd joc_install.xml

Initial Operation with the JOC Cockpit Login Form

Note that a working Servlet Container - either the Jetty provided with the JOC Cockpit or some other product - is required before the JOC Cockpit installation can be operated.


Call the JOC Cockpit login form in a web browser and enter the User Name and Password.

After a first installation of the JOC Cockpit the default User Name and Password of root:root and Shiro Authentication will be active if changes have not been made to the shiro.ini configuration file. Note that the root user is assigned all role in the default configuration, which has all permissions available.

See the Authentication and Authorization - Configuration article for information about the configuration of other user profiles and authentication methods.


  • @rem login with an account that can acquire elevated privileges for administrative tasks
    setup.cmd joc_install.xml

Note: Do not omit specifying the joc_install.xml response file as a command line argument when executing or setup.cmd. If the response file is not specified, the graphical installer will be invoked as described in the JS7 Installation: How to install the JS7 JOC Cockpit on premises using the Graphical Installer article.

Directory Layout

By default the installation is added:

  • for Unix to the:
    • installation directory: /opt/
    • data directory: /var/
  • for Windows to the:
    • installation directory:  Program Files\\js7\joc
    • data directory: ProgramData\\js7\joc

The following listing shows the directory layout after installation of the JOC Cockpit:

  • /opt (Unix installation directory), Program Files (Windows installation directory)
      • js7
        • joc (installation directory)
          • .jocinstallinformation (installation response file, remains in place after uninstall)
          • jetty_base (symbolic link to data directory)
          • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) used for the Open Source JS7 - License)
          • license.html (HTML format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
          • license.txt (plain text format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
          • sbom.json (JS7 - Software Bill of Materials)
          • ThirdParty.txt (lists the the 3rd party components and licenses used by JS7)
          • db (directory for DBMS *.sql scripts to populate the database)
            • h2
            • mssql
            • mysql
            • oracle
            • pgsql
          • install (directory with Jetty installer scripts)
          • jetty (directory for Jetty binary files and scripts)
          • lib (directory for user specific configurations)
          • service (directory for operation as a Windows Service)
          • Uninstaller (Uninstaller directory, the empty directory remains in place after uninstall)
            • joc_install.xml (installer response file, remains in place after uninstall)
            • uninstaller.jar (binary file of the uninstaller)
            •|cmd (script to invoke uninstaller)
  • /var (Unix data directory)ProgramData (Windows data directory)
      • js7
        • joc
          • jetty_base (configuration directory)
            • joc_home (symbolic link to installation directory)
            • start.ini (Jetty servlet container configuration file, remains in place after uninstall. This file is migrated to the start.d folder starting from Release 2.5.0)
            • archive (directory for JOC Cockpit versions before applying patches, remains in place after uninstall)
            • lib (directory for Java libraries, remains in place after uninstall)
            • logs (directory for log files files, remains in place after uninstall)
            • resources (directory for configuration files, remains in place after uninstall)
              • joc (directory for configuration files, remains in place after uninstall)
                • hibernate.cfg.xml (Hibernate configuration file for database access, remains in place after uninstall if modified)
                • (JOC Cockpit configuration file, remains in place after uninstall)
                • log4j2.xml (log configuration file, remains in place after uninstall if modified, see JS7 - Logging)
                • (Shiro configuration file if the JS7 - Shiro Identity Service is used. This file reports the currently active configuration, remains in place after uninstall)
                • shiro.ini-example (Shiro example configuration file if the JS7 - Shiro Identity Service is used)
                • lib (optional directory for JDBC Drivers and licensed binary code)
                • license (optional directory for license certificate files, remains in place after uninstall)
                • xsd (directory for XSD schema files, remains in place after uninstall)
            • start.d (starting from Releases 2.5 (in progress) that introduces Jetty 11 this directory holds *.ini files for settings previously available with start.ini)
            • temp (directory for temporary files, remains in place after uninstall)
            • webapps (directory for JOC Cockpit installation)
              • joc (directory for JOC Cockpit GUI files and patches)
              • root
  • /home/<user-account> (Unix home directory)
    • .jocrc (user profile script applied on start-up of JOC Cockpit)

Directory Layout if the Jetty Servlet Container is not Installed

If the Jetty servlet container included with JOC Cockpit is not installed and if no previous configuration files are found in the Program Files\\js7\joc directory then by default files will only be added to the Program Files\\js7\joc directories.

If configuration files are found in Program Files\\js7\joc directory then files will be added to the ProgramData\\js7joc and Program Files\\js7\joc directories as explained above.

Update and Upgrade

Detailed instructions for updating and upgrading can be found in the  JS7 - Update and Patch Management article.


  • Stop the JS7 JOC Cockpit instance.

Running the Update

  • The update of the JS7 JOC Cockpit is performed from a similar download archive to that used for a fresh installation.
  • Use the joc_install.xml file created during the installation. The default location of the joc_install.xml file from a previous installation is:
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\joc\ for Windows and
    • /opt/ for Unix systems.

  • Perform the same steps to run the installer as explained above.
    • The update will replace existing files and will update database objects as required.
    • The update will not remove configuration files or settings in such files.

Installation Log Files

The JOC Cockpit configuration and installation log information is written to a new log file each time an installation or update is carried out. These log files can be found in the logs sub-directory of the jetty_base directory.

  • Installation log files use names according to the pattern Install_V<release>_<date-time>_....log where <release> is the release number and <date-time> refers to the point in time of installation.
  • For further information about logging see the JS7 - Logging article.


The JOC Cockpit can be uninstalled using the and uninstall.cmd scripts available from the following locations:

  • For Unix systems:
    • /opt/
  • For Windows systems:
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\joc\Uninstaller

Unix Systems

The uninstall script on Unix systems runs in headless mode. The uninstall script will start the Uninstaller and will remove the installation directory, data directory and sub-folders. 

Windows Systems

Starting the uninstaller will display the following window:

Image Added

Selecting the "Force the deletion of C:\Program Files\ ...." checkbox will cause the uninstall script to remove boththe program and the configuration files and folders.

If the checkbox is not selected, configuration files will be left in both the JOC Cockpit installation folder and the Jetty servlet container installation folder (if installed with the JOC Cockpit).

Automated Start-up and Shutdown

For Unix systems a start-up and shutdown configuration can be used that is executed by systemd running with the root account.

For Windows systems operation of the JOC Cockpit by a Windows Service is recommended as such services can be configured to start/stop automatically on server start-up and shutdown.

  • Consider assigning a service account to the JOC Cockpit service with the Windows Service Panel.
  • Consider allowing the JOC Cockpit service to be automatically started on server start-up.

Initial Operation

Having completed the installation or update of the JS7 JOC Cockpit you can start the JOC Cockpit either manually or from its Unix daemon/Windows Service, see the JS7 - JOC Cockpit Command Line Operation article.

Should users face problems starting the JOC Cockpit then please refer to the JS7 - Troubleshooting - JOC Cockpit section.

A number of JOC Cockpit instances can be operated as a passive cluster with the first JOC Cockpit instance started acting as the primary cluster member and any additional JOC Cockpit instances acting as standby cluster members. The role of the primary cluster member is decided by the order by which JOC Cockpit instances are started.

  • Note that operating a JOC Cockpit cluster for high availability requires a commercial license, see JS7 - License.
  • The installation of JOC Cockpit Cluster instances follows the standard operating procedures explained above. There is no difference in installation for the roles of primary cluster member and standby cluster members. 
  • Note the following information about initial cluster operation:

Further References


Empty the Browser Cache after updating the JOC Cockpit

You should use Ctrl & F5 as well as empty the browser cache before starting the JOC Cockpit after an update.

Installation Log Files

The JOC Cockpit configuration and installation log information are written to a new log file each time an installation or update is carried out. These log files can be found in the logs folder in the jetty_base directory.

  • Installation log files are named according to the pattern Install_V<release>_<date-time>_....log where <release> is the release number and <date-time> refers to the point in time of installation.


The JOC Cockpit can be uninstalled using the uninstall.cmd and scripts saved in the folders:

Windows systems


If the checkbox is not selected, configuration files will be left in both the JOC Cockpit installation folder and the Jetty web server installation folder (if installed with the JOC Cockpit).

On Linux systems

Make a Backup!

The uninstall script on Linux systems will not open a dialog box. Instead, an uninstall script will start the Uninstaller and remove both the program and configuration files and folders. 

These files contain the configuration information from the last JOC Cockpit and Jetty web server installations.


Configuration with Alternative Web Servers

The JOC Cockpit installation procedure contains the option of installing and using the Jetty Web Server that is included in the JOC Cockpit installation archive. This option was configured in Step 4 of the installation procedure described above. An alternative web server that is capable of handling Java web applications, such as Tomcat or another web server, can also be used.

If the Jetty provided with the JOC Cockpit is not to be installed, the installation program will look and see if a jetty_base shortcut from a previous installation is to be found in the jetty_home directory. Particularly relevant for system administrators would be the shiro.ini file (containing authentication and authorization information) and the file (containing database configuration information).

  • If configuration files are found then these will not be overwritten or removed.
  • Default configuration files will be written to the file system in the joc_home directory.
  • System administrators can then move the configuration files to the appropriate application directory as required.

See also links in the References section below.

Location of the resources/joc folder with a fresh installation

With a fresh installation, the installer will not find an existing Jetty and will save the resources directory by default as follows:

Location of the resources/joc folder after an installation on top of a JOC Cockpit installation with Jetty 

If the JOC Cockpit is being installed without the included Jetty but on top of an installation that has included the JOC Cockpit Jetty then the resources\joc the folder will not be moved from its location. This means that the "new" resources the folder will be found after the new installation as follows (if the original installation was carried out in the default directory):

In this situation the shiro.ini and file from the earlier installation will not be overwritten.

The "old" hibernate.cfg.xml the database configuration file will be read during the installation and the settings suggested as default values. The file itself will be deleted and a new one saved in the joc_home directory.

An update of the JOC Cockpit will neither overwrite the new or old configuration files. However new versions of the and shiro.ini files named and shiro.ini-example will be written to the resources\joc folder, alongside the originals.

File Structure

The following listings should make clear the changes that occur in the JOC Cockpit file structure during installation and de-installation.

Windows Systems

Default File Structure if Jetty is Installed

If the Jetty web server provided with the JOC Cockpit is installed then files will be added by default in the ProgramData\\joc and Program Files\\joc directories.

  • ProgramData
      • js7
        • joc
          • jetty_base
            • archive (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
            • lib (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
            • logs (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
            • patches (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
            • resources (remains after uninstall and (empty) after full uninstall)
              • joc (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
                • license (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
                • xsd (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
                • hibernate.cfg.xml (remains after uninstall if modified)
                • (remains after uninstall)
                • log4j2.xml (remains after uninstall if modified)
                • (remains after uninstall)
                • shiro.ini-example (only added if shiro.ini file is found)
          • temp (directory with files, remains after uninstall)
          • webapps
          • start.ini (file, remains after uninstall)
  • Program Files
      • js7
        • joc
          • install (directory with files)
            • install_jetty_base.cmd
            • update_jetty_base.cmd
          • jetty (directory with files)
          • jetty_base (symlink)
          • service
          • Uninstaller (directory, the empty remains after uninstall and full uninstall)
            • uninstall.cmd
            • uninstaller.jar
          • .jocinstallinformation (file, remains after uninstall)
          • joc_install.xml (file, remains after uninstall)
Default File Structure if Jetty is not Installed

If the Jetty web server provided with the JOC Cockpit is not installed and no previous configuration files are found in the Program Files\\joc the directory then files will be added by default only in the Program Files\\joc directories.

If configuration files are found in Program Files\\joc the directory then files will be added in the ProgramData\\joc and Program Files\\joc directories as described above.

  • Program Files
      • js7
        • joc
          • install
            • install_jetty_base.cmd
            • shortcut.vbs
            • joc_install_tables.cmd
            • update_jetty_base.cmd
          • logs
            • Install_ ... .log (files will remain after uninstall)
          • resources
            • joc
              • hibernate.cfg.xml (remains after uninstall if modified)
              • (remains after uninstall)
              • (only added if file is found at installation start)
              • log4j2.xml (remains after uninstall if modified)
              • shiro.ini (remains after uninstall)
              • shiro.ini-example (only added if shiro.ini file is found at installation start)
          • service
            • amd64 (directory)
            • manager (directory)
            • x86 (directory)
            • install_jetty_windows_service.cmd
            • LICENSE.txt
            • NOTICE.txt
            • RELEASE-NOTES.txt
            • set_java_home_for_jetty_windows_service.cmd
            • start_jetty_windows_service.cmd
            • uninstall_jetty_windows_service.cmd
          • Uninstaller (the empty directory remains after uninstall)
            • js7.ico
            • uninstall.cmd
            • uninstaller.jar
          • webapps
            • joc.war
          • .jocinstallinformation (file, remains after uninstall)
          • joc_install.xml (file, remains after uninstall)

Clustering and Redundancy

With each instance running on its own server, multiple instances of the JOC Cockpit can either be installed as an active cluster or redundantly. In both cases, installation of the JOC Cockpit instances follows the standard procedure described above. The configuration of the JOC Cockpit instances then follows the instructions provided in the Authentication and Authorization - Configuration article. 

 The JOC Cockpit - Clustering article provides more general information about installing and configuring multiple instances of the JOC Cockpit.

JOC Cockpit Configuration

The JOC Cockpit includes certain configuration items which can be used to configure JOC Cockpit. Details about how to configure JOC Cockpit the article JS7 - JOC Cockpit Configuration Items can be followed. 


Installation with Other Application Servers: