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The Finish Instruction makes



an order


leave a workflow or branch of the JS7 - Fork-Join Instruction. The order is considered


to be completed and



will assume a successful or unsuccessful outcome in the JS7 - Order History, for details about order states see JS7 - Order State Transitions.

  • By default finished orders leave the workflow or branch with an unchanged outcome.
    • If a Finish Instruction is used in the Catch block of a JS7 - Try-Catch Instruction then by default the outcome will be successful as a previous error is caught before the Finish Instruction is executed..
    • Other occurrences of the Finish Instruction will pick up the order's successful or unsuccessful outcome.
  • Users can specify a successful outcome to be forced on an order from the occurrence of the Finish Instruction.
  • Users can specify an unsuccessful outcome to be forced on an order from the occurrence of the Finish Instruction. Such orders appear in the Order History with a failed history status.
  • Fails an order in a workflow. The order halts and is assigned the FAILED state.
  • FAILED orders remain with their workflow position and require user intervention to transition from this state.
  • Users can resume, suspend and cancel FAILED orders, see JS7 - Order State Transitions

Workflow Instruction: Finish

Download workflow exampleWorkflow Example (.json upload)pdwFinish.json

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Finish Instruction with unchanged Outcome

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  • The workflow makes use of a Try/Catch Instruction. If job1 in the Try block fails then the order will assume an unsuccessful outcome.
  • The Catch block will catch the error and will cause the order's outcome to be successful.
  • The Finish Instruction will make the order leave the workflow without modifying its outcome. Therefore the final outcome will be successful (unchanged).

Finish Instruction with successful Outcome

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  • The workflow makes use of an If Instruction to check a previous job's return valuesvalue. See See JS7 - If Instruction for details of how to add expressions to If ConditionsInstructions.
  • If the If Instruction evaluates to true then the left-hand branch with the Finish Instruction is executed which is configured to force a successful outcome.
  • The order is then assigned the FINISHED state.optionally assigned a message, for example, specifying the reason for finishing the order.
  • Display feature availability

Finish Instruction with unsuccessful Outcome

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  • If the If Instruction evaluates to false then the right-hand branch with the Finish Instruction is executed.
  • The radio-button for Unsuccessful outcome is selected.
  • The order can optionally be assigned a message, for example, specifying When finishing an order then a message and a return code optionally can be added that specify the reason for finishing the order.
  • Display feature availability