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Log file location: logs sub-directory of the Controller installation.



LogDebug LogWatchdog Log
Log Filecontroller.log


Log Rotationdailydailynone
Log Retention30d30dnone
PurposeThe Controller log file holds all log output from the Controller including cluster state information and coupling events. The watchdog log file is rewritten when the Controller is started. It contains any output produced before the Controller log file becomes active and indicates occurrence of restarts that are automatically performed in case of abnormal termination.


Log file location: logs sub-directory of the Agent installation.



LogDebug LogWatchdog Log
Log Fileagent.log


Log Rotationdailydailynone
Log Retention30d30dnone
PurposeThe Agent log file holds all log output from the Agent including, for example, reconnection attempts and coupling events. The watchdog log file is rewritten when the Agent is restarted. It contains any output produced before the Agent log file becomes active and indicates occurrence of restarts that are automatically performed in case of abnormal termination.

In addition, the following log file can be activated for YADE file transfer jobs.

  • YADE Log

    Main Log
    Log Fileyade.log
    Log Rotationwith each (re)start
    Log Retention0d

    The log file holds log output of YADE that corresponds to the task log created for the job. Therefore this log file is by default not active. The log file can be activated by adjusting the log4j2.xml configuration file in the YADE installation directory to use a log level INFO or higher. By default YADE is installed with the Agent in the yade sub-directory of the Agent's home directory.

JOC Cockpit

  • Log file location: logs sub-directory of the JOC Cockpit installation.

  • Jetty Log

    Main Log
    Log Rotation
    with each (re)start
    Log Retentionn/a

    The log file holds log output created on start-up of the servlet container. If the Jetty servlet container


    won't start then this is the log file to check for errors. Also, it may contain errors

    caused by wrong configuration of the log4j2.xml file.

  • JOC Cockpit Log

    log file:
    LogDebug Log
    Log Filejoc.log
    Debug log file:
    Log Rotationdailydaily
    Log Retention30d30d
    The log file holds log output created by the JOC Cockpit application.
    This log file includes detailed information for problems occurring during operation of the JOC Cockpit
    , e.g. with database connections, this log file includes detailed information
    such as problems with database connections.

  • Audit Log

    Main Log
    Log Fileaudit.log
    Log Rotationmonthly
    Log Retentionunlimited

    The JS7 - Audit Log stores information about any changes to the state of objects, such as deployment of workflows, cancelling and suspending of orders etc. Note that information from the audit log file can be subject to compliance requirements.

  • Authentication Log

    Debug Log
    Log Fileauthentication-debug.log
    Log Rotationdaily
    Log Retention30d

    This log is available for debug output only. It provides detailed information about logins to the JOC Cockpit including connections to LDAP Directory Services for authentication.

  • Connection Pool Log

    Debug Log
    Log Fileconnection-pool-debug.log
    Log Rotationdaily
    Log Retention30d

    This log is available for debug output only. It provides detailed information about session management of the connection pool that handles database connections.

  • Service Logs
    • JS7 - Cleanup Service

      log file:
      LogDebug Log
      Log Fileservice-cleanup.log
      Debug log file:
      Purpose: cleanup
      Log Rotationdailydaily
      Log Retention30d30d
      PurposeThe service cleans up entries from the order and task history, deployment history
      , daily plan history and audit log.

    • JS7 - Cluster Service

      log file:
      LogDebug Log
      Log Fileservice-cluster.log
      Debug log file:
      Purpose: operate
      Log Rotationdailydaily
      Log Retention30d30d
      PurposeThe service operates the JOC Cockpit cluster and
      performs switch-over and fail-over operations when required.

    • JS7 - Daily Plan Service

      log file:
      LogDebug Log
      Log Fileservice-dailyplan.log
      Debug log file:
      Log Rotation
      Purpose: plan
      Log Retention30d30d
      PurposeThe service plans orders from schedules and
      submits orders to Controllers.

    • JS7 - History Service

      log file:
      LogDebug Log
      Log Fileservice-history.log
      Debug log file:
      Log Rotationdaily
      Purpose: receive
      Log Retention30d30d
      PurposeThe service receives events about order state transitions and log output of underlying jobs from
      a Controller
      Controllers and
      add them to the history
      adds them to the history.

    • JS7 - Monitor Service

      Main LogDebug Log
      Log Fileservice-monitor.logservice-monitor-debug.log
      Log Rotationdailydaily
      Log Retention30d30d
      PurposeThe service monitors workflow execution and reports errors and warnings. This information is available in the JS7 - Monitor view and can be forwarded using JS7 - Notifications.
    • JS7 - Report Service

      Main LogDebug Log
      Log Fileservice-reports.logservice-reports-debug.log
      Log Rotationdailydaily
      Log Retention30d30d
      PurposeThe service runs reports and indicates errors and warnings during report execution.

Log4j2 Configuration Files

Default Locations

The Log4j2 configuration file, log4j2.xml, is available in the following default locations for the JS7 products shown:

ControllerC:\Program Files\\js7\controller\lib\log4j2.xml/opt/
AgentC:\Program Files\\js7\agent\lib\log4j2.xml/opt/
JOC CockpitC:\ProgramFiles\\js7\joc\lib\log4j2.xml/opt/


  • Changes to the log4j2.xml file from the above locations will be lost if newer versions of JS7 products are installed.

Optional Locations

The Log4j2 configuration file, log4j2.xml, is used with preference from the following locations if it is available:

JOC CockpitC:\ProgramData\\js7\joc\jetty_base\resources\joc\log4j2.xml/var/


  • Use of the above locations is preferred if changes to the log4j2.xml file are required. Installation of newer releases of JS7 products will not overwrite existing log4j2.xml files present in the above locations.
  • JS7 ships with log4j2.xml-example example files that are available at above locations. Users can rename these files to log4j2.xml to apply changes to the Log4j2 configuration.
  • Changes to the Log4j2 configuration are applied within 60s and do not require the JS7 products to be restarted.