Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



  • The libsosperlscriptThe will no longer be included in the setup.

This documentation should describe how the library can be built on UNIX environments.
  •  library is included with the JobScheduler setup and acts as an interface to a local Perl installation should Perl API Jobs be used.

    • This library is used exclusively for job scripts of type <script language="perlscript">, i.e. for jobs that make use of the JobScheduler API. 
    • This library is not required for Perl scripts that can be executed from the command line independently of a JobScheduler instance.
    • The library in the JobScheduler setup only works if you use the JobScheduler API without additional Perl modules. See also
      serverSOS JIRA
  • This article explains how to build the library for Unix environments.
    • Jira
      serverSOS JIRA


  • The JobScheduler
API jobs.


  • The sources have to be downloaded from the SOS Git repositories. The sources are available from
  • Additional tools will be referenced in this documentation if required to compile the sources.
As mentioned above, additional tools have to
  • tools have to be downloaded and configured following the below
  • sequence of steps.


  • You can find the Git download and documentation here.
  • SOS uses Git 1.7.1. You can download the latest release from here.



  • The path to your Java JDK is required for the compilation
  • SOS uses the path /usr/java/jdk1

    To compile individual JobScheduler releases, different Java versions are required:
  • SOS uses the build of the Java JDK to build JobScheduler releases before 1.9.0.
  • SOS uses the 1


    .31 build of the Java JDK to build JobScheduler release 1.9.0 and above.
  • To compile for different target platforms (64-bit or 32-bit systems), the corresponding JDK versions are required:
    • To build the engine for a 64-bit system, the corresponding 64-bit version of JDK has to be used for compiling. Analogously for 32-bit compilation. 
    • The JDK version in use will define the correct C++ compiler properties. For example, if you are using a 64-bit JDK, even using Visual Studio Express (32-bit), a 64-bit JobScheduler version would be compiled.
  • To compile the scheduler-engine for the correct target platform:
    • check if the system variable %JAVA_HOME% is set to the installation path of you JDK installation.
    • check if %JAVA_HOME%\bin is in your %PATH% global variable.


  • _31

  • Version: Perl 5.10 or above (SOS uses Perl 5.18).
  • You can find the downloads here.
  • No further configuration is required for Perl. 


C++ Compiler

  • Set up a development environment for Linux and Windows.
  • For Windows it is recomended to use Visual Studio, which brings a C++ compiler. Find the download here.
  • For Linux you need the following packagesUnix. The following packages are required:
    • gcc - GNU Compiler, starting with version 4.1.3
    • zlib-devel
    • binutils (version corresponding to gcc)
  • SOS uses Visual Studio Express 2010 for Windows platforms gcc 4.4.6

Download from the



Prepare a folder in your file system where you can to clone the repositories to.

Repository for the JobScheduler Engine

Execute the following command in your Git Shell:

Code Block
git clone

to download the project "scheduler-engine".

Compile the Library

Generated libraries location

After the build has completed you find all created .jar files in

  1. the target folder under each project and subproject.
  2. the local ./m2 repository in your home folder (%USERPROFILE%\.m2\repository\com\sos-berlin or $HOME/.m2/repository/com/sos-berlin)

At this point you already have all the library files to update an exisiting JobScheduler installation in your system.

You can find the specific libraries for the different platform in the target folder of the engine-setup:

  • Windows-x64 in .\scheduler-engine\engine-setup\target\setup\\bin
      • jobscheduler-engine.dll
      • scheduler.exe
  • Windows-x86 in .\scheduler-engine\engine-setup\target\setup\\bin
      • spidermonkey.dll
      • scheduler.exe
  • Linux-x64 in 
    1. ./scheduler-engine/engine-setup/target/setup/scheduler.linux-x64/bin
      • scheduler
      • setuid
    2. ./scheduler-engine/engine-setup/target/setup/scheduler.linux-x64/lib
  • Once the folder scheduler-engine is created (from cloning the repositories), change the working directory to scheduler-engine/engine-kernelcpp and create a folder LINKS:

    Code Block
    cd scheduler-engine/engine-kernelcpp
    mkdir LINKS

    Switch to the folder LINKS and create a symbolic link to your Perl installation as follows:

    Code Block
    cd LINKS
    ln -s /usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi perl

    If you are not using multithreading for Perl (or the multithreading links to another folder) you might have to use a shorter path, something like /usr/lib64/perl5

    In order to compile the last step is to call the makefile make-libsosperlscript:

    Code Block
    JAVA_HOME=<path_to_java_jdk> make/make-libsosperlscript
    Linux-x86 in 
    1. ./scheduler-engine/engine-setup/target/setup/scheduler.linux-x86/bin
      • javavscript
      • scheduler
      • setuid
    2. ./scheduler-engine/engine-setup/target/setup/scheduler.linux-x86/lib


    Commercial License

    If you purchased a Commercial License with the Service Request Support Option, then the build process will be supported assisted by our Support Team should you face any problems. The applicable service level is the same as for severity level "minor", see Product Maintenance.

    Open Source License

    If you use the Open Source License then the build process will be supported by using our Community Resources. A forum for build issues is available at SourceForge, see Process Forum

    Note: no service levels are guaranteed including response times and resolution times.


    Error: "z_com.h:10:17: error: jni.h: No such file or directory"


    This error occurs when building on a Windows system where Cygwin is not available. The error log states "cannot run program bash" which is a Linux shell command and has to be executed by Cygwin when running on a Windows system. Please see cygwin explanations for resolving this problem.the path in the variable JAVA_HOME used for the compilation of the library does not match the path to your Java JDK. SOS uses the path:


    Error: "make: *** No rule to make target '.../LINKS/perl/CORE/EXTERN.h', needed by `perl.o'.  Stop."


    This error occurs when a the symbolic link in the folder LINKS is not set correctly. If you are not using multithreading for Perl (or the multithreading links to a different folder) you might have to use a shorter path, something like /usr/lib64/perl5





    The Perl and the Java JDK 32-bit is installed on a 64-bit system, or when the global variable "JAVA_HOME" is either not set or not properly set. Please see Java explanations for resolving this problem.


    version at run-time have to be the same as used at compile-time of

    Please note that you get a segmentation fault in the Perl API job if you use ...

    • a different Perl version at run-time as at compile-time.
    • openJDK at run-time and an Oracle JDK at compile-time.
    • Oracle JRE at run-time and an openSDK at compile-time.


    • Copy the into the ./lib directory of the JobScheduler installation.
    • Create a symlink in the ./lib directory which points to the of the Perl installation

      Code Block
      ln -s /usr/lib64/perl5/<Perl version>/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/CORE/

      See also How to program the JobScheduler API in Perl

    • Set the PERL5LIB environment variable if you get the following error in the Perl API job

      Code Block
      COM-80020009  DISP_E_EXCEPTION [begin] [] [PERL-2   [[perl_parse()  Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the strict module)

      The article How to program the JobScheduler API in Perl describes how to set the PERL5LIB environment variable. A JobScheduler restart is required.

    • Please delete the files
      • ./lib/
      • ./lib/
      • ./lib/
      • ./lib/

      in the JobScheduler installation if you get the following error in the Perl API job

      Code Block
      dlopen(""): /opt/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found

      A JobScheduler restart is required.
      See also

      serverSOS JIRA