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Download: deploy-workflow.shJS7 - Download (Section: Unix Shell ClI)


Invoking the script without arguments displays the usage clause:


  • export
    • Allows to export objects such as workflows to an archive file in .zip or .tar.gz format. The command comes in two flavors:
      • export individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
        • Should relative paths be used in the archive file then the --start-folder option and --use-short-path switch can be applied.
      • export objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
        • Optionally one or more object types can be specified and otherwise all objects will be exported, see --type option.
        • Should relative paths be used in the archive file then the  --use-short-path switch can be applied.
        • Export of objects can further be limited by use of the --no-* switches, see section Switches.
    • The archive file is specified from the --file and --format options.
    • If JOC Cockpit is operated for the High Security Level then the --for-signing switch can be used to export Controller Objects that should be digitally signed. Objects and signatures can be imported using the import-deploy command.
  • import
    • Imports an archive file to the inventory. The operation applies to use of JOC Cockpit with the Low and Medium Security Level.
    • Users can specify if existing objects will be overwritten or if duplicate objects from the import file will be assigned a prefix or suffix or will be ignored.
  • sign
    • Digitally signs workflows and job resources from an export archive file. The operation applies to use of JOC Cockpit with the High Security Level.
    • Signing includes to specify the Private Key and Certificate from files in PEM format or from a keystore. Optionally the hash algorithm sha256 or sha512 is specified.
    • The sequence of operations includes to export, to sign and to import-deploy signed objects.
    • The sign command works without access to the JS7 REST Web Service and does not require to specify options for connecting to JOC Cockpit.
  • import-deploy
    • Imports an archive file to the inventory and deploys the included objects. The operation is applicable if JOC Cockpit is operated for the High Security Level.
      • As a prerequisite the archive file must be exported using the --for-signing switch.
      • Workflows and Job Resources from the archive file are digitally signed by the user. Signature files are added to the archive file.
    • On import the objects in the archive file are deployed to related Controllers as specified during export.
  • deploy
    • Allows to deploy Controller Objects such as workflows. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • deploy individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • deploy objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Deploying objects forwards them to Controllers and Agents.
      • More than one Controller ID can be specified like this: --controller-id=controller-uat-1,controller-uat-2
  • revoke
    • Allows to undeploy Controller Objects such as workflows. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • revoke individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • revoke objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Revoking Controller objects deletes them from the Controller and Agents, objects remain in draft status in the inventory.
      • More than one Controller ID can be specified like this: --controller-id=controller-uat-1,controller-uat-2
  • release
    • Allows to release Automation Objects such as schedules. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • release individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • release objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Releasing objects activates them for example for use by the Daily Plan.
  • recall
    • Allows to unrelease Automation Objects such as schedules. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • recall individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • recall objects from folders using the --folder option and --recursive switch.
    • Recalling objects deactivates them from further use, objects remain in draft status in the inventory.
  • store
    • Allows to store an object such as a workflow or schedule from a file to the inventory.
      • The --file option specifies the file that holds the JSON representation of an object.
      • The --type option specifies the object type. 
      • The --path option specifies the folders and object name of the objects inventory location.
    • Objects are stored to the inventory in draft status and can be deployed or released using the related commands.
  • remove
    • Allows to remove objects such as workflows or schedules from the inventory. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • remove individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • remove objects from folders recursively using the --folder option.
    • Controller objects such as workflows are removed from the Controller and from the inventory. Automation objects such as schedules are removed from the inventory.
    • Removing objects moves them to the trash from which they can be restored or deleted
  • restore
    • Allows to restore objects such as workflows or schedules from the trash. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • restore individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • restore objects from folders recursively using the --folder option.
    • Restoring objects moves them from the trash to the inventory from which they can be deployed or released.
  • delete
    • Allows to delete objects such as workflows or schedules from the trash. The command can be used in two flavors:
      • delete individual objects specified by the --path and --type options.
      • delete objects from folders recursively using the --folder option.
    • Deleting objects will permanently wipe them from the trash.
  • revalidate
    • Allows to revalildate objects such as workflows or schedules from the inventory, for example after import. The command can be used for inventory folders.
  • encrypt
    • Allows to encrypt a value using the --in option. If used to encrypt a file then --infile and --outfile options must be specified.
    • The --cert option specifies the path to a file holding the Certificate used for encryption.
    • Encryption is performed by Java libraries that are looked up in the ./lib sub-directory of the Workflow Deployment ScriptJS7 Unix Shell CLI. For details see see JS7 - Encryption and Decryption.
  • decrypt
    • Allows to decrypt a value using the --in option. If used to decrypt a file then --infile and --outfile options must be specified.
    • The --key option specifies the path to the Private Key used for decryption. If the Private Key is protected by a password, then the --key-password option or switch must be specified.
    • Decryption is performed by Java libraries that are looked up in the ./lib sub-directory of the Workflow Deployment ScriptJS7 Unix Shell CLI.


  • --url
  • --user
    • Specifies the user account for login to JOC Cockpit. If JS7 - Identity Services are available for Client authentication certificates that are specified with the --client-cert and --client-key options then their common name (CN) attribute has to match the user account.
    • If a user account is specified then a password can be specified using the --password option or interactive keyboard input can be prompted using the -p switch.
  • --password
    • Specifies the password used for the account specified with the --user option for login to JOC Cockpit.
    • Password input from the command line is considered insecure.
      • Consider use of the -p switch offering a secure option for interactive keyboard input.
      • Consider use of the encrypt command to encrypt a password: ./ encrypt --in=root --cert=encrypt.crt.
        • The encryption result will include the prefix enc: followed by the encrypted symmetric key, initialization vector and encrypted secret separated by space.
        • If an encrypted password is specified, then it will be decrypted using the Private Key file: ./ <command> --password="enc:BF8J8KP7TPlxy..." --key=encrypt.key.
  • --controller-id
    • Specifies the identification of the Controller that holds related orders.
    • More than one Controller ID can be specified, separated by comma, for the export operation when using the --for-signing switch.
  • --ca-cert
    • Specifies the path to a file in PEM format that holds the Root CA Certificate and optionally Intermediate CA Certificates to verify HTTPS connections to JOC Cockpit.
  • --client-cert
    • Specifies the path to a file in PEM format that holds the Client Certificate if HTTPS mutual authentication is used..
  • --client-key
    • Specifies the path to a file in PEM format that holds the Client Private Key if HTTPS mutual authentication is used..
  • --timeout
    • Specifies the maximum duration for requests to the JS7 REST Web Service. Default: 60 seconds.
  • --file
    • Specifies the location of an archive file that is used with export, import and import-deploy commands.
    • On export an existing archive file will be overwritten.
  • --format
    • Specifies the format of the archive file indicated with the --file option.
    • The format can be one of ZIP or TAR_GZ. Default: ZIP. The JS7 can process archive files in .zip format on Unix.
  • --folder
    • Specifies the inventory folder used for the related operation.
      • Folder specification starts from a / followed by one or more sub-folders.
      • More than one folder can be specified using comma as in --folder=/ProductDemo/AgentCluster,/ProductDemo/ScheduledExecution.
    • When used with the import and import-deploy commands, a single folder can be specified that is prepended the folders included with the archive file.
  • --start-folder
    • Specifies the inventory folder used for relative paths in archive files when using the export command with the --path option, see --use-short-path switch.
  • --path
    • Specifies the path of an object such as a workflow, job resource, schedule. A path starts from a /, optionally followed by a hierarchy of sub-folders, and the object name.
    • Objects are identified from thier path and object type.
  • --type
    • Specifies the object type such as a workflow or schedule that is indicated together with the --path option to identify an object.
    • When used with the export command for folders then more than one object type can be specified separated by comma, for example --type=WORKFLOW,JOBRESOURCE
  • --new-path
    • When used with the restore command, the new path is specified to which the object will be restored in the inventory.
  • --prefix
    • When used with the import command, a prefix can be specified that is prepended all objects that are imported.
    • If an object with the same name and prefix exists, then the object will not be imported.
  • --suffix
    • When used with the import command, a suffix can be specified that is appended all objects that are imported.
    • If an object with the same name and suffix exists, then the object will not be imported.
  • --algorithm
    • When used with the import-deploy command, the signature algorithm is specified that was used to digitally sign objects. Default: SHA512withECDSA.
    • The algorithm name is made up of the hash algorithm name such as SHA256, SHA512 and the encryption type of the Private Key such as ECDSA or RSA.
    • This offers to specify the following algorithm names: SHA256withECDSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA512withECDSA, SHA512withRSA.
  • --date-from
    • Specifies the date starting from which the Daily Plan will be updated:
      • The --date-from=now option value specifies that the Daily Plan will be updated for orders starting from now.
      • The Daily Plan date in ISO date format can be specified, for example --date-from=2023-10-23.
      • If omitted then the Daily Plan will not be updated.
    • Orders in the Daily Plan can be updated for example if the underlying workflow or schedule is changed.
  • --directory
    • When used with the sign command, specifies the directory in which workflow files with the extension *.workflow.json and job resources holding the extension .jobresource.json are looked up for signing. Sub-directories are looked up recursively.
    • All files found will be digitally signed by creating a signature file with the extension *.json.sig that holds the signature of the related object.
  • --keystore
    • When used with the sign command, specifies the path to a keystore file in PKCS12 format. The keystore is expected to hold the Private Key and Certificate.
    • Only one of the options --keystore and --key can be specified.
  • --key
    • When used with the sign and decrypt commands, specifies the path to a file that holds the Private Key used for signing/decrypting in PEM format.
    • Only one of the options --keystore and --key can be specified.
  • --cert
    • When used with the sign and encrypt commands, specifies the path to a file that holds the CA signed or self-signed X.509 Certificate. Alternatively the path to a file holding the Public Key can be specified. The Certificate is expected in PEM format.
    • For signing the argument is required if the --key option is used. The argument is optional If the --keystore option is used. The --cert option has precedence if used with the --keystore option.
    • For encryption the Certificate must match the Private Key used for later decryption specified with the --key option.
  • --key-password
    • When used with the sign and decrypt commands, specifies the password for access to the keystore using the --keystore option or key file using the --key option.
    • Password input from the command line is considered insecure.
      • Consider use of the -k switch or more elaborate mechanisms, for example by temporarily populating the system keystore form a security key such as a YubiKey® or similar.
      • Consider use of encrypted passwords as explained with the --password option.
  • --hash
    • When used with the sign command, specifies the hash algorithm used to create a hash from a file that is to be signed.
    • Possible values include sha256 and sha512. Default: sha256
  • --in
    • When used with the encrypt and decrypt commands, specifies the input value that should be encrypted or decrypted.,
    • One of the options --in or --infile can be specified.
  • --infile
    • When used with the encrypt and decrypt commands, specifies the path to the input file that should be encrypted/decrypted.
    • One of the options --in or --infile can be specified. This option requires use of the --outfile option.
  • --outfile
    • When used with the encrypt command, specifies the path to the output file that will be created holding the encrypted content of the input file.
    • When used with the decrypt command, specifies the path to the output file that will be created holding the decrypted content of the input file.
    • The option is required if the --infile option is specified
  • --java-home
    • When used with the encrypt and decrypt commands or with encrypted passwords, specifies the Java home directory. By default the JAVA_HOME environment variable is used to determine the location of Java.
    • The Java home directory is the top-level directory of a Java installation. The directory includes the bin sub-directory and java executable.
  • --java-lib
    • When used with the encrypt and decrypt commands or with encrypted passwords, a number of Java libraries are required to perform encryption/decryption.
    • The Java libraries are expected in the lib sub-directory of the scriptJS7 Unix Shell CLI. Default: ./lib.
  • --audit-message
    • Specifies a message that is made available to the Audit Log.
    • Specification of Audit Log messages can be enforced on a per user basis and for a JS7 environment.
  • --audit-time-spent
    • Specifies the time spent to perform an operation which is added to the Audit Log.
    • The option can be specified if the --audit-message option is used.
  • --audit-link
    • Specifies a link (URL) which is added to the Audit Log.
    • The option can be specified if the --audit-message option is used.
  • --log-dir
    • If a log directory is specified then the script will log information about processing steps to a log file in this directory.
    • File names are created according to the pattern: deploy-workflow.<yyyy>-<MM>-<dd>T<hh>-<mm>-<ss>.log
    • For example: deploy-workflow.2022-03-19T20-50-45.log


Code Block
titleExamples for Exporting Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# export workflows
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/Agent/apRunAsUser --type=WORKFLOW

# export draft schedules
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --path=/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule01,/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule02 --type=SCHEDULE --no-released

# export objects from folder
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/ap --recursive

# export objects from folder using relative path
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive --use-short-path

# export objects from folder, limiting object types and validity, feeding audit log
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/ap --recursive --type=WORKFLOW,JOBRESOURCE --no-invalid --audit-message="export to production"


Code Block
titleExamples for Importing Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# import objects
./ import "${request_options[@]}" \ --overwrite

# import objects to a new top-level folder and apply suffix
./ import "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/Version22 --suffix=v22

# revalidate objects from folder
./ revalidate "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/Version22 --recursive


Code Block
titleExample for Exporting, Signing and Importing/Deploying for High Security Level
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# export objects from folder for signing
./ export "${request_options[@]}" \ --folder=/myFolder --recursive --for-signing

# digitally sign objects
mkdir -p ./temp
rm -fr ./temp/*
unzip -d ./temp ./

./ sign \
    --directory=./temp --key=ecdsa.key --cert=ecdsa.crt --hash=sha512

rm -f ./
cd ./temp
zip -r ../ *
cd -

# import/deploy objects
./ import-deploy "${request_options[@]}" \


Code Block
titleExamples for Deploying and Revoking Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# deploy workflows and update daily plan
./ deploy "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/apEnv --type=WORKFLOW --date-from=now

# deploy objects from folder recursively and update daily plan
./ deploy "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive --date-from=now

# revoke workflows
./ revoke "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/apEnv --type=WORKFLOW

# revoke objects from folder
./ revoke "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive


Code Block
titleExamples for Releasing and Recalling Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

 # release schedules and update daily plan
./ release "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule01,/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule02 --type=SCHEDULE --date-from=now
# release objects from folder and update daily plan
./ release "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive --date-from=now

# recall schedules
./ recall "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule01,/ap/Agent/apAgentSchedule02 --type=SCHEDULE

# recall objects from folder
./ recall "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/Agent --recursive


Code Block
titleExamples for Storing and Removing Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# store object
./ store "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW --file=NewWorkflow01.workflow.json

# remove object, update daily plan
./ remove "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW --date-from=now

# remove objects from folder, update daily plan
./ remove "${request_options[@]}" \
    --folder=/ap/NewFolder01 --date-from=now


Code Block
titleExamples for Restoring and Deleting Objects
# common options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password=root --controller-id=controller)

# restore object from trash, using suffix for restored objectd
./ restore "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW --new-path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --suffix=restored

# delete object from trash
./ delete "${request_options[@]}" \
    --path=/ap/NewFolder01/NewWorkflow01 --type=WORKFLOW

# delete objects from trash by folder
./ delete "${request_options[@]}" \


Code Block
titleExample for Encrypting and Decrypting
# create Private Key
openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out encrypt.key

# create Certificate Signing Request
openssl req -new -sha512 -nodes -key encrypt.key -out encrypt.csr -subj "/C=DE/ST=Berlin/L=Berlin/O=SOS/OU=IT/CN=Encrypt"

# create Certificate
openssl x509 -req -sha512 -days 1825 -signkey encrypt.key -in encrypt.csr -out encrypt.crt -extfile <(printf "keyUsage=critical,keyEncipherment,keyAgreement\n")

# encrypt a secret such as a password using the Certificate, the encryption result will isbe returned and thatwill lookslook like: enc:BEXbHYa...
 ./ encrypt --in="root" --cert=encrypt.crt

# options for connectionsconnection to the JS7 REST API can specify the encryption result as password and the Private Key for decryption
request_options=(--url=http://localhost:4446 --user=root --password="enc:BEXbHYa..." --key=encrypt.key --controller-id=controller)

# for example, when exporting workflows the encrypted password and Private Key areis used to decrypt the password on-the-fly for access to the REST API on-the-fly
./ export "${request_options[@]}" --path=/ap/ap3jobs,/ap/Agent/apRunAsUser --type=WORKFLOW

# decrypt an encrypted secret using the Private Key
./ decrypt --in="enc:BEXbHYa..." --key=encrypt.key

