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Download (upload .json): pdfFileVariablessetResourceJob.workflow.json

You can use the job wizard like this:

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  • Add an empty job from the instruction panel.
  • Specify a name and a label for the job.
  • Select an Agent.

In a next step invoke the job wizard that you find in the upper right corner of the job property editor. The wizard brings up the following popup window:

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  • From the list of available job templates select the SetJobResourceJob.

Then hit the "Next" button to make the job wizard display available arguments:

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  • There are optional arguments for this job to identify the file carrying variables:
    • if the job is used in a workflow to which orders are added from JS7 - File Watching then the job will use the internal file variable that specifies the incoming file and does not require an argument.
    • if the job is used in a workflow not subject to File Watching then the js7_source_file argument is used to specify the path to the file carrying variables.
    Any additional arguments specify variables that are expected from the incoming file. The example makes use of the var1 argument which translates to the fact that from the incoming file a line is expected to specify the variable like this: var1=some valueController to which the Job Resource should be deployed:
    • The default Controller is the one that is currently selected by the user.
  • Select the check box provided with each argument if you want this argument to be added to the arguments of the FileOrderVariablesJob SetJobResourceJob template.

When hitting the Submit button the wizard adds the required arguments to the job which should look like this:

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The Job Documentation including the full list of arguments can be found under:


NameRequiredDefault ValuePurposeExample
The path to the Job Resource that should be created or updated. Both specification of a path and specification of the name can be used./resources/my_vars



The name of the variable in the Job Resource (case-sensitive).



(one of file or value is required.)

The value of the variable:

  • The value allows any strings, numbers etc.
  • A special syntax is supported for date values: [<java-date-pattern>]:
    • for example [dd/MM/yyyy], [yyyy-MM-dd], [yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss], [yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ssZ]
    • The Java date pattern will by replaced by the job for the current date and time value. 



(one of file or value is required.)

The name of a file:

The content of the file will be used as value in the job resource. The content is stored with to_file(). Additionally the variable key_nameofkey where nameofkey is the value of the parameter key is stored with encrypted symmetric key, initialization vector and path to encrypted file separated by space. The encrypted file is a temporary file created during the encryption. The values are needed for decoding:

  • The encrypted symmetric key is decrypted with the private key
  • The encrypted file is decrypted using the decrypted symmetric key and the initialisation vector.
  • The path to the file may be relevant in subsequent processing.


If a Java data pattern is specified for the value parameter then the date is calculated for the given time zone.

The time zone is specified from a string, for example "GMT", "Europe/London". Valid time zone strings as explained with can be specified.

If this parameter is omitted then the time zone that the Agent is operated for will be used.


The name of an environment variable in the Job Resource that should automatically be populated with the value specified for the key. Technically the environment variable will hold a reference to the key.

The Controller ID identifies the Controller to which the updated Job Resource will be deployed.

The certificate

The CA signed or self-signed X.509 certificate. Alternatively the public key can be specified. This variable is normally provided via a job resource that is managed with the certificate management. When this variable is set the value will be encrypted. The encrypted value will contain:

  • The encrypted symmetric key is decrypted with the private key
  • The encrypted file is decrypted using the decrypted symmetric key and the initialisation vector.
  • The path to the file may be relevant in subsequent processing.

When the certificate is specified the value will be encrypted and then added to the job resource.

Further Resources