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Global Variables


  • Global variables are available to all jobs and orders running on a JobScheduler.
  • They can be set in the config/scheduler.xml configuration file, which is


  • loaded when JobScheduler is started.



  <param name="global_configuration_params" value="config/scheduler_global_vars.xml"/> 

Note that when global variables are set in a file, they will only be read when JobScheduler starts and a restart of JobScheduler will be necessary if these values are to be modified.

It is however also possible to set global variables via the JobScheduler - API and the spooler.variables.set_var() function.
This method allows global variables to be set without JobSchedulerhaving JobScheduler having to be restarted.

The following example shows the creation of how to create global variables:

Code Block

 function spooler_process()\ {
        var d1=new Date();
        spooler.variables().set_var("ODAY", d1.getDate() + "");
        spooler.variables().set_var("ODAYNAME", d1.getDay() + "");
        spooler.variables().set_var("OMONTH", d1.getMonth() + 1 + "");
        spooler.variables().set_var("OMONTHNAME", d1.getMonth() + 1 + "");
        spooler.variables().set_var("OYEAR", d1.getFullYear() + "");
        spooler.variables().set_var("ODATE", d1.getFullYear() + "-" + (d1.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + d1.getDate());
        spooler.variables().set_var("ODAT", d1.getFullYear() + (d1.getMonth() + 1) + d1.getDate() + "");
        spooler.variables().set_var("OFULLDATE", d1.getFullYear() + "-" + (d1.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + d1.getDate());"variable ODAY set");
 spooler.variables.xml() );
        return false;

Further information:

See also