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Comment: 'Oracle® ojdbc7 JDBC driver' added


  • The JobScheduler ID

    • The JobScheduler ID is entered in the JobScheduler ID input box. Avoid special characters such as  / \ : ; * ? ! $ % & " < > ( ) | ^
    • The ID is used on Microsoft Windows as the name of the JobScheduler service after setup. The service name will have the syntax sos_scheduler_[scheduler_id].
    • The JobScheduler ID must be unique over all installed JobSchedulers. (Unless you are building a cluster, in which case all JobScheduler Masters have the same ID. See JobScheduler Master Installation - 10 - Cluster Installation for more information.)
    • In addition, the JobScheduler ID is used as a subdirectory name in the both the $SCHEDULER_HOME and $SCHEDULER_DATA installation paths.
    • The JobScheduler ID is written to the $SCHEDULER_HOME/bin/jobscheduler_environment_variables.(cmd|sh) file and can be changed manually later on.
  • The JobScheduler

    Host and


    • The JobScheduler Host is used for TCP and HTTP/HTTPS communication to send operating information for JOC and the JobScheduler Web Services.The JobScheduler Port is used for TCP communication with the JobScheduler i.e. for JOC.
    • The JobScheduler HTTP Port is used for HTTP and HTTPS communication by the JobScheduler Web Services e.g. for JOC Cockpit
      • This port must be unique for each JobScheduler Master being operated either standalone or as a cluster member. 

    • The Host and Port entries are written to the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/scheduler.xml file and can be changed manually later on.
  • The Allowed Host 

    • This field is required as a security feature of the JobScheduler, whereby communication can be restricted to particular computers. This feature is explained in more detail in the JobScheduler allowed_host documentation.
    • The Allowed Host entry is also written to the $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/scheduler.xml file and can be changed manually later on.


All files can be changed manually if required.

Configuring the JDBC Driver-URL for Oracle RAC databases

The JDBC driver URL for Oracle RAC databases should be entered in the Host field of the database connection form. For example:

  • Code Block

In addition the Schema and Port fields should be left empty.

The JDBC Driver

The JDBC The DBMS driver to be used is specified in the middle part of the form:


This dialog form is offered for:

  • ... IBM® IBM® DB2. 
  • ... MySql® MySql® when Use the MariaDB® JDBC® driver for MySql® databases was not checked. 
  • ... Microsoft® Microsoft® SQL Server or Sybase when Use the jTDS JDBC® driver for Sybase and Microsoft® SQL Server databases was not checked.
  • ... Oracle® when Existing Oracle® JDBC® should be used was not checked.

The script for the creation of the database tables is started by the setup program and requires a JDBC® driver appropriate to the database system being used. See the


Overview and Requirements part of this installation guide for information about the database driver required by the JobScheduler Master. The


driver for


PostgreSQL and an Oracle ojdbc6 driver are included in the setup. However, the relevant IBM® DB2, MySql®, Sybase


, Microsoft® SQL Server and an Oracle® ojdbc7 JDBC® driver must be manually specified here. Note that for Microsoft® SQL Server and Sybase databases the jTDS JDBC® driver and for MySql® the MariaDB® JDBC® driver that is delivered as part of the JobScheduler setup can be used when the appropriate checkbox in the previous form was activated.

Note that for IBM® DB2 you have to provide a license file for the driver. As this driver will also be required by the JobScheduler later on, it is copied by the setup into the $SCHEDULER_HOME /lib/user_lib folder.
