Versions Compared


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  • This job template makes use of JDBC connections and the Hibernate database access layer.
  • This job template can be used to access any database which a JDBC Driver is available for on the Agent.
    • JS7 includes a number of JDBC Drivers for supported DBMS, see the JS7 - Database article.
    • For other DBMSs users can provide an individual JDBC Driver and store that Driver's .jar file in the ./lib/user_lib directory of the Agent installation.
  • This job template supports use of a JS7 - Credential Store.
  • Delimitation:
    • Note that specific SQL language extensions such as Oracle® PL/SQL are not supported by Hibernate.
    • For Oracle® PL/SQL use the JS7 - JITL PLSQLJob.
    • For Oracle® SQL*Plus use the JS7 - JITL SQLPLUSJob.

The job supports encryption of database credentials if used with a Hibernate configuration file, see JS7 - How to encrypt and decrypt Database Credentials.


When defining the job either:


  • The cancel operation is applied to the order, not to the SQLExecutorJob. In case of cancellation the job will continue until completion and the order will be put in set to the failed state.
  • The cancel/killforce operation is applied to the order and to the job. The SQLExecutorJob will be killedforcibly terminated, any transactions will be rolled back, the database connection will be closed and the DBMS session will be terminated. The order will be put in set to the failed state.The DBMS decides about rolling back transactions when closing the client session.

Further Resources
